ALP members would have a say in the election of the party leader, under party reforms proposed by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.
Mr Rudd said he was proposing the leader of the party be jointly elected by party members and the caucus.
Announcing the plan in Canberra late on Monday, Mr Rudd said the reform was important to ensure a "vibrant, modern" party in the future.
''I believe it will encourage people to re-engage in the political process and to bring back those supporters who have become disillusioned," he said.
Under the proposal, half the votes would come from the party membership, with the other half given to members of the parliamentary party. Any candidate for the leadership would need the initial backing of 20 per cent of caucus members.
''Today, more than ever, Australians demand to know that the Prime Minister they elect, is the Prime Minister they get,'' Mr Rudd said.
Mr Rudd will seek approval for the change, which he described as ''the most significant reform of the Australian Labor Party in recent history'', at a special meeting of the caucus on July 22.
Mr Rudd said if caucus rejected his proposals he would seek a special rules conference to make the changes.
''They will ensure that power will never again rest in the hands of the factional few,'' he said.
Mr Rudd said the change would provide "long-term stability of the party leadership''.
Mr Rudd is also proposing another change that would prevent the removal of a leader mid-term if Labor formed government.
''If a leader of the Australian Labor Party takes the party to the election and they are returned to form the government of the nation, that person remains as leader of the party and the government for the duration of that term,'' Mr Rudd said.
He said this would prevent anyone walking in with a challenge and saying to the leader: ''Ok sunshine, it's over.''
He said the quality of decision-making would be eroded if leaders had to ''look over their shoulders'' all the time if there were bad polls.
But he said an election for the leader could be called after the resignation of the leader, at the request of the leader, or if 75 per cent of caucus members signed a petition calling for an election ''on the grounds that the current leader has brought the party into disrepute''.
He said an election for leader would automatically occur following an election loss.
Mr Rudd said grassroots members would not play a part in the election of the deputy leader, Senate leader and deputy Senate leader. Only members of the parliamentary party would elect these positions.
Deputy Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who was with Mr Rudd for the announcement, said the proposals represented ''the most significant empowerment of our membership in our history''.
The proposed changes come only days after Mr Rudd revealed a raft of other party reforms, aimed at stamping out corruption.
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