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Question: Do you support the death penalty?

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The Death Penalty is still drawin' a crowd... (Read 34895 times)
Peter Freedman
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Re: The Death Penalty is still drawin' a crowd...
Reply #240 - Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:02pm
John Smith wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:55pm:
Peter Freedman wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:45pm:
ian wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:09pm:
Lets see someone defend this pedophiles right to live amongst humans.

It is a question of society's right to kill him. I believe we have no such right.

In the case referred to, a man aged 42 has been sentenced to 40 years. If he serves his full sentence he may never be released.

Every day of the rest of his life, he can think about what he did and why he is behind bars.

Isn't that a better punishment than putting him to death?

meanwhile every day for the next 80 yrs, this kid gets to re-live everything they did to him. Nope, I still think it would be better for all concerned if they killed the bloke ... at least then the kid would know there is one monster under his bed who is never coming back.

Is that really the best you can come up with? That lame piece of crap? Are you so desperate to see someone die?
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Big Dave
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Re: The Death Penalty is still drawin' a crowd...
Reply #241 - Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:03pm
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 4:13pm:
Big Dave wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 4:10pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 4:04pm:
Avram Horowitz wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 4:01pm:
The death penalty is a key part of a society where you must enact vengeance.

Never allow a act to go unpunished.
Never allow a act to not bring vengeance to the people wronged.

If you kill someone then you in turn must be killed.

It is the act of a just society who looks after its people.

Actually, it's the act of an extremely barbaric society fueled by vengeance instead of the desire for justice.
You get the other extreme. At the moment australia is being run by a pack of pussies who don't have the spine to mark hard decisions. People are running around laughing at our laws.

who?  Ive not heard any international mocking at all. Given that we are the most desirable location on the planet that sounds like... made-up fantasy.

They are laughing at our laws in SW Sydney. They are burning each others factories down and shooting one another. It's you that lives in the fantasy world.
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John Smith
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Re: The Death Penalty is still drawin' a crowd...
Reply #242 - Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:04pm
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:59pm:
John Smith wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:55pm:
Peter Freedman wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:45pm:
ian wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:09pm:
Lets see someone defend this pedophiles right to live amongst humans.

It is a question of society's right to kill him. I believe we have no such right.

In the case referred to, a man aged 42 has been sentenced to 40 years. If he serves his full sentence he may never be released.

Every day of the rest of his life, he can think about what he did and why he is behind bars.

Isn't that a better punishment than putting him to death?

meanwhile every day for the next 80 yrs, this kid gets to re-live everything they did to him. Nope, I still think it would be better for all concerned if they killed the bloke ... at least then the kid would know there is one monster under his bed who is never coming back.

thats already true.  again., all you want - all you DP-supporters ever want - is DEATH and BLOOD.

you cant even make a conherent cogent argument for the DP beyond bloodlust

that's exactly right, in these cases, I want blood .... I'll leave the arguments for you. By the way, I notice you avoided answering my question . If after he, or any other pedo, has served his sentence & moves in next door to your grandkids would you object?
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I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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A Dog With A Bone

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Re: The Death Penalty is still drawin' a crowd...
Reply #243 - Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:04pm
Well Jack, I'm going to have to be civil to you because I agree with you 100% on this particular matter.

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An intellectual is a man who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows.
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Peter Freedman
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Re: The Death Penalty is still drawin' a crowd...
Reply #244 - Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:04pm
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:55pm:
Peter Freedman wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:23pm:
Avram Horowitz wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 5:16pm:
You live and die by the sword.

You look at things different to me because of our different worlds.

Avram, you describe a society whose life system is based on vengeance. You face Arab nations whose attitude is the same.

It is no wonder you are in a constant state of war. How could it be otherwise?

How do you think peace can ever be achieved?

It is achieved by the first person to stop shooting back. The whole reason ME peace Plans ALWAYS fail is because there are too many retards on both sides ready to kill someone on the basis of an offence from hundreds if not thousands of years before.

Sad, but so true.
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John Smith
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Re: The Death Penalty is still drawin' a crowd...
Reply #245 - Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:06pm
Peter Freedman wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:02pm:
John Smith wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:55pm:
Peter Freedman wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:45pm:
ian wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:09pm:
Lets see someone defend this pedophiles right to live amongst humans.

