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Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal (Read 23358 times)
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #165 - Jul 13th, 2013 at 8:23pm
Aussie wrote on Jul 13th, 2013 at 8:06pm:
Grendel wrote on Jul 13th, 2013 at 7:51pm:
One last chance I guess...  just for you KRuddy.

Where has Abbott ever stated; "I do not want to face the public scrutiny of an economic policy debate here at the National Press Club of Australia. "

gee kev how're those hallucinations going?  Cheesy

I think it was by way of 'inference.'

So you think he was lying by inference.  ok.  Smiley
personally I think it was more direct.  Roll Eyes
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #166 - Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:24pm
sir prince duke alevine wrote on Jul 13th, 2013 at 6:04pm:
No it doesn't karnal, no it doesn't. 

Patience karnal, patience.

I have much patience, Alevine. Grendel didn’t agree with my rebuttal of lie 3, so I’ll rebut it again. The case: Mr Slipper.

Mr Slipper was one of Mr Abbott’s old Liberal Party friends. Mr Abbott even went to his wedding. Somewhere along the line, as some friends do, they had a falling out, and Mr Slipper left the Libs, setting up shop for himself.

JuLiar, feeling sorry for Mr Slipper and looking for an extra vote in the parliament, made him the Speaker. Mr Abbott was angry about this, and vowed to get his revenge. By making Mr Slipper speaker, Mr Abbott’s plans to destroy JuLiar’s minority government and become PM before the term was out had to be put on hold.

Mr Abbott did not need to wait long for his revenge. An ex-staffer went to the Libs with shocking information: Mr Slipper was a powder puff! This was no news to Chris Pyne, Mr Abbott’s chief whip, but Chris Pyne wanted more - could they meet?

The staffer had more - photocopies of Mr Slipper’s diary and expenses! There must be something there. After all, no one is innocent. Mr Abbott, who had once hunted down another politician and had her thrown in jail, Pauline Hanson, knew this all too well.

To cut a long story short, it was decided to finger Mr Slipper for sexual harassment. All the staffer would have to do is sigh and say how dirty he felt. The Libs would take it from there. Before long, all the senior Libs were doing doorstop interviews and saying what a horrible crime sexual harassment was. How could the Labor Party, the champion of the underdog, condone such a terrible crime and continue to have Mr Slipper as speaker?

It all came down to a private text message Mr Slipper sent his staffer. Mr Slipper made a joke about mussels and ladies’, well, unmentionables. That was enough. Mr Slipper had to go.

Mr Abbott decided to propose a no confidence motion against Mr Slipper for being a sexist, a crook, and all-round cad. JuLiar said he needed proof - the matter was in court (the ex-staffer’s legal costs waived by a well-connected legal firm).

JuLiar challenged Mr Abbott’s hypocrisy in a speech that went viral. It was, perhaps, her finest moment. But it was to no avail. Mr Slipper was forced to stand down, his reputation in ruins. The magistrate threw the case out of court, but it was too late. Mr Slipper was destroyed by his old friend Mr Abbott for his description of ladies, er, private parts.

Oh, and his rampant hommersexuality.

Mr Abbott got another political scalp. JuLiar lost her speaker. The staffer got a holiday in a sunny country.

Rather than spend his time in opposition focusing on policies for the good of the country, Mr Abbott sought to bring the government down by any means necessary.

And he did. Before long, JuLiar was taken down too, her head lopped off by her own friends and allies.

Mr Abbott will be our next PM, but it will be a phyrric victory. When he gets to the top of the greasy pole, Mr Abbott will have nothing to do. Having spent all his time destroying things - policies, friendships, political careers, Mr Abbott will be a spent force.

As Lady Macbeth says at the news of her husband’s death; "tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow..."

"Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

And herein I rebut lie 3. Again.
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« Last Edit: Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:37pm by Karnal »  
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John Smith
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #167 - Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:24pm
Grendel wrote on Jul 13th, 2013 at 3:07pm:
John Smith wrote on Jul 13th, 2013 at 2:58pm:
Grendel wrote on Jul 13th, 2013 at 2:35pm:
Sorry John cant tell what you are referring to without a proper reference

Grendel wrote on Jul 12th, 2013 at 7:27pm:
Lie 3(lie  by inference)

Lets try to keep up and not keep backsliding here ok... you guys complained at how slow I was going...  sheesh.

