John Smith wrote on Jun 30
th, 2013 at 9:10am:
By the way, Just to refresh your memory, last nights question ..... would you be happy for a serial pedo who was released from jail, after serving his sentence, to move next door to your grandkids ?
I don't accept the premise of your question.
Why is the "serial pedo" being released?
Don't ask me, I have no idea why they let them out .... Dennis Ferguson was a serial pedo ... and yet they let him out, Look at the Jill Meagher murderer (I know, he's not a pedo) ... 22 counts of rape and they let the fcker out ,.... it they had strung the worthless piece of sh1t up, and that woman would still be alive and her family would not be the wreck they currently are. You ask me why they let them out ... wrong person, if it was up to me these people would never get out. Lock them in a dungeon, a bucket to poo in, a bowl of slop a day and leave them to the rats , that's my other option if we can't execute them
You seem to be suggesting that there are only two options when it comes to dealing with "serial pedos": the death penalty or release from jail.
The first question you should ask is "would you be happy for a serial pedo to be released from jail"?
Then, you can ask the second question regarding the grandkids.
(and, of course, by "serial pedo" I assume that you meant "serial sex offender")