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What is a feminist? (Read 1622 times)
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What is a feminist?
Jul 1st, 2013 at 3:02pm
I heard this radio journalist today say she was a feminist and a liberal. Which got me to thinking, I don't actually know what a feminist is.

Dictionary: one who believes that women should be allowed the same rights, power, and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way.
OK. On rights, I guess women have the same legal rights, here anyway, as men. Are there other kinds of rights in question?
Power. Now power is a wide field for discussion. For a start I think many, many women are oppressed, in the work place, in marriage or relationships. So to the extent they are oppressed, their power is diminished.
And of course in many parts of the world the oppression is absolute and the power is zero.
Opportunities. Well no doubt there is the glass ceiling and it's still a male dominated economy etc.

But a lot of people would believe all these issues should be addressed and wouldn't call themselves feminists. Men for a start.
So maybe there's more meaning in the term than the dictionary says. Can a woman be a feminist and be a conservative?
Julie Bishop no doubt believes all those issues should be tackled but would she want to be called a feminist?
Maybe there has to be an element of activism in it.
Maybe they have to burn their bras and be uncomfortable, some of them anyway.
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Know the enemies of a civil society by their public behaviour, by their fraudulent claim to be liberal-progressive, by their propensity to lie and, above all, by their attachment to authoritarianism.
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Re: What is a feminist?
Reply #1 - Jul 1st, 2013 at 3:19pm
If a feminist doesn'thate war then surely they are illegitimate
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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Re: What is a feminist?
Reply #2 - Jul 1st, 2013 at 3:25pm

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Postmodern Trendoid
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Re: What is a feminist?
Reply #3 - Jul 1st, 2013 at 5:27pm
bogarde73 wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 3:02pm:
I heard this radio journalist today say she was a feminist and a liberal. Which got me to thinking, I don't actually know what a feminist is.

Dictionary: one who believes that women should be allowed the same rights, power, and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way.
OK. On rights, I guess women have the same legal rights, here anyway, as men. Are there other kinds of rights in question?
Power. Now power is a wide field for discussion. For a start I think many, many women are oppressed, in the work place, in marriage or relationships. So to the extent they are oppressed, their power is diminished.
And of course in many parts of the world the oppression is absolute and the power is zero.
Opportunities. Well no doubt there is the glass ceiling and it's still a male dominated economy etc.

But a lot of people would believe all these issues should be addressed and wouldn't call themselves feminists. Men for a start.
So maybe there's more meaning in the term than the dictionary says. Can a woman be a feminist and be a conservative?
Julie Bishop no doubt believes all those issues should be tackled but would she want to be called a feminist?
Maybe there has to be an element of activism in it.
Maybe they have to burn their bras and be uncomfortable, some of them anyway.

The feminism we have today is a type of neo-Marxism. Marx, we may recall, claimed "the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. Freeman and slave, patrician and plebian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed." (To be fair, a very similar idea can be found in Hegel before Marx; yet Marx was a 'young Hegelian' at one stage so it makes sense that he adopted Hegel's ideas).

Around the time of WW1, the international socialists could not understand why the "oppressed" classes voluntarily went off to war to fight for their nation. So Marxists in the Frankfurt School claimed they were brainwashed by their fathers and bourgeoisie propaganda. What occurs here in the Frankfurt School is one of the most fundamental transitions of thought of the 20th century: Marx's class and economic distinctions were then turned into cultural distinctions: the oppressor was now to include males, the oppressed were the females, the white nations were the oppressors, the non-white nations the oppressed; in short, authority is bad and equality is the holy grail of morality.

Anything that is not equal is bad. This is how they justify all their rage. Claim something isn't equal, and then throw expletives at it or whoever upholds it.

Equality of opportunity in the West has been achieved - their historical goal has now been completed. But not satisfied with that, they now see inequality of outcome as the next goal to rectify. This is why they attack pay inequality, (even though men and women get paid the same for the same job). This is why they attack men in power, (even though women have the same opportunities as men to achieve power).

