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Where the Israeil Jews really came from (Read 17553 times)
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Re: Where the Israeil Jews really came from
Reply #15 - Jul 1st, 2013 at 7:08pm
Nope thats your story. When you write it like that, do you get a sense of how ridiculous it sounds?

That's what I think of Muslims like Abu, Ahmedinejad etc. And they are not some tiny minoirty. They have attacked Israel over and over again. Yes it is rediculous. But it is also true.

I'm pretty sure you made that up too. Unless you can elaborate with some evidence?

Have you seen the freeways signs that say "Muslims only". Even today there are remnants of this cleansing.

People tend to get slaughtered during times of war

He wiped out entire tribes. He lined them up and chopped all their heads off. Not just soldiers either. I'm sure if Muhammed had gas chambers he would have made use of them.

Nah, I'm pretty sure you're referring to the same above-mentioned slaughter. You can call it both slaughter and collective punishment, but please don't try and pass it off as two separate activities.

Are you suggesting there was only one?

Special treatment? Hmmm pretty sure thats made up story number 3 in this post alone. You going for some sort of record here?

Muslims rant about Jews far more than they rant about Christians or any other group. This is not some recent development. Slaughtering Jews is in the Koran.

Such a relevant question there FD. I'm sure that will absolutely nail the question of WHY arab-Israeli hostilities started in the first place.

Sorry, I keep forgetting. It is Europe and Israel's fault that Arab and other nearby Muslim countries got rid of their Jews.
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Re: Where the Israeil Jews really came from
Reply #16 - Jul 1st, 2013 at 9:01pm
freediver wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 7:08pm:
That's what I think of Muslims like Abu, Ahmedinejad etc. And they are not some tiny minoirty.

How do you know? You hardly ever talk to muslims, you've said so yourself. Almost your entire real-life experience with muslims is limited to this forum - where you goad and troll muslims until they say what you want to hear. Like I said there is a context for muslim bitterness towards Israel, and it has nothing to do with 'frothing at the mouth'.. Hitler imitating. It is baseless and just plain bigoted.

freediver wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 7:08pm:
Have you seen the freeways signs that say "Muslims only". Even today there are remnants of this cleansing.

Freeway, FD - singular. It is a single freeway into the holy city of Mecca. Everyone knows Mecca is a muslim only city. As far as  I know, non-muslims have free access to every other freeway and city in Saudi Arabia (and the rest of the muslim world). You are either being dishonest and/or just making sh!t up again.

freediver wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 7:08pm:
He wiped out entire tribes.

Grin there you go again - again its tribe - singular. And they were executed because they insisted on being judged by jewish law - not islamic law - and the jewish proscribed punishment for violating a treaty was death.

freediver wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 7:08pm:
Are you suggesting there was only one?

Yes I am FD - because unlike you I don't make sh!t up. You are trully unbelievable - but in a really buggered up way, bloody hilarious.

freediver wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 7:08pm:
Muslims rant about Jews far more than they rant about Christians or any other group. This is not some recent development. Slaughtering Jews is in the Koran.

Grin Grin Grin No its not FD - God I don't know whether to laugh or cry, the sheer spine you have to come out with such blatant lies - presumably with a straight face. I really should keep a list.

But anyway, throw-away lines like "muslims rant more about jews" today, isn't even close to demonstrating that historically muslims gave jews "[negative] special treatment" ever since the time of Muhammad. Comparatively speaking, its fair to say that jews were treated quite well by the muslims - notwithstanding the occasional massacre - which all minorities are victims of at some point. The attitude of the muslims only changed after zionism hit the arab world - hence the context that you refuse to acknowledge.

freediver wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 7:08pm:
It is Europe and Israel's fault that Arab and other nearby Muslim countries got rid of their Jews.

Did I say that?? What is wrong with you? Ethnic cleansing/expulsions are *NEVER* excusable - that goes for both the muslims and the jews. I condemn both - whereas you refuse to even recognise one took place, and hold the other as the only thing that defines the entire arab-Israeli conflict.
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Lionel Edriess
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Re: Where the Israeil Jews really came from
Reply #17 - Jul 1st, 2013 at 9:19pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 9:01pm:
freediver wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 7:08pm:
That's what I think of Muslims like Abu, Ahmedinejad etc. And they are not some tiny minoirty.

