Quote:Hi Whitey,
as an expert on the Bible what views has Longweekend got which
are against the teachings of Christ?
This will be interesting as Longweekend portrays himself as a holier than thou saint.
Quote:Longweekend like all Christians must measure their views by the words of Jesus. He kicks the poor and marginalized at every opportunity, yet Jesus said give to him who has not. Longweekend defends the tax exempt status of non charitable religious institutions like Hillsong yet Christ himself paid the secular tax. The teachings of Christ are pure socialism, greed, selfishness, exclusion, aggression, ect have no place in his teachings. Jesus taught equality, justice, charity and mercy. Those who seek to punish and marginalize the poor during times of prosperity and then seek to punish them again during times of famine are diabolical. Famine and Prosperity is something that should be shared collectively and equally. Many have recognized that the gospel is with the poor, they are the voices of truth, the voices of Christ himself...
Very well written Whitey.
It shows you have a better understanding than Longweekend of the Bible message.
He's the kind of guy who would kick someone when they were down.
That's what churches with the
prosperity message do to their flock.
The world is theirs to give them prosperity & not for everyone.