Lie 3
(lie  by inference)

For these reasons, it is just plain wrong for anybody in our national political debate to be talking Australia down.

Having already shown our defence is not so robust as he claimed Rudd is already off to a bad start.  He is saying here that any criticism of the government, or its policies, or the economy… is talking Australia down.  [highlight]He is inferring (as ever) that Abbott and the Opposition are doing just that. [/highlight] They are not.  When in Opposition, he did the exact same things the Opposition have been doing.  Then, he called it messing with Howard’s mind.  Criticism, dissent and indeed policy amendment, are things done by all parties and even some independents, it is not talking Australia down.

His inference is that Abbott and the Coalition are talking Australia down, and so are not doing their job. They are the Opposition, and as such they are the major voice Australians have to disagree with the government.  To hold them to account.  It is not wrong for them to do so.  It is not “plain wrong” at all. It is expected and necessary that in our national political debate there are voices of dissent.

Hence Rudd has lied yet again, and proved himself disingenuous and hypocritical at the same time.

It is important that anyone in politics should be an honest broker and provide the population with correct information at all times. Pity that during elections the truth is often hard to discern especially when the rusted-on fail to address reality whilst barracking for their  “team”.  (Now that last para is indeed my opinion.)
You can lump in Lie 4...  with that as well.

But that is different to a daily diatribe of negative politics whose single objective is to cause the Australian people to feel that our national economy and our national security is on the verge of falling apart – if not now, then certainly by next Thursday afternoon.

It ain't daily, not necessarily negative and certainly does not have the single objective he mentions.

Hope that helps.
We all know the major Labor tactic is to attack Abbott at every opportunity anyone watching Australian politics is aware of that aware of the paint Tony as negative tactic, blame tony for everything tactic.  Now if that isn't negative then what is.  On almost a daily occurrence Mp after MP from Labor repeat the same lines re Abbott...  somehow they slip them in even when they are totally off topic...  repeat a lie often enough that is the tactic.

Kevin is a master of it.

you've only given me your opinion of it ... I want to see where Rudd lied. You said he lied 61 times .... put up or shut up
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John Smith
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #168 - Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:25pm
Aussie wrote on Jul 13th, 2013 at 8:06pm:
Grendel wrote on Jul 13th, 2013 at 7:51pm:
One last chance I guess...  just for you KRuddy.

Where has Abbott ever stated; "I do not want to face the public scrutiny of an economic policy debate here at the National Press Club of Australia. "

gee kev how're those hallucinations going?  Cheesy

I think it was by way of 'inference.'

Grin Grin Grin
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I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #169 - Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:25pm
Only Mr Abbott can STOP THE BOATS.
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #170 - Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:27pm
Karnal wrote on Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:25pm:
Only Mr Abbott can STOP THE BOATS.

We are up to 8 karnal...  I'm not wasting time going back to 3 just because you can't admit you are wrong.

Sorry but the boat has left the dock.

I'm not going to waste my time telling you each sentence you post is your opinion based on your political bias and unproven Labor rumour mongering and propaganda.

BTW Abbott stayed out of the Slipper mess for a very long time and you are factually wrong about a great deal.  Start another topic and I'll be glad to correct you.

Rudd lied nothing you posted changes that.

once again...

Lie 3
(lie  by inference)

For these reasons, it is just plain wrong for anybody in our national political debate to be talking Australia down.

Having already shown our defence is not so robust as he claimed Rudd is already off to a bad start.  He is saying here that any criticism of the government, or its policies, or the economy… is talking Australia down.  He is inferring (as ever) that Abbott and the Opposition are doing just that.  They are not.  When in Opposition, he did the exact same things the Opposition have been doing.  Then, he called it messing with Howard’s mind.  Criticism, dissent and indeed policy amendment, are things done by all parties and even some independents, it is not talking Australia down.

His inference is that Abbott and the Coalition are talking Australia down, and so are not doing their job.  They are the Opposition, and as such they are the major voice Australians have to disagree with the government.  To hold them to account.  It is not wrong for them to do so.  It is not “plain wrong” at all. It is expected and necessary that in our national political debate there are voices of dissent.

Hence Rudd has lied yet again, and proved himself disingenuous and hypocritical at the same time.

It is important that anyone in politics should be an honest broker and provide the population with correct information at all times. Pity that during elections the truth is often hard to discern especially when the rusted-on fail to address reality whilst barracking for their  “