no one watches that show bar rusted on
human rights hand wringers
and enviro nazis.
mirabella shouldnt be on a show like that.
she should go on alan cola or tiki fullertons show "business lateline' where she can be quized about liberal policies to help get small business moving.
a libbo going on that show is the equivalent of bill shorten appearing on a business show.
youre the ENEMY of the panel. they know it and they are just going to try to mock you. actually i'd like to see shorten or conroy on a business show , that would be just a good laugh.
stay home sophie darling, let them rant on to their audience of a few thousand . i bet most of australia were were watching packed to the rafters or the tennis.
when they ring up a libbo to go on Q and A, he should say, not until you get youre ratings up. this is a campaign now and we cant be affording to go on these non rating shows.