How do you know? You hardly ever talk to muslims, you've said so yourself. Almost your entire real-life experience with muslims is limited to this forum - where you goad and troll muslims until they say what you want to hear. Like I said there is a context for muslim bitterness towards Israel, and it has nothing to do with 'frothing at the mouth'.. Hitler imitating. It is baseless and just plain bigoted.

freediver wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 7:08pm:
Have you seen the freeways signs that say "Muslims only". Even today there are remnants of this cleansing.

Freeway, FD - singular. It is a single freeway into the holy city of Mecca. Everyone knows Mecca is a muslim only city. As far as  I know, non-muslims have free access to every other freeway and city in Saudi Arabia (and the rest of the muslim world). You are either being dishonest and/or just making sh!t up again.

freediver wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 7:08pm:
He wiped out entire tribes.

Grin there you go again - again its tribe - singular. And they were executed because they insisted on being judged by jewish law - not islamic law - and the jewish proscribed punishment for violating a treaty was death.

freediver wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 7:08pm:
Are you suggesting there was only one?

Yes I am FD - because unlike you I don't make sh!t up. You are trully unbelievable - but in a really buggered up way, bloody hilarious.

freediver wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 7:08pm:
Muslims rant about Jews far more than they rant about Christians or any other group. This is not some recent development. Slaughtering Jews is in the Koran.

Grin Grin Grin No its not FD - God I don't know whether to laugh or cry, the sheer spine you have to come out with such blatant lies - presumably with a straight face. I really should keep a list.

But anyway, throw-away lines like "muslims rant more about jews" today, isn't even close to demonstrating that historically muslims gave jews "[negative] special treatment" ever since the time of Muhammad. Comparatively speaking, its fair to say that jews were treated quite well by the muslims - notwithstanding the occasional massacre - which all minorities are victims of at some point. The attitude of the muslims only changed after zionism hit the arab world - hence the context that you refuse to acknowledge.

freediver wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 7:08pm:
It is Europe and Israel's fault that Arab and other nearby Muslim countries got rid of their Jews.

Did I say that?? What is wrong with you? Ethnic cleansing/expulsions are *NEVER* excusable - that goes for both the muslims and the jews. I condemn both - whereas you refuse to even recognise one took place, and hold the other as the only thing that defines the entire arab-Israeli conflict.

Disregarding the Arab-Israeli conflict, what is the future for us kaffirs in the next Ummah? In the words of the Prophet?

In plain English.

Why does Holocaust spring to mind?

And what can you say, bolstered by the words of the Prophet, to allay such fears?
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Toughen up, Australia!
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Re: Where the Israeil Jews really came from
Reply #18 - Jul 1st, 2013 at 9:43pm
How do you know? You hardly ever talk to muslims, you've said so yourself.

There are a few billion Muslims in the world. Surely there is a better way to find out what they think than asking each one.

Almost your entire real-life experience with muslims is limited to this forum - where you goad and troll muslims until they say what you want to hear.

I want to hear the truth. I keep asking until I get a straight answer. What is wrong with that?

Like I said there is a context for muslim bitterness towards Israel, and it has nothing to do with 'frothing at the mouth'.. Hitler imitating. It is baseless and just plain bigoted.

Right, they are imitating Muhammed. Is that better?

Freeway, FD - singular. It is a single freeway into the holy city of Mecca. Everyone knows Mecca is a muslim only city. As far as  I know, non-muslims have free access to every other freeway and city in Saudi Arabia (and the rest of the muslim world). You are either being dishonest and/or just making sh!t up again.

I posted three links to discussions with other Muslims about the historical event, and I even pointed out the obvious modern maintenance of the situation. Ethnic cleansing is written into the Koran.

its fair to say that jews were treated quite well by the muslims - notwithstanding the occasional massacre

Jolly good show then. Don't know what the Jews are complaining about. Surely they should give up this fanciful notion that they need their own homeland and can't rely on the Muslims to look after them. After all, what would one more massacre be in the grand scheme of things?

