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Fears For Lost Generation Of Jobless Youth. (Read 2273 times)
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Fears For Lost Generation Of Jobless Youth.
Jun 30th, 2013 at 7:14am
Fears for lost generation of jobless youth

    June 30, 2013

Latest Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show job vacancies have fallen in 15 out of 18 industries.

Australia is running the risk of creating its own European-style ''lost generation'' of youth, with unemployment rates for young people in some parts of Melbourne and Sydney running at almost four times the national average.      Sad

In Melbourne's outer west, one in five people aged between 15 and 24 are trying to find work. Lucas Walsh, associate dean at Monash University's education faculty, said it was deplorable given Australia's stable economy.

''Youth unemployment is at an unacceptable level,'' he said. ''The reason why it's unacceptable is … we are in the longest period of unbroken economic growth we have experienced in this country. Adult unemployment is extremely low. Are these employment opportunities being passed on to teenagers? No, they are not.''

He said cuts to vocational education and training organisations had reduced employment options for young people.      Sad    

Further, those in disadvantaged areas do not have the same social or professional connections as those in wealthier suburbs. The youth unemployment rate in Sydney's east is only 4.1 per cent, while Canterbury-Bankstown in the west is the city's worst-affected area, with an unemployment rate of 19.1 per cent for people aged 15-24. The national youth unemployment rate is 11.6 per cent, compared with a national unemployment rate of 5.5 per cent.      Sad

Phil Lewis, of the University of Canberra's Centre for Labour Market Research, said the concentration of young unemployed was concerning.

''The reason youth unemployment is concentrated in particular suburbs is because these young people tend to live with their parents,'' he said. ''There are often higher levels of unemployment among the parents and lower levels of education. In the richer suburbs there is a culture. The parents were probably well-educated. The expectation is that young people will go on to further study.''

Changes to Australia's job market mean blue-collar jobs such as manufacturing are declining.      Sad

''People without skills may have been able to get a job in a factory or on the railways in the past but those jobs don't exist any more,'' he said. ''With the structural change to the economy you really have to have an education to get into the labour market.''

Latest Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show job vacancies have fallen in 15 out of 18 industries. More than 687,700 Australians were looking for work last month, up from 624,900 in May 2012. In Victoria, there were five unemployed for every vacancy. ''It's a complex problem,'' said Damian Oliver, of Sydney University's Workplace Research Centre. ''It's important to boost post-school education and training, so there needs to be investment at that level but that doesn't create jobs. It doesn't do much for those young people who are starting from much further behind and don't have those direct pathways into work.''

The long-term unemployed are at risk of ending up like the ''lost generation'' of Europe's jobless youth, he said.

''The reason why youth unemployment is such an urgent policy issue is that if young people miss the opportunity of a good start in the labour market, it just gets harder and harder every day, every week, every month, every year they can't get their first job and get that foothold.''

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Re: Fears For Lost Generation Of Jobless Youth.
Reply #1 - Jun 30th, 2013 at 7:48am
since when has 15 b een the working age?? I thought that went out 40 years ago..

didnt the gillard govt pay parents to keep their 16/17 years olds in school longer????

I dont get it... 15 seems like child labour to me.
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The Heartless Felon
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Re: Fears For Lost Generation Of Jobless Youth.
Reply #2 - Jun 30th, 2013 at 8:04am

What happened to the million jobs Rullard/Giludd created?
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Ex Dame Pansi
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Re: Fears For Lost Generation Of Jobless Youth.
Reply #3 - Jun 30th, 2013 at 8:10am

Don't blame the young people for not working, blame yourselves, you were greedy, you wanted 7/8 of the cake, the selfish generation who stole the future of gen x and gen y.

We are in the same position as most of Europe, for example, Spain, Italy and even Germany has 35% youth unemployment, the US and the UK.

The greedy baby boomers literally sold out the next generation, they betrayed the youth of their own country. They stole their children's future.

Please Just bugger Off, It's Our Turn Now
(Holding Baby Boomers to Account)

by Ryan Heath (

It's easy to read, according to my publishers it's "bitingly funny," (they would say that) but it is definitely controversial. A book you are going to love or hate, there is no sitting on the fence with this one.
Either way, it should make you change the way you think about Australia and all of the young people in it.

If you've ever wondered why you don't read more about young people who aren't Paris Hilton. If you're sick of not being able to buy a house or get a promotion despite your 20 years of education and working twice as hard as your boss – this book is what you need for inspiration, bitching material and the occasional answer.

