Grendel wrote on Jul 13
th, 2013 at 12:18pm:
OK nothing but nothing and ad hom
let's move on
Lie 6
He is particularly formidable in the art of negative politics.
Really? This is simply more propaganda from Crazy Kevin and the ALP. The same negative tactics that they use almost daily ad nauseam. From day one they saw Abbott as a liability and they painted him as Dr No. The same is echoed by their media mates.
To disagree with Labor doesn't mean you are being negative.
If one disagrees with a bad policy that is not "negative politics".
The negative politics I see, is the constant ad hom attacks and disingenuousness mostly coming from the ALP.
It is the non-answers to simple questions put to the government in question time. It is things like Gillard's misogyny rant, or Kevin's lying. These are negative politics. And it is the ALP not Abbott who are formidable in the art of it, especially when they employ people like McTernan and Hawker. To the ALP it is just spin... but in reality it is simply lies.
Abbott's criticism of the ALP and its policies is well founded most of the time, unlike the kill the messenger attacks on Abbott. They have been relentless from day one. Gillard called it a game.
Abbott has been blamed for every natural disaster and policy failure this government can think of. Now that is negative politics Kevvy.
The guy is a lifesaver, he's in the bushfire brigade, he does charitable works, he lives with aborigines on remote locations helping and teaching... how is any of that negative and how does someone who does such works suddenly become Mr Negative. Truth be known, he doesn't. What we have is spin and playing the man, repeat a lie often enough is the ALP mantra... so here we have Kevin repeating it yet again.
See my post above. Mr Abbott says he wants to turn boats back to Indonesia, but refused to vote in a policy that sent boat people to.Malaysia. Why? Because Malaysia isn’t a signatory to the refugee convention.
And neither is Indonesia.
Mr Abbott demanded Labor reopen Nauru and Manus Island, and it did. To comply, Nauru had to sign the refugee convention.
And it did. The legislation was drafted to overturn the High Court’s ruling on offshore processing. What happened?
Mr Abbott said no.
And this, in the aftermath of a boat sinking off Christmas Island, a tragedy that killed nearly two hundred people.
However, lets put all this aside and see what Mr Abbott proposes to do instead, shall we?
"A raft of measures", "proven to work", "deterants", "taking the sugar off the table", "breaking the people smuggler’s business model", "behavioural protocols,", and, when it is safe to do so, "turn back boats".
What exactly does all this mean?
Who knows? But one thing is clear: only Mr Abbott will
How? That’s easy. He’ll just say no.