It is a question of society's right to kill him. I believe we have no such right.

In the case referred to, a man aged 42 has been sentenced to 40 years. If he serves his full sentence he may never be released.

Every day of the rest of his life, he can think about what he did and why he is behind bars.

Isn't that a better punishment than putting him to death?

meanwhile every day for the next 80 yrs, this kid gets to re-live everything they did to him. Nope, I still think it would be better for all concerned if they killed the bloke ... at least then the kid would know there is one monster under his bed who is never coming back.

Is that really the best you can come up with? That lame piece of crap? Are you so desperate to see someone die?

not someone, just a pieces of living sh1t like this bloke.

What makes you think I need to justify my position to you? I'm not trying to convince you, just don't try and convince me that pandering to these pedo's is the answer.
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I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Re: The Death Penalty is still drawin' a crowd...
Reply #246 - Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:07pm
John Smith wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:56pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:53pm:
ian wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:11pm:
And we have a winner, longweekend doesnt condemn the vicious pedophile but instead condemns the person who very appropriately states that the scumbag should forfeit his life! Unbeleivable!

bloodlust, bloodlust. it is all you DP-proponents ever do. And most of you dont even TRY and put up a coherent argument. You just demand BLOOD and pretend that that solves the problem. It isnt even a deterrent!

If a death sentence isn't a deterrent , what makes you think anything else will work to deter them?

ah... the penny drops. there are many criminals for whom there is no deterrence possible. Sociopaths for example.  Pedophiles (real ones, not the ones often called thus) are the same. So are the pathologically violent and other classes of criminal. they simply cannot be deterred. You can only protect as best you can.

The problem is that YOU see the DP as deterrence but you are not likely to commit any of these crimes. Dont imagien that everyone else thinks the same way.  There are some get sick people out there, some of whom dont expect to live toa ripe old age so the DP holds no terror or deterence
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Re: The Death Penalty is still drawin' a crowd...
Reply #247 - Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:09pm
Big Dave wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:03pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 4:13pm:
Big Dave wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 4:10pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 4:04pm:
Avram Horowitz wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 4:01pm:
The death penalty is a key part of a society where you must enact vengeance.

Never allow a act to go unpunished.
Never allow a act to not bring vengeance to the people wronged.

If you kill someone then you in turn must be killed.

It is the act of a just society who looks after its people.

Actually, it's the act of an extremely barbaric society fueled by vengeance instead of the desire for justice.
You get the other extreme. At the moment australia is being run by a pack of pussies who don't have the spine to mark hard decisions. People are running around laughing at our laws.

who?  Ive not heard any international mocking at all. Given that we are the most desirable location on the planet that sounds like... made-up fantasy.

They are laughing at our laws in SW Sydney. They are burning each others factories down and shooting one another. It's you that lives in the fantasy world.

the gang wars, mass murder and infernos didnt make the media. Is thatr a conspiracy of silence or is it more likely that what you are saying is just BS?
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Re: The Death Penalty is still drawin' a crowd...
Reply #248 - Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:11pm
John Smith wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:04pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:59pm:
John Smith wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:55pm:
Peter Freedman wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:45pm:
ian wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:09pm:
Lets see someone defend this pedophiles right to live amongst humans.

It is a question of society's right to kill him. I believe we have no such right.

In the case referred to, a man aged 42 has been sentenced to 40 years. If he serves his full sentence he may never be released.

Every day of the rest of his life, he can think about what he did and why he is behind bars.

Isn't that a better punishment than putting him to death?

meanwhile every day for the next 80 yrs, this kid gets to re-live everything they did to him. Nope, I still think it would be better for all concerned if they killed the bloke ... at least then the kid would know there is one monster under his bed who is never coming back.

thats already true.  again., all you want - all you DP-supporters ever want - is DEATH and BLOOD.

you cant even make a conherent cogent argument for the DP beyond bloodlust

that's exactly right, in these cases, I want blood .... I'll leave the arguments for you. By the way, I notice you avoided answering my question . If after he, or any other pedo, has served his sentence & moves in next door to your grandkids would you object?

