polite_gandalf wrote on Jul 5
th, 2013 at 12:28am:
Soren wrote on Jul 5
th, 2013 at 12:05am:
The Arab caliphs ordered the translations.
*YOUR* reference describes the arab thirst for knowledge - inspired by islam and the quran - and who channeled this great thirst by initiating the greatest translation program in the history of mankind.
In other words, the *ENTIRE PREMISE* of your argument to date is completely blown out of the water.
Soren wrote on Jul 5
th, 2013 at 12:05am:
The Jews and the Syriac and Greek-speaking Christians did the work. It is obvious from the references you cite.
Tell me Soren, what exactly is it about this simple sentence -
"Generally speaking, however, it is often very difficult to apportion credit for translation or original work to specific ethnic groups" - that you are having trouble understanding?
Also please explain to me, with such a wealth of jewish and christian talent in the pre-islamic middle east and near east - why was it that they didn't actually start exercising their talent until
after the muslims came along? Well we already know the answer to that - because - as your own source so eloquently describes - it was the muslim-arabs who *INITIATED* a great translation program, and gave the christian and jewish *AND MUSLIM* translators the institutions, resources and tools they needed to go forth and translate and learn.
Refuting you is starting to feel like kicking a helpless puppy.
Oh, I understand very well why you pluck that 'generally speaking' out of its context.
It is because if you were to include what is written before and after it, you would see that what I have been saying all along is correct.
You are simply not honest.
Why the translations didn't start before? Well, they did. But you need peace and leisure to translate. It was very difficult to come by both while the Muslims were monstering the Levant.
But it was happening in Ireland, far from the madding crowd - and Muslims. Also in Paris - Abelard was prominent there in the 12th century. The University of Bologna (which I had the good fortune to attend briefly) was established in 1088.
The Toledo School of Translation started in the 12th century, when Toledo was re-taken from the Muslims.
The Arabs' role is grossly exaggerated in all this for propaganda purposes and to 'make nice' towards an essentially illiterate and brutal invading force.
If these Arabs had been really that cultured, they couldn't have fallen so far down the sh!thole as they are now. Egypt is the cultural centre of Islam. After more than a thousand years of Islam, it's literacy rate is 72 % (63 % for women). Saudi, filthy rich - 87% (83% for women). Morocco? 56 % for all, 44 % for women. Afghanistan, you ask? 28% literacy for the whole population and 12.6 % for women. Iraq? 78.2% overall, 70.6% for women.
Some civilisation. You bvggers want to dine out forever on some fantasy about 12th century intellectual golden age. Bollocks. The golden age is hugely overstated. And dishonoured. Most Arabs are as primitive as they were when Mohammed found them, 1400 years ago.i