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Re: What is a feminist?
Reply #4 - Jul 1st, 2013 at 5:37pm
Postmodern Trendoid wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 5:27pm:
bogarde73 wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 3:02pm:
I heard this radio journalist today say she was a feminist and a liberal. Which got me to thinking, I don't actually know what a feminist is.

Dictionary: one who believes that women should be allowed the same rights, power, and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way.
OK. On rights, I guess women have the same legal rights, here anyway, as men. Are there other kinds of rights in question?
Power. Now power is a wide field for discussion. For a start I think many, many women are oppressed, in the work place, in marriage or relationships. So to the extent they are oppressed, their power is diminished.
And of course in many parts of the world the oppression is absolute and the power is zero.
Opportunities. Well no doubt there is the glass ceiling and it's still a male dominated economy etc.

But a lot of people would believe all these issues should be addressed and wouldn't call themselves feminists. Men for a start.
So maybe there's more meaning in the term than the dictionary says. Can a woman be a feminist and be a conservative?
Julie Bishop no doubt believes all those issues should be tackled but would she want to be called a feminist?
Maybe there has to be an element of activism in it.
Maybe they have to burn their bras and be uncomfortable, some of them anyway.

The feminism we have today is a type of neo-Marxism. Marx, we may recall, claimed "the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. Freeman and slave, patrician and plebian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed." (To be fair, a very similar idea can be found in Hegel before Marx; yet Marx was a 'young Hegelian' at one stage so it makes sense that he adopted Hegel's ideas).

Around the time of WW1, the international socialists could not understand why the "oppressed" classes voluntarily went off to war to fight for their nation. So Marxists in the Frankfurt School claimed they were brainwashed by their fathers and bourgeoisie propaganda. What occurs here in the Frankfurt School is one of the most fundamental transitions of thought of the 20th century: Marx's class and economic distinctions were then turned into cultural distinctions: the oppressor was now to include males, the oppressed were the females, the white nations were the oppressors, the non-white nations the oppressed; in short, authority is bad and equality is the holy grail of morality.

Anything that is not equal is bad. This is how they justify all their rage. Claim something isn't equal, and then throw expletives at it or whoever upholds it.

Equality of opportunity in the West has been achieved - their historical goal has now been completed. But not satisfied with that, they now see inequality of outcome as the next goal to rectify. This is why they attack pay inequality, (even though men and women get paid the same for the same job). This is why they attack men in power, (even though women have the same opportunities as men to achieve power).

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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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Postmodern Trendoid
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Re: What is a feminist?
Reply #5 - Jul 1st, 2013 at 5:45pm
The Authoritarian Personality by Adorno, Dialectic of Enlightenment by Adorno and Horkheimer, anything by Judith Butler, and any feminist literature since the 1960s.
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Re: What is a feminist?
Reply #6 - Jul 1st, 2013 at 9:39pm

A woman who becomes a 'slave' to the World of Men in the name of Power, rather than Procreation.
...using men who are slaves to the World of Women (procreation, sexual pleasure, etc)
as their justification of feeling persecuted.

A Feminist is the wife of a rich man (no kids) who had sex with a poor  married man (5 kids)  who worked for her husband as the Janitor.
A Trophy wife to her husband, a whore to the Janitor.

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Lionel Edriess
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Re: What is a feminist?
Reply #7 - Jul 1st, 2013 at 11:08pm
A feminist?

I know a woman who would thump them 'til their noses bled. She considered them traitors to her own sex. She considered a woman's role to be as savage and hard as it took to nurture and raise her children and support her partner though thick and thin.

Castrating the yearlings meant no more than doing the dishes - it was just work. She was a man's woman, not some dreamed-up figurehead for the disappointed.

If there were more women like her in the world, and fewer feminists, society might just have a chance.

