red baron wrote on Jul 3
rd, 2013 at 8:01am:
With a thank you to Sprint Cyclist I reprint his post here for the benefit of John Smith, apparently he didn't read the thread on Rudd's Ministers.
“The stories that were around of the chaos, of the temperament, of the inability to have decisions made – they are not stories”.
(Tony Burke, 22 February 2012)
Rudd’s new Youth Minister, Kate Ellis, said of him:
“Kevin Rudd is the person who has been talking down the Prime Minister (Gillard) in deeply personal ways for well over a year, during the last election campaign and since then”.
(Kate Ellis, 24 February 2012)
Defence Minister Stephen Smith said:
“If you wanted one sentence why the Cabinet and the Caucus and the party moved away from Kevin, it was because it became increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to work difficult issues through with him”.
(Stephen Smith, 23 February 2012)
And most extraordinarily, the person who Rudd asked to preside over our nation’s critical mining industry, Resources Minister Gary Gray, had this to say only ten days ago:
“He (Rudd) doesn't have the courage and the strength that's required to do this job. What he can do is spread confusion. What he can do is get himself into the media. What he can do is create a lot of torment. What he can't do is govern and what he can't do is lead the Labor Party”.
Apparently Red struggles to understand a very simple question
I know the people working for him didn't like him, and I agree that is the most likely the reason why they got rid of him.
My belief is that is the
only reason and not because of some great strategy from Abbott. They would have gotten rid of him whether the lib leader was Abbott, Turnbull, Bishop or Hockey.
The liberal monkeys on here like to claim that it was because of some great strategy by Abbott, my argument is that Abbott just happened to be there, and they would have gotten rid of Rudd regardless of who was leader of the libs. Nothing at all to do with Abbotts politics