Grendel wrote on Jul 13
th, 2013 at 2:23pm:
One at a time people one at a time... patience there is only me at this end.
Quote:The Libs and Greens opposed all Labor attempts to STOP THE BOATS.
In Abbott’s case, he did so solely to keep the boats coming - that, I think, is undeniable.
Nope just conjecture on your behalf and not the truth either. The Libs have from day 1 asked, begged, told the government to re-implement the Howard government's
pacific solution. Rudd when he first came in started undoing all what Howard had put in place. That is not Abbott saying NO at all. Finally the government started to reapply the Pacific Solution measures but as yet they have no implemented them all. Why not. If it fails they could have used it against the liberal party. were they afraid it might have worked. With their allies
the Greens labor could have passed their policies. But not only the Greens but the courts themselves stopped labor changing laws to aid them in implementing the rather
hasty and poorly negotiated malaysian solution. I hardly consider an 5 for 1 swap equitable.
Quote:The policies on refugees have always been bipartisan. Only since Howard has this issue been used to create a political wedge. In this case, Abbott has done this with people’s lives.
Really. Could it be that the ALP who now consider themselves a purely progressive party were on a membership drive? The Howard policy saw an end to the people Smuggling problem Rudd's meddling reintroduced it. If you want to talk lives or deaths you need look no further.
Quote:With this record, how can Abbott really be trusted to create a workable, regional solution? So far, he has only played politics.
So far he is only opposition leader. what has 6 years of Labor done? Answer.... nothing constructive. just ask the Indonesians.

Like I said the Libs have criticised a failed policy...
that is not negative. It wasn’t a
failed policy, it was a policy that was never voted through parliament because the Libs opposed it.
The government’s advice - from Immigration and the Huston panel was that the Pacific Solution implimented "in full" would not work anymore.
The advice Tony Burke has just received from his department is that the Malaysian "solution" would not work now either. The numbers of arrivals are now too high. The time for that policy - like the Pacific Solution - has now passed.
This is a sensible discussion on a complex problem. Repeating the same old policies and behaviours does not always work. STOP THE BOATS is a nice idea, but how?
The Pacific Solution is no solution at all, which we’ll all find out when the Libs get in.
What then? Vote Abbott back out in three years?
That doesn’t fix the problem either. This policy needs to be bipartisan and free of wedge politics to work.
And yes, in hindsight (although I thought differently at the time), it was a mistake to abandon the Pacific Solution.
That doesn’t mean it would work today.