And she was two generations younger than my grandmother, in case you were wondering.
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Re: What is a feminist?
Reply #8 - Jul 1st, 2013 at 11:13pm
So - er... which powers, Rights and opportunities do women NOT possess? How does any of this equate to any 'oppression' at all?  they vote, they get to stand for election and even get parachuted into safe seats where they can genuinely compete.....(hello!!)..... they get education, they get all rights under social security, they get the same protection of the law - even better since they get lower sentences overall than men do for the same crime - they are nowhere paid less....they get the privilege of being 99% the 'primary caregiver' thus they get the lioness' share of the house and the kids and CS...there are more women students than men - they get handups and preference in the public service and other jobs - they are perceived, through the currently flawed education system, as being somehow 'better' - they rely on 'education' rather than true ability which used to be the yardstick, and thus, through having more time available since many do not have to hold a job to support  a family, they get ahead there, many employers consider them more easily controlled and thus better - where are these 'oppressions'?

Back in the 1970's when tertiary education became free - women flocked to it and gained an upper hand for the simple reason that men were working to support their families and had no such opportunity - and most real jobs did not require a meaningless degree.  Now you need a degree to be a clerk-n-jerk in the public service, and real talent is ignored.

In 1986, the feminist academic (there is such a thing in reality in 'social science') Meredith Burgmann put forward a plan to 'equalise' girls in school (they already had true equality, BTW and could ao whatever they wanted), by altering the curricula and the marking standards and so forth to more suit girls , since they were alleged, on the basis of one study in the United States that covered 24 girls with 'issues', to be 'suffering' in a 'girl-hostile' environment.

Same thing in the public service where I used to work - the creation of a 'woman-friendly environment' became a 'man-hostile environment'.  Doubt me?  Look next time you go into a government office.

Our Centrelink office here has about 25 employees - 22 are women.. that's equality for you - if it was 22 men there would be screams loud and clear across the land about 'misogyny' and 'discrimination' and 'oppression'.  the few men are well - let's just say only one has any balls...

For every woman who is not getting everything she thinks she is entitled to - there are probably three men these days due to feminist-oriented policies such as EEO (AA by another name) in the public service and all the other things that privilege women over men.

There is a second definition of feminism, BTW - one dedicated to women's interests if somehow these things have no impact on men as well.

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Re: What is a feminist?
Reply #9 - Jul 2nd, 2013 at 10:29am
I've since thought of a right that has been gained and it's an important one, though it wasn't gained through any class struggle.
It's the right not to have unwanted pregnancies, which has been gained through medical science, with the pill and morning after pill.
This has been no doubt the single biggest life changer for women, enabling them to participate more fully in the working society.
I wouldn't include abortion rights in this. Why should there be abortion at all when the pills exist?
No doubt I'm going to cop abuse over that statement.
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Re: What is a feminist?
Reply #10 - Jul 3rd, 2013 at 6:02pm
Feminists are basically women who've never gotten over the fact that they were born
without a pocket-billiards set of their own, so have dedicated their lives to making the
lives of those who were born with a pocket-billiards set as much of a smacking misery
as is humanly possible.
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Re: What is a feminist?
Reply #11 - Jul 3rd, 2013 at 6:09pm

A 'feminist' is one who is aware

that women comprise half the world's population

that women comprise the majority, by a wide margin, of single parents

that women don't need to seek validation from the other half of the world's population

It's the OTHER half of the world's population which needs to wake up to the fact they are merely half the population

and suck their heads in
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Re: What is a feminist?
Reply #12 - Jul 3rd, 2013 at 6:16pm
What is a feminist? - usually ugly as sin.
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Re: What is a feminist?
Reply #13 - Jul 3rd, 2013 at 6:21pm
muso wrote on Jul 3rd, 2013 at 6:16pm:
What is a feminist? - usually ugly as sin.

Incorrect in addition to being unoriginal
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Re: What is a feminist?
Reply #14 - Jul 3rd, 2013 at 7:57pm
A feminist is a (female) person who would make a similar clichéd and sexist remark as I just did (except about men), and get nods of approval from other women, just as I'd get nods of approval from most other men for my remark.
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