I noted in that program that there was an assumed connection between such random events as the Toowoomba flood and 'climate change' - our new word for 'global warming' - and that the overall change to date was 0.8 of a degree. I also noted that there have been significant extreme weather events throughout history....
IF there is a correlation between Toowoomba flood and 'global warming' - why was that an isolated incident, as are most of the others cited?
Surely we would expect a more consistent pattern if it were indeed 'global warming' that was causing these far-flung events.
I believe the scientists involved - holding comfy sinecures as a past administrator I know at CSIRO once quoted them as, are making the facts fit the theory, rather than the theory fit the facts, and are swayed by the populist notion that we are all destroying ourselves - which fits neatly into a government drive to enforce Carbon Tax (a tax by any other name) and also de facto changeover to 'green' energy through funding it via constant rises in power prices, while braying (through their QANGO power suppliers) about 'costs of wages and maintenance' - which maintenance you never see.....and which costs are partly of their own calculated creation, since they 'sold' the power supply, incurring an ongoing cost, yet remain a stake/shareholder plus retain taxation/levy rights. An extra layer of cost to the end user.....(hello)...
I have a lady in Kuala Lumpur and one in China (amongst others) - both have suffered outrageously from pollution - the one in KL due to Indonesian burning off of forests (Vale the Orang Utan), the one in China from industrial pollution.
Yup - our Carbon Tax (a tax by any other name) really changes the world, eh? And our scientists and 'science' are so reliable, right?
No wonder I generated the teaching factor called The Learned Professor of BOSHT - the Bleedingly Obvious Stated in High Sounding Terms. You mean there is more water vapour activity over the oceans than over the land? (falls off chair! And that affects local salinity - studied by the US Navy so their submarines won't crash-surface unexpectedly off the coast of the Faroffwana Coast of Africa and make life difficult for Seal Team Two?)....
ADDS:- There is light at the end of the smoky tunnel - world economic and petroleum forces will inevitably lead to a total disruption of the current polluting style of economic warfare, and the West will inevitably re-tool with new and more efficient machinery - as it must to stay afloat...
Nuclear or not - each has its own built-in disaster component(s).... don't expect the price of power to come down once 'green energy' is in place - it wears out in twenty years at the moment of expiry of cost, so will be a never-ending story....
Let's just reduce our wages and employment levels here until the great unwashed, the muzhiks, are begging for a chance to die in the foundries for peanuts.... so we can 'compete' with the rest of the world in a resurrection (zombie) of the Great Depression pre the inevitable World War III...... it's enough to make ME depressed.....