It's not perfect, by any means, but it tries to put down in writing a positive view of people born after 1970 and lets rip into all the crap in Australia that frustrates so many of us. From Anne Summers to shallow Sydneysiders to boomers who think multiculturalism is an eating strategy – they're all taken down.

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"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." Hendrix
andrei said: Great isn't it? Seeing boatloads of what is nothing more than human garbage turn up.....
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Ex Dame Pansi
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Re: Fears For Lost Generation Of Jobless Youth.
Reply #4 - Jun 30th, 2013 at 8:13am
cods wrote on Jun 30th, 2013 at 7:48am:
since when has 15 b een the working age?? I thought that went out 40 years ago..

didnt the gillard govt pay parents to keep their 16/17 years olds in school longer????

I dont get it... 15 seems like child labour to me.

It's actually 14 and 9 months cods. Not everyone wants to be an academic and they shouldn't be forced to stay in school if it's not beneficial to them.
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"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." Hendrix
andrei said: Great isn't it? Seeing boatloads of what is nothing more than human garbage turn up.....
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Re: Fears For Lost Generation Of Jobless Youth.
Reply #5 - Jun 30th, 2013 at 8:17am
Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jun 30th, 2013 at 8:13am:
cods wrote on Jun 30th, 2013 at 7:48am:
since when has 15 b een the working age?? I thought that went out 40 years ago..

didnt the gillard govt pay parents to keep their 16/17 years olds in school longer????

I dont get it... 15 seems like child labour to me.

It's actually 14 and 9 months cods. Not everyone wants to be an academic and they shouldn't be forced to stay in school if it's not beneficial to them.

have two grandsons that are working since they were 14.9months.. casual of course one in a 5 star Hotel in Canberra the other at Maccas.. very proud of them I am..I am not referring to that... I am referring to crook remarks.. about unemployed.,.. can a youth of 15 go on unemployment?????????????????????..

if not then they should not be counted as unemployed..

I am over job search/austudy/ and every other device they come up with to make the figures go away...dont know about you?
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Re: Fears For Lost Generation Of Jobless Youth.
Reply #6 - Jun 30th, 2013 at 8:25am
It would be interesting to know, how many unemployed people are not counted in the numbers.  I have asked the question many times, have I not?.  Whats the real unemployment number?.      Sad
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Ex Dame Pansi
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Re: Fears For Lost Generation Of Jobless Youth.
Reply #7 - Jun 30th, 2013 at 9:16am
Probably around 20% all round, and about 50% for youth.

The hidden unemployed

The official (seasonally adjusted) unemployment rate now stands at 5 per cent and there is talk again that Australia has virtually attained full employment. However, other labour market data released in March shows that the official figures hide the real extent of unemployment in Australia.  For example, while the number of unemployed at the moment is 604,800 people, the ABS survey of people not in the labour force shows that 1,292,400 of them want to work. Overall 1,897,200 do not have a job but want one.

Put another way, that means that less than a third of the people who want to work are actually defined as unemployed. If we include all those who want to work then the real unemployment rate should be 14.3 per cent of the workforce not 5 per cent.

To be recorded as unemployed by the ABS can actually be quite difficult for those who genuinely want to work. They have to have been ’actively looking for work’ in the previous month and even if they have been actively looking they must be available to start work almost immediately—within the same week they were surveyed.  That excludes many women with caring responsibilities who want to work but also have to find alternative care arrangements.

There is also a substantial level of underemployment which the ABS defines as people who ‘want, and are available for, more hours of work than they currently have’. A total of 833,800 people are underemployed at the moment. Taking account of those people, the real rate of unemployment plus underemployment rises to 20.5 per cent. The official unemployment rate is just the tip of the iceberg in Australia.
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"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." Hendrix
andrei said: Great isn't it? Seeing boatloads of what is nothing more than human garbage turn up.....
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Fears For Lost Generation Of Jobless Youth.
Reply #8 - Jun 30th, 2013 at 3:47pm
Brought to you by a government near you, on the basis of agenda and special interest group (SIG) driven politics:-

a.  The Stolen Generation of fatherless children who never get to know their family beyond their mother's lot.

b.  The Lost Generation of men under siege from violent and unwarranted gender war unleashed on these unsuspecting and naive persons who sought only for a good life and family

c.  The Lost Generation after Generation of young people who are unemployed and thus are increasingly unemployable and never will be.