Did I say that?? What is wrong with you? Ethnic cleansing/expulsions are *NEVER* excusable

Except of course when Muhammed does it.
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Re: Where the Israeil Jews really came from
Reply #19 - Jul 1st, 2013 at 11:28pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 9:01pm:
Comparatively speaking, its fair to say that jews were treated quite well by the muslims - notwithstanding the occasional massacre - which all minorities are victims of at some point. The attitude of the muslims only changed after zionism hit the arab world - hence the context that you refuse to acknowledge.

I am reassured.

Comparatively speaking, its fair to say that Muslims were treated quite well by the West - notwithstanding the occasional military intervention in self-defence.

In the 1990s the West was even defending the Muslims in the Balkans.  But after they flew planes into the World Trade Center by way of thanks, the attitude changed.


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Re: Where the Israeil Jews really came from
Reply #20 - Jul 2nd, 2013 at 12:12am
freediver wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 9:43pm:
There are a few billion Muslims in the world. Surely there is a better way to find out what they think than asking each one.

Says he who until this point has run ad-nauseum with "I know what the entire muslim population thinks based on what Abu and/or Falah said".

Prey tell, since you have apparently progressed from this line of thinking, what other ways have you determined that muslims are "frothing at the mouth" and are only interested in finishing off what Hitler started? Keeping in mind there are, in your words, "a few billion muslims in the world".

freediver wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 9:43pm:
I want to hear the truth. I keep asking until I get a straight answer. What is wrong with that?

Nothing wrong with that. However you have demonstrated with your wiki articles that you are prone to attributing something said by muslims - that they demonstrably never said at all. Like your claims about spousal rape - Falah is used as a source for the claim that islam permits spousal rape, even though in the thread you linked he argued at length the exact opposite. Or, more blatantly, refer to discussions that never even existed - such as the camel urine claims.

freediver wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 9:43pm:
Right, they are imitating Muhammed. Is that better?

hmmm no - still baseless and bigoted.

freediver wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 9:43pm:
I posted three links to discussions with other Muslims about the historical event, and I even pointed out the obvious modern maintenance of the situation. Ethnic cleansing is written into the Koran.

Thats nice FD - but it has nothing to do with why you referred to multiple "muslim only" freeways in the arab world, when in reality there is exactly one. Oh and your last sentence is made-up-sh!t about the Quran number 2 in two posts.

freediver wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 9:43pm:
Jolly good show then. Don't know what the Jews are complaining about. Surely they should give up this fanciful notion that they need their own homeland and can't rely on the Muslims to look after them. After all, what would one more massacre be in the grand scheme of things?

The jews have plenty they can justly complain about - but crying innocence at the violence that occured in 1947-48 is not one of them.

You are sounding like a broken record with you continually ignoring the proper context of the 1948 war. I wouldn't even mind so much if you would say something like the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians was justified in view of the horrors the jews had experienced - likewise for the King David Hotel bombing and other acts of terrorism.

I agree that something needed to be done, You might even be able to convince me that a jewish state should have been created - with proper consultation, without the terrorism and ethnic cleansing, and with international cooperation (and preferably without key international negotiators being assassinated). Provided it did not impinge the rights of the non-jews - as specified in the Balfour Declaration. But you seem incapable of discussing any of this, instead you are determined to remain fixated on your 'frothing at the mouth' evil muslim meme. No constructive discussion can come out of that.

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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Where the Israeil Jews really came from
Reply #21 - Jul 2nd, 2013 at 8:22am
Says he who until this point has run ad-nauseum with "I know what the entire muslim population thinks based on what Abu and/or Falah said".

I was more going by the fact that they booted all the Jews out then sent in their armies to finish Allah's work, hence my reference to better ways of gauging their opinion. That Abu supports that sort of thing merely reinforces what is already obvious.

Like your claims about spousal rape - Falah is used as a source for the claim that islam permits spousal rape, even though in the thread you linked he argued at length the exact opposite.

Then conceded that spousal rape is indeed legal under Islam. As is sex slavery. BTW, I also used it as an example of Muslims deliberately misleading people. Cunning eh? ANd it only took me about 50 pages to get the straight answer.

Oh and your last sentence is made-up-sh!t about the Quran number 2 in two posts.

