warrigal wrote on Jul 2
nd, 2013 at 6:39am:
Herbert you are the biggest most Ignorant person on this forum.
You're only saying that because I'm a black fella. I'm still waiting for the rent on my land, Warrigal. I accept Visa Card, PayPal, and American Express.
warrigal wrote on Jul 2
nd, 2013 at 6:39am:
IF you expect people to work provide jobs to them.
There's so much work available that the government is bringing in 200,000 migrants and refugees each year to fill these vacancies.
warrigal wrote on Jul 2
nd, 2013 at 6:39am:
The story talks about the assistance given by welfare support agencys, and in one case food vouchers given to the welfare recipient.
Then the go off with the welfare payment and there vouchers to buy food.
they come back and talk to the abc reporter about what food they have got and what other neccessitys they have bought.
The reporter then asks how much money do you have left,and most of them only have $30 to $40 dollars left.
In my local town centre there's a taxi rank, and guess who are the ones you most see queuing up for an expensive ride home?
The local dole bludgers and Disability Support Pensioners. Cigarettes in their mouths, shopping trolleys loaded to the brim, small dirty-looking toddlers by the half-dozen, and the inevitable carton of VB stubbies.
They live better than the working people. All day they're carousing at the local cafes with their mates. Cigarettes. Grog. Babies. Taxis.
I genuinely don't know how the hell they get away with it.
What I think is absolutely NUTS is the government bringing asylum-seekers onto the Australian mainland and then setting them free to wander around without any apparent source of income.
That is a recipe for crime, rape, gang-formation, people-bashing, etc.