Centralisation of power in Canberra is the core principle of this govt, by which I mean the whole evil epoch of Rudd/Gillard. Let's start with the referendum on local govt. Tried twice before by Labor, first by Whitlam whom the people scrapped & scorned, then by Hawke, they are now having another go. They won't be satisfied till they have hogtied local councils in the same way they hogtied the states with tied grants under the uniform income tax legislation after 1942. But for John Howard giving the states back some freedom with the GST distribution, the states would now be mere branch offices of Canberra, a dream second only to their abolition in the eyes of the socialists. Let them get this referendum through, which mercifully is now looking less likely, and Canberra will end up having full power over local govt. Bit by bit, year by year, they will become slaves to the dollars doled out by Canberra - whichever party is in power - until your entire neighbourhood life is regulated by federal bureaucrats. Vote No to preserve our freedom.
But next on their agenda comes Gonski. Unfortunately it was Robert Menzies who started us on this slippery slope of federal interference in what is constitutionally a state responsibility. But he never contemplated a Rudd/Gillard holocaust. Gonski, if we are not fortunate enough to have a change of govt and it is ended, will result in total educational control from Canberra. They will decide what your kids are taught (do you want Tony Abbott deciding this?), when they are taught, who teaches them and how much will be spent on their education. Like a viral plague, Canberra will assume more and more intimate control over the education system. And this will be whether they are in the public or private system.
The socialists know only one answer to anything. Get control of it, by whatever means come to hand, bend it to suit their jaundiced view of the world and use it to further entrench themselves in power. Even if it comes down to controlling the minds of children. Gonski must be defeated just as much as the referendum.