I used to be a fan of Rudd, even if I didn't vote for him. I used to admire ALP in a way too.
But these days -
I see the ALP for what it really is = a SCAM
Besides the now 'officially obvious' fact that the ALP is in league with the Union(ism)s and the USA DEMOCRATS (wonder if they side with the Tories too?).
The way that the ALP disengaged Rudd for Gillard and then brought Rudd back (via much denial) in an effort to 'con' the public once again with much 'publicity'.

...its so pathetically obvious it almost seems like those pencil marked ticks of ours are being erased even before they are made. Seems the 'MEDIA' maketh the decision ...specifically the Murdoch run MEDIA known as TELEVISION.
I admired Rudd for his 'people' personality of putting the public before his fellow polititians. I was very impressed!
But !

It seems the only 'TYPE' of Public he is supporting are akin to those bloody HOUSOS that expect everything on a silver platter!

How stupid and foolish a REPUBLICAN I am/was.

I can hear the DIVISION BELL ringing (for whom the bell tolls) and the 'difference' becoming blatantly obvious.
I spit on Waltzing Mathilda and its ALP/Unionism/Colonialism bull-faeces.
...now they are telling us to learn ASIAN languages (as if the International Language of English isn't hard enough) via Peter Garrett and that our entire educational system should be more 'asianified' to meet the 'economic' need.
Hold on! I thought CHINA is the 'Great Red Herring' of Economics that stole the 'money' from India and its 'Black Market'?

...as it stole 'population' from China

I think these coming elections will be rigged.
I think we are about to experience a SCAM.
I think we should vote in PEN for starters!

I think we should vote in a law that prevents a party from CHANGING political leaders!
Now you all know my first ever entry into this FORUM was MUTINY ON THE BOUNTY regarding seeing Gillard replace Rudd (I didn't even vote for Rudd

) and how the WINDSOR SYSTEM 'allows' this !
...well as a COMMON man of the COMMONwealth of COMMON sense via this here .COM Internet
says: Its about time we 'THE PEOPLE' of OZ say NO to such !!!

Politics in OZ is to serve the people.
The Family Man and not the (Houso) Redneck, like the ALP seem to be doing.
Serving the 'Individual' empowerment (President) is USA style. Something the ALP seem to think they can do of their 'own' accord too!

Where does RUDD get off making a decision based upon the view of his 'daughter', rather than that of WE, THE PEOPLE


As a former Medic, who watch operations on 'that' part of the body, because of 'that' sexual practice of 'un-hygenic' proportions.
GROW UP RUDD ...know wonder you are nicknamed the 'Milky Bar Kid'.
F.ederation (of)
...for all Austr-Aliens