its moot because he isnt getting out.  And I dont have the problem of a guilty conscience of executing criminals who may not all be actually guilty.  Thats a problem you refuse to address.
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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John Smith
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Re: The Death Penalty is still drawin' a crowd...
Reply #249 - Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:13pm
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:07pm:
John Smith wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:56pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:53pm:
ian wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:11pm:
And we have a winner, longweekend doesnt condemn the vicious pedophile but instead condemns the person who very appropriately states that the scumbag should forfeit his life! Unbeleivable!

bloodlust, bloodlust. it is all you DP-proponents ever do. And most of you dont even TRY and put up a coherent argument. You just demand BLOOD and pretend that that solves the problem. It isnt even a deterrent!

If a death sentence isn't a deterrent , what makes you think anything else will work to deter them?

ah... the penny drops. there are many criminals for whom there is no deterrence possible. Sociopaths for example.  Pedophiles (real ones, not the ones often called thus) are the same. So are the pathologically violent and other classes of criminal. they simply cannot be deterred. You can only protect as best you can.

The problem is that YOU see the DP as deterrence but you are not likely to commit any of these crimes. Dont imagien that everyone else thinks the same way.  There are some get sick people out there, some of whom dont expect to live toa ripe old age so the DP holds no terror or deterence

WRONG WRONG WRONG.... I've never said I see the death penalty as a deterrent, I just pointed out that if it doesn't deter someone nothing will .....

I see the death penalty as a solution, with a little comeuppance thrown in for good measure.
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I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Re: The Death Penalty is still drawin' a crowd...
Reply #250 - Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:15pm
John Smith wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:13pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:07pm:
John Smith wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:56pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:53pm:
ian wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:11pm:
And we have a winner, longweekend doesnt condemn the vicious pedophile but instead condemns the person who very appropriately states that the scumbag should forfeit his life! Unbeleivable!

bloodlust, bloodlust. it is all you DP-proponents ever do. And most of you dont even TRY and put up a coherent argument. You just demand BLOOD and pretend that that solves the problem. It isnt even a deterrent!

If a death sentence isn't a deterrent , what makes you think anything else will work to deter them?

ah... the penny drops. there are many criminals for whom there is no deterrence possible. Sociopaths for example.  Pedophiles (real ones, not the ones often called thus) are the same. So are the pathologically violent and other classes of criminal. they simply cannot be deterred. You can only protect as best you can.

The problem is that YOU see the DP as deterrence but you are not likely to commit any of these crimes. Dont imagien that everyone else thinks the same way.  There are some get sick people out there, some of whom dont expect to live toa ripe old age so the DP holds no terror or deterence

WRONG WRONG WRONG.... I've never said I see the death penalty as a deterrent, I just pointed out that if it doesn't deter someone nothing will .....

I see the death penalty as a solution, with a little comeuppance thrown in for good measure.

a solution to what exactly? you already admit is is not a deterrent (and in fact has been show to slightly INCREASE violent crime) so what is the problem that it is a solution to. The murdered victim is not coming back from the dead and the families are not getting anythign either so again, to what problem is this a solution to beyond appealing to the bloodlust of a few?
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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John Smith
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Re: The Death Penalty is still drawin' a crowd...
Reply #251 - Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:16pm
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:11pm:
John Smith wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:04pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:59pm:
John Smith wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:55pm:
Peter Freedman wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:45pm:
ian wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:09pm:
Lets see someone defend this pedophiles right to live amongst humans.

It is a question of society's right to kill him. I believe we have no such right.

In the case referred to, a man aged 42 has been sentenced to 40 years. If he serves his full sentence he may never be released.

Every day of the rest of his life, he can think about what he did and why he is behind bars.

Isn't that a better punishment than putting him to death?

meanwhile every day for the next 80 yrs, this kid gets to re-live everything they did to him. Nope, I still think it would be better for all concerned if they killed the bloke ... at least then the kid would know there is one monster under his bed who is never coming back.

thats already true.  again., all you want - all you DP-supporters ever want - is DEATH and BLOOD.

you cant even make a conherent cogent argument for the DP beyond bloodlust

that's exactly right, in these cases, I want blood .... I'll leave the arguments for you. By the way, I notice you avoided answering my question . If after he, or any other pedo, has served his sentence & moves in next door to your grandkids would you object?

its moot because he isnt getting out.  And I dont have the problem of a guilty conscience of executing criminals who may not all be actually guilty.  Thats a problem you refuse to address.

ahh, I notice now you keep your answer limited to him, whereas before you were worried about the innocent ... Ok, would you have been happy if Dennis Ferguson or any other pedo , upon his release from prison (and before dying), moved in next door to your grandkids?

