Soren wrote on Jul 8
th, 2013 at 9:39pm:
Also, the the translators were overwhelmingly non-Arabs. The Arabs, being told that Allah spoke Arabic, had little incentive to learn inferior languages. So they didn't. The exceptions simply prove the rule. My earlier post shows that the greatest translators were not Arabs.
Your earlier post showed nothing of the sort - unless you think plucking out 4 or 5 of the many hundreds of translators and pointing out they were not arab somehow proves something. Many people would consider Al-Kindi or the Banu-Musa brothers to be the greatest translators, and they were arab.
But what does it matter? We're talking about the supposed anti-intellectual spirit of islam, not the arabs. And I feel like I need to point out the obvious - that when the arab-muslims conquered great swathes of territory in the middle and near east, they instantly became a racial minority of the empire. There were now Persians, Syrians, jews etc, many of whom joined the new translation/intellectual movement. Wouldn't it be expected that most of them would be non-arab? The relevant point though is that it was absolutely an arab-muslim
inspired movement, and without question the majority of translators were muslim - not 100% jewish/christian or other non-muslim as you and adamant so foolishly claimed earlier.
Soren wrote on Jul 8
th, 2013 at 9:39pm:
If your thesis were true - that the Arabs were eager learners - there would not have been an 800 year long closing of the Arab/Islamic mind. But there was.
I have acknowledged repeatedly that islamic intellectual pursuits basically died after the 13th century. The overrunning and destruction of the greatest cultural and intellectual hub of the world - plus the once largest city of the world - Baghdad, by the Mongols, being a major contributing factor. But this decline doesn't render 500 years of intellectual flowering before that suddenly untrue.
Soren wrote on Jul 8
th, 2013 at 9:51pm:
They ordered some translations which were carried out by non-Muslims or recent converts. They restricted it all to works that excused or justified Islam - no poetry, no drama, no comedy, no histories. Once the apologetics stuff was done, the whole intellectual enterprise was shut down and has stayed shut down ever since.
This is simply ignorance Soren. They translated the greatest Greek philosophies, most of which fundamentally disagreed with islamic doctrine. Anyone who knows anything about the golden age knows that one of the defining characteristics was the remarkable tolerance for the disseminating of philosophical ideas that directly opposed the quran and/or the teachings of the prophet.