For the incogniscenti - here it is again:-

Argue the points if you wish - disparage it and you have nothing to contribute to the discussion...

Socio-fascism by any name or cover is still the same - the diktat of a few self-appointeds who consider that they, like the Russian intelligentia socialists pre-Revolution, are the elite and the rest of us are meaningless since we lack 'education' and the 'intellect' and 'knowledge' that they do in their arcane smoke-filled rooms of circular discussion...their concept of the People is themselves and their mates only, not YOU!

... and all the current wave of socio-fascists on BOTH sides of politics here have achieved for us all is greater and greater social divides and growing poverty for the many accompanied with massive privilege for the few... including them.

Let me add again - as a person with some connection with the intelligence community (as they know and will read again here) - there are people arming out there, and not for directly criminal enterprises - they are arming against Der Tag when they need to take back their own asylum......

We, The People - NEED to become and remain the ultimate guard over the guard who guards us......that is our only hope........ Cry

The alternative is never-ending violence in one form or another.. ladies.. gentlemen .. failure is NOT an option this time around.

ADDS:-  Pansi hit it on the head - hidden unemployed is massive.  I'm a pensioner, looking for work constantly, and ready to start work imediately even if it means relocating - I've applied for international jobs -

'Asking only workman's wages,
I come looking for a job but I get no offers,
just a come-on from the whores on Seventh Avenue'....

ABS figures - even when I worked there (quit over AA by the way, as an unprincipled measure of calculated dicsrimination - but I've been over that - just another example of socio-fascism) -were a lie..... even Centrelink figures showed more recipients on dole than their figures showed unemployed....

You are employed if you work at all.... one hour a week at MacFries is the benchmark...

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« Last Edit: Jun 30th, 2013 at 3:57pm by Grappler Truth Teller Feller »  

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: Fears For Lost Generation Of Jobless Youth.
Reply #9 - Jun 30th, 2013 at 6:34pm
cods wrote on Jun 30th, 2013 at 7:48am:
since when has 15 b een the working age?? I thought that went out 40 years ago..

didnt the gillard govt pay parents to keep their 16/17 years olds in school longer????

I dont get it... 15 seems like child labour to me.

I agree. since when was the employment rate of 15-18yos of any consequence?  They should be in school and if they are not then perhaps the reason for their unemployment is that they are unskilled and probably untrainable.
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Re: Fears For Lost Generation Of Jobless Youth.
Reply #10 - Jun 30th, 2013 at 6:36pm
Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jun 30th, 2013 at 8:13am:
cods wrote on Jun 30th, 2013 at 7:48am:
since when has 15 b een the working age?? I thought that went out 40 years ago..

didnt the gillard govt pay parents to keep their 16/17 years olds in school longer????

I dont get it... 15 seems like child labour to me.

It's actually 14 and 9 months cods. Not everyone wants to be an academic and they shouldn't be forced to stay in school if it's not beneficial to them.

it is hardly 'being an academic' to pass year 9!  Perhaps their unemployment issues are related to a lack of education.  Exactly what jobs would a person with year 8 level education expect? 
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Re: Fears For Lost Generation Of Jobless Youth.
Reply #11 - Jun 30th, 2013 at 6:47pm
Prime Minister
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Re: Fears For Lost Generation Of Jobless Youth.
Reply #12 - Jun 30th, 2013 at 7:07pm
miketrees wrote on Jun 30th, 2013 at 6:47pm:
Prime Minister

while funny, the truth is that most MPs are very well educated.
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Re: Fears For Lost Generation Of Jobless Youth.
Reply #13 - Jun 30th, 2013 at 7:11pm
Fears For Lost Generation Of Jobless Youth.


Blame the Labor Rudd-Labor...they were/are the 'employment' and 'industrial relations/unions' party.
Just ask them, they'''l tell you.  Smiley.
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Peter Freedman
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Re: Fears For Lost Generation Of Jobless Youth.
Reply #14 - Jul 1st, 2013 at 9:53am
bambu wrote on Jun 30th, 2013 at 7:11pm:
Fears For Lost Generation Of Jobless Youth.


Blame the Labor Rudd-Labor...they were/are the 'employment' and 'industrial relations/unions' party.
Just ask them, they'''l tell you.  Smiley.

Aah, the blame game rightards love to play.

So what would Tony do about it? This problem is far more serious than asylum seekers and facile slogans like "stop the boats" won't cut it.
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God grant me the patience to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and, above all, the wisdom to tell the difference.
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