I have given you references to the ethnic cleansing commanded by Muhammed (remnants of which still remain today) which you are steadfastly ignoring because apparently it is more important to get the number of freeways going into Mecca correct.

I agree that something needed to be done, You might even be able to convince me that a jewish state should have been created - with proper consultation

So tell me Gandalf, how would that consultation have gone down? Is this like the consultation Abu insisted that George Bush should have had with every Afghan tribal elder on his way to acquiring Osama Bin Laden?
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Re: Where the Israeil Jews really came from
Reply #22 - Jul 2nd, 2013 at 8:32am
The culmination of 1400 years of Jews "thriving" under Islam - not withstanding the occasional massacre of course.

It started with ethnic cleansing by Muhammed himself (yes, even if there is only one freeway into Mecca).

1400 years later, while the world is still reeling from the horror of the holocaust, the Arabs and some other Muslim countries decide that now is an auspicious time for their final solution, which they achieve with a success and efficiency that Hitler could only dream of. No railways or wasted infrastructure for these Jews, they can buy their own ticket. So they finally get rid of the few remaining Jews. Then they send in their armies to slaughter the Jews who ended up as refugees in tent cities in the Israeli desert - because they are still on Muslim territory, and because they created their own Muslim refugee problem, which is obviously unacceptable. This is where a comparison with Hitler gets difficult, because they suffer the most humiliating defeat imaginable, like if the German army had been sent packing by Amsterdam. It could only have been more embarrassing for them if the Egyptian tanks got bogged in the red sea on the way into battle.

This of course makes the Jews the villains, for not consulting with the Muslims on how to be refugees. And of course the solution is for the Jews to once again live under the yoke of Islam, so they can thrive like they have done for the last 1400 years (notwithstanding the occasional massacre).
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« Last Edit: Jul 2nd, 2013 at 8:40am by freediver »  

People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: Where the Israeil Jews really came from
Reply #23 - Jul 2nd, 2013 at 10:42am
freediver wrote on Jul 2nd, 2013 at 8:22am:
I was more going by the fact that they booted all the Jews out then sent in their armies to finish Allah's work, hence my reference to better ways of gauging their opinion.

Your sequence of events is wrong. The jews were mostly expelled after the war.

freediver wrote on Jul 2nd, 2013 at 8:22am:
Then conceded that spousal rape is indeed legal under Islam.

No he didn't. Seriously, what motivates such bare faced lies?

freediver wrote on Jul 2nd, 2013 at 8:22am:
I have given you references to the ethnic cleansing commanded by Muhammed (remnants of which still remain today) which you are steadfastly ignoring because apparently it is more important to get the number of freeways going into Mecca correct.

This is not from the quran - you made that up.

freediver wrote on Jul 2nd, 2013 at 8:22am:
So tell me Gandalf, how would that consultation have gone down? Is this like the consultation Abu insisted that George Bush should have had with every Afghan tribal elder on his way to acquiring Osama Bin Laden?

Well not assassinating one of the key international negotiators would have been a good start. Not committing the worst terrorist atrocities the conflict has yet seen against the British would have been a good start. And not driving out the arabs before any intervention by the neighbouring arab countries would have been a good start.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Where the Israeil Jews really came from
Reply #24 - Jul 2nd, 2013 at 10:46am
freediver wrote on Jul 2nd, 2013 at 8:32am:
The culmination of 1400 years of Jews "thriving" under Islam - not withstanding the occasional massacre of course.

It started with ethnic cleansing by Muhammed himself (yes, even if there is only one freeway into Mecca).

1400 years later, while the world is still reeling from the horror of the holocaust, the Arabs and some other Muslim countries decide that now is an auspicious time for their final solution, which they achieve with a success and efficiency that Hitler could only dream of. No railways or wasted infrastructure for these Jews, they can buy their own ticket. So they finally get rid of the few remaining Jews. Then they send in their armies to slaughter the Jews who ended up as refugees in tent cities in the Israeli desert - because they are still on Muslim territory, and because they created their own Muslim refugee problem, which is obviously unacceptable. This is where a comparison with Hitler gets difficult, because they suffer the most humiliating defeat imaginable, like if the German army had been sent packing by Amsterdam. It could only have been more embarrassing for them if the Egyptian tanks got bogged in the red sea on the way into battle.

