Time was when employers were required to hire x-number of 'juniors' for each 'senior' employee. And in between were the intermediates
It worked. The seniors coached the intermediates and juniors in what was expected of them by the employer
It also ensured older people were employed
At our local supermarket, for well over a decade, there have been two, maybe three 'seniors' with the bulk of employees being green as grass, entitled kids who think they're too big, too important and too proud to have to say 'thank you' to the paying customer who provides them their job
The seniors know they're on borrowed time and work like navvies, bums up, heads down, three bags full SIR !
We know perfectly well that BOTH political parties in this unlucky, blighted, ruined country are hell bent on creating a slave class only marginally more independent than welfare drone majorities
It began with the Lima Declaration in 1975, when 'our' traitorous government of the day signed on to send overseas, immediately, 30% of Aussies jobs and 30% of Aussie manufacturing. These days, it's running at 85% or higher
They're ALL part of it. There are NO good guys within our political parties or leaders
They have already ruined this country and with it probably your life and most certainly those of your kids and grandkids
Does anyone really believe they introduced maternity and paternity leave for YOUR benefit ? Anyone silly enough to believe the 'adult wage for 18 year olds' is for YOUR benefit ?
Wake up
It's just another nail in your coffin
So let me know when you're planning an Egyptian or Brazilian type action
but make it within the next 20 years or I'll be pushing up daisies and unable to help