As for the guilty conscience bullsh1t, I doubt it would bother me too much. As long as my intentions are honest, I accept that I cannot control everything and understand that mistakes are made and I am prepared to live with that.
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I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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John Smith
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Re: The Death Penalty is still drawin' a crowd...
Reply #252 - Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:17pm
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:15pm:
John Smith wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:13pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:07pm:
John Smith wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:56pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:53pm:
ian wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:11pm:
And we have a winner, longweekend doesnt condemn the vicious pedophile but instead condemns the person who very appropriately states that the scumbag should forfeit his life! Unbeleivable!

bloodlust, bloodlust. it is all you DP-proponents ever do. And most of you dont even TRY and put up a coherent argument. You just demand BLOOD and pretend that that solves the problem. It isnt even a deterrent!

If a death sentence isn't a deterrent , what makes you think anything else will work to deter them?

ah... the penny drops. there are many criminals for whom there is no deterrence possible. Sociopaths for example.  Pedophiles (real ones, not the ones often called thus) are the same. So are the pathologically violent and other classes of criminal. they simply cannot be deterred. You can only protect as best you can.

The problem is that YOU see the DP as deterrence but you are not likely to commit any of these crimes. Dont imagien that everyone else thinks the same way.  There are some get sick people out there, some of whom dont expect to live toa ripe old age so the DP holds no terror or deterence

WRONG WRONG WRONG.... I've never said I see the death penalty as a deterrent, I just pointed out that if it doesn't deter someone nothing will .....

I see the death penalty as a solution, with a little comeuppance thrown in for good measure.

a solution to what exactly? you already admit is is not a deterrent (and in fact has been show to slightly INCREASE violent crime) so what is the problem that it is a solution to. The murdered victim is not coming back from the dead and the families are not getting anythign either so again, to what problem is this a solution to beyond appealing to the bloodlust of a few?

to that piece of sh1t
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Peter Freedman
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Re: The Death Penalty is still drawin' a crowd...
Reply #253 - Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:17pm
John Smith wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:06pm:
Peter Freedman wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:02pm:
John Smith wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:55pm:
Peter Freedman wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:45pm:
ian wrote on Jun 29th, 2013 at 6:09pm:
Lets see someone defend this pedophiles right to live amongst humans.

It is a question of society's right to kill him. I believe we have no such right.

In the case referred to, a man aged 42 has been sentenced to 40 years. If he serves his full sentence he may never be released.

Every day of the rest of his life, he can think about what he did and why he is behind bars.

Isn't that a better punishment than putting him to death?

meanwhile every day for the next 80 yrs, this kid gets to re-live everything they did to him. Nope, I still think it would be better for all concerned if they killed the bloke ... at least then the kid would know there is one monster under his bed who is never coming back.

Is that really the best you can come up with? That lame piece of crap? Are you so desperate to see someone die?

not someone, just a pieces of living sh1t like this bloke.

What makes you think I need to justify my position to you? I'm not trying to convince you, just don't try and convince me that pandering to these pedo's is the answer.

If you are not prepared to take a position and justify it, what the hell are you doing here? Take up lacrosse instead.
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God grant me the patience to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and, above all, the wisdom to tell the difference.
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A Dog With A Bone

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Re: The Death Penalty is still drawin' a crowd...
Reply #254 - Jun 29th, 2013 at 7:18pm
Lack of a serious deterrent condones these maggots to enact their terrible crimes with impunity. Capital Punishment is a deterrent.

I will not explain myself to smacking idiots who have no experience with the results of these type of murderous acts which leave a trail of victims which are left agonising over the result of this depraved, psychopathic scum who have no conscience whatsoever.

Rehabilitate them with a lethal injection.
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An intellectual is a man who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows.
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