This of course makes the Jews the villains, for not consulting with the Muslims on how to be refugees. And of course the solution is for the Jews to once again live under the yoke of Islam, so they can thrive like they have done for the last 1400 years (notwithstanding the occasional massacre).

polite_gandalf wrote on Jun 30th, 2013 at 12:17pm:

I suggest you look at some objective history, rather than be a mindless drone of Israeli propaganda. As early as 1920 the British foreign office observed that the zionists were creating serious political tensions between the jews and the arabs, by openly boasting that they would overrun the entire area of Palestine - with no consideration to the native arabs living there. Zionist leaders such as Ben-Gurion (as quoted previously) were making it clear that any partition plan to grant both the jews and arabs their own state, was merely a stepping stone towards gaining control of the entire area - and once again to hell with the arab natives. From around 1946-47, the jewish terrorist groups Irgun and the Stern Gang were conducting a systematic terror campaign in key arab urban centres to clear the way for zionist expansion. This was well before the arab nations intervened. When the British rulers attempted to clamp down on this terror campaign, the terrorism was redirected to the British - most famously with the King David Hotel bombing - killing 91 civilians - to date the largest single terrorist attack in the entire history of the conflict. When war broke out in 1948, there is little historical doubt that the Israelis used it as an opportunity to systematically drive out (ethnically cleanse) hundreds of thousands of arab civilians.

Yes, there has been extremism and atrocities by both sides, but once again, as you *ALWAYS* do - you paint this sort of conflict involving muslims as a simple case of muslims only behaving badly. This misses the entire context of zionist provocation, and atrocities meted out against arab civilians in the name of an imperialist agenda.

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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Avram Horowitz
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Re: Where the Israeil Jews really came from
Reply #25 - Jul 2nd, 2013 at 11:58am
polite_gandalf wrote on Jul 2nd, 2013 at 10:42am:
Well not assassinating one of the key international negotiators would have been a good start. Not committing the worst terrorist atrocities the conflict has yet seen against the British would have been a good start. And not driving out the arabs before any intervention by the neighbouring arab countries would have been a good start.

I dont agree with this.
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Re: Where the Israeil Jews really came from
Reply #26 - Jul 2nd, 2013 at 12:05pm
Avram Horowitz wrote on Jul 2nd, 2013 at 11:58am:
I dont agree with this.

Well at least you are kinda addressing it...
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Avram Horowitz
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Re: Where the Israeil Jews really came from
Reply #27 - Jul 2nd, 2013 at 12:08pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Jul 2nd, 2013 at 12:05pm:
Avram Horowitz wrote on Jul 2nd, 2013 at 11:58am:
I dont agree with this.

Well at least you are kinda addressing it...

You speak of a time of desperation and of necessary actions required.

Israel was born among violence, we know this. i know this and so do you.

But from both sides. The arabs aggressed on us too.
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Re: Where the Israeil Jews really came from
Reply #28 - Jul 2nd, 2013 at 12:45pm
Here you go Gandalf:

falah wrote on Mar 4th, 2012 at 12:16pm:
Forced sex in marriage is not a punishable offence in Islam.

Lucky we have the wiki hey? Otherwise all we would see is 100 pages of Falah accusing me of lying because Islam encourages men to respect their wives (while also insisting it is a wife's duty to satisfy her husband on demand).
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Re: Where the Israeil Jews really came from
Reply #29 - Jul 2nd, 2013 at 1:18pm
Avram Horowitz wrote on Jul 2nd, 2013 at 12:08pm:
Israel was born among violence, we know this. i know this and so do you.

But from both sides. The arabs aggressed on us too.

Take note FD. Gee whiz I never thought I'd be quoting Avram to counter you knuckleheads - twice in one day.\

freediver wrote on Jul 2nd, 2013 at 12:45pm:
Here you go Gandalf:

That was the most predictable reply ever. As pointed out in the very thread you quote, that is not a concession that it is legal under islam. I believe Falah himself went back and explained that to you.

you make sh!t up to slander islam - the quicker you acknowledge this the quicker we can all move on. Acknowledgement is the first stage to recovery FD.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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