Sigh... I'm pretty sure we passed lie 3 ages ago karnal.
Quote:I do blame the Greens, but that’s not the lie that has been rebutted. This goes to the Libs’ negativity and obstruction solely for tactical political reasons.
I already have shown this to be untrue.
Quote:The High Court ruled on offshore processing. We have a separation of powers - we can’t blame the courts.
So by your logic you just blame the Libs instead? I'm not going to repost what you said to back that up it is here in the topic already. As I already proved voting against a policy that is bad is not a negative. 5 for 1 swap karnal. To a nation not a signatory of the UN Convention a point labor made time and time again as the excuse when it refused to accept Nauru. Hypocrisy abounds. This also does nothing to back up Rudd's lie.
Quote:But by asking me to do so, you conceed that the Libs are guilty of obstructing legislation aimed to prevent the one thing they have consistently campaigned on: STOP THE BOATS. If they wanted them stopped, they would have voted with the government, who took the policy from an independant panel.
I have no need to concede anything as yet. The malaysia policy was not formulated by an independent panel. Their ideas came later. BTW just because they formulate a policy doesn't make it a good one. Or one that needs to be supported.
Quote:This clearly shows the Libs guilty of saying one thing, and doing another.
No it doesn't.
Quote:It shows politicking of the most Machiavellian imagination.
No it doesn't.
Quote:Mr Abbott did not want the boats stopped because it might have resolved his central campaign platform: STOP THE BOATS.
No that is just your biased conjecture and is out of character with the man, but in line with ALP propaganda. Clearly this issue of the boats has not been the sole major issue over the last 6 years. Clearly the Carbon Tax has been a higher order issue for most of this time. The NBN at another and various other minor issues from time to time.
Quote:This highlight’s Mr Abbott’s fundamentally negative stance and willful obstructionism. It shows Mr Abbott to be no more than a cunning political hack, a tactician of dirty tricks campaigns, dirt files and back room plots - a job usually reserved for political staffers, and not the alternative leader of the country.
No it mainly highlights your political bias. Where are the facts. where is the proof. we have just your biased speculation.
Quote:This rebuts lie 3.