longweekend58 wrote on Jun 29
th, 2013 at 6:02pm:
Well, Kevin Rudd of course! Every failed leader needs a scapegoat and who better than the biggest ego in the country? After all, even Rudd’s closest supporters recognise that he is a narcissistic egotist in love with himself more than anything else. Not that narcissism and ego are in short supply on the front benches of either side of the House, but Rudd leaves them all in the shade. Rudd’s all-encompassing ego would have him take on the job of Captain of the Titanic just as it was about to strike the iceberg without a second thought.
Big egos are a problem only for people delusional about their own worth. You can hardly call Kevin delusional when he's popular.
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 29
th, 2013 at 6:02pm:
Has anyone thought much about what the Rudd Government is actually going to do with its time in office, fleeting though it will be? Parliament will not sit again until the next election, therefore there is no legislation to pass.
There is nothing for them to do except campaign for the election. They kept Julia this long because it was likely that Labor would lose support of the Greens and Independents if they switched leaders. Now it doesn't matter.
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 29
th, 2013 at 6:02pm:
And this is where the master-plan starts to come into play. Julia Gillard and Wayne Swan weren’t merely polite at losing power. They seemed positively serene, even happy. After years of saying they would rather skewer themselves publically than support Rudd, here were a sizable number of the caucus doing precisely that. An obvious reason was to try and save some seats by grabbing some of Rudd’s popularity, but while that is true, the timing is suspicious given that the argument has been true for a year or more.
I think you're reading too much into it. There was no master plan. To say so is to suggest that those involved in the leadership spill were in control of the circumstances. You would either have to be a god, a psychic or an Illuminati. Nobody has that kind of power.
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 29
th, 2013 at 6:02pm:
Tony Abbott refused to have a vote of no confidence which seemed a little odd given the state of the parliament. It had some chance of success. But perhaps he too caught a whiff in the air that there were other plans being cast about and it was perhaps best to distance himself from them. After all, an election is due in a couple months anyhow.
Tony considers Kevin a worthy opponent. Julia was hardly a challenge for him. He didn't mind cutting off her head in Parliament.
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 29
th, 2013 at 6:02pm:
The plan is perfect - almost. Rudd destroyed, hung by his own ego and hubris. Gillard and Swan with reputations if not restored, certainly vastly improved. And in the final key, Bill Shorten cemented as the leader of the post-election ALP with an actual decent number of members of caucus instead of the mini-bus he was anticipating. And with the improved primary vote, the slim hope of an Abbot senate majority evaporates. It’s all win - except for Kevin Rudd who leads the party to a substantial loss..
It's possible, but your theory hasn't been proven true yet. Kevin has to lose first. I doubt whether Wayne and Julia even care what happens next. They believed they were going to lose. They believed supporting Kevin would be too humiliating for the Party. They were prepared to go down with the sinking ship. I doubt whether revenge would be on their minds, because it certainly wouldn't be on mine. I would be grateful for the opportunity to serve in a government. With the Gillard government in its last days, they would have been satisfied with what they got. Besides, they got through three years of a minority government. They're proud of their achievements.
longweekend58 wrote on Jun 29
th, 2013 at 6:02pm:
There is only one catch. What if Kevin Rudd pulls of the near impossible and scores a comeback win that makes Paul Keating’s 1993 victory look like amateur hour? Shorten is gone. Gillard and Swan look like serial losers and Rudd could turn the country into a monarchy and be crowned King if he wished. And let’s face it. His ego could support it!
Oh come on now, you're starting to get a bit silly here.