freediver wrote on Jul 1
st, 2013 at 9:43pm:
There are a few billion Muslims in the world. Surely there is a better way to find out what they think than asking each one.
Says he who until this point has run ad-nauseum with "I know what the entire muslim population thinks based on what Abu and/or Falah said".
Prey tell, since you have apparently progressed from this line of thinking, what other ways have you determined that muslims are "frothing at the mouth" and are only interested in finishing off what Hitler started? Keeping in mind there are, in your words, "a few billion muslims in the world".
freediver wrote on Jul 1
st, 2013 at 9:43pm:
I want to hear the truth. I keep asking until I get a straight answer. What is wrong with that?
Nothing wrong with that. However you have demonstrated with your wiki articles that you are prone to attributing something said by muslims - that they demonstrably never said at all. Like your claims about spousal rape - Falah is used as a source for the claim that islam permits spousal rape, even though in the thread you linked he argued at length the exact opposite. Or, more blatantly, refer to discussions that never even existed - such as the camel urine claims.
freediver wrote on Jul 1
st, 2013 at 9:43pm:
Right, they are imitating Muhammed. Is that better?
hmmm no - still baseless and bigoted.
freediver wrote on Jul 1
st, 2013 at 9:43pm:
I posted three links to discussions with other Muslims about the historical event, and I even pointed out the obvious modern maintenance of the situation. Ethnic cleansing is written into the Koran.
Thats nice FD - but it has nothing to do with why you referred to multiple "muslim only" freeways in the arab world, when in reality there is exactly one. Oh and your last sentence is made-up-sh!t about the Quran number 2 in two posts.
freediver wrote on Jul 1
st, 2013 at 9:43pm:
Jolly good show then. Don't know what the Jews are complaining about. Surely they should give up this fanciful notion that they need their own homeland and can't rely on the Muslims to look after them. After all, what would one more massacre be in the grand scheme of things?
The jews have plenty they can justly complain about - but crying innocence at the violence that occured in 1947-48 is not one of them.
You are sounding like a broken record with you continually ignoring the proper context of the 1948 war. I wouldn't even mind so much if you would say something like the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians was justified in view of the horrors the jews had experienced - likewise for the King David Hotel bombing and other acts of terrorism.
I agree that something needed to be done, You might even be able to convince me that a jewish state should have been created - with proper consultation, without the terrorism and ethnic cleansing, and with international cooperation (and preferably without key international negotiators being assassinated). Provided it did not impinge the rights of the non-jews - as specified in the Balfour Declaration. But you seem incapable of discussing any of this, instead you are determined to remain fixated on your 'frothing at the mouth' evil muslim meme. No constructive discussion can come out of that.