sir prince duke alevine wrote on Jun 28
th, 2013 at 1:18am:
Actually no, I am reluctant to vote at all at this stage.
Your argument may have been better relating to the greens if you actually spoke about their utopian style policies, policies that are hard to disagree with apart from the fact they are either poorly costed or not costed at all. The idea of A more just society with better health and free education is great from the greens, only it is extreme in the current climate given the level of funding required. The idea of minimizing road funding and opting for public transport is fantastic, only that this country is built for road freight and having no support for it can be seen as extreme. The idea of closing all coal stations and stopping all their funding is great also, other than its without short term consequential thinking, making it also extreme in my opinion. Progress needs to occur, but progress must always have short tern ans long term planning, and the greens in my opinion are too long term and no short term. Hence I find some of theirpolicies, while idologically I'd agree with, extreme to the point where I wouldn't trust them in government. But to say they are extreme for having their own free speech against Allen and boltsandnuts... please.
As for labor. Yes the media reforms independent body elected by government minister was something I didn't agree with. Poor policy design. Incredibly poor policy design. But the aim of industry self regulation is hardly extreme. So sorry someone has asked the industry to self regulate and bring in a standard for what can be regarded as factual opinion and news, and wat can be regarded as utter extreme ranting.
As for your "gillard dictator" ranting, like I said, all fluff and no substance. Provide proper examples or go back to sitting on the sideline.
You make it seem as though the Greens are a peaceful and well-meaning, yet naive and unrealistically optimistic. Whie I do understand the point that you make, alevine, the fact is that the Greens are worse than that. They take a very staunch view against anybody who disagrees with them, and makes it seem like they're some evil monster, simply for having an opposing view. They also want to let every boat to be let in, most of whom are Muslim, whilst true and genuine refugees are sent to the back of the queue for doing the right thing and waiting their turn.
As for the other points
Milne and brown thought that Alan should be taken off air simply for his comment about Gillard's father's death.
Conroy bragged about unfettered power, and he and Gillard both wanted to restrict what the media could say.
Roxon thought that it was 'not alowed' for a man to make comprisons between Gillard and a cow. I forget the exact comment, but will look it up.
Gillard brazenly broke her promise about the carbon tax, and offered no apology. Nor did she apologise about her broken promise over a surplus, or explain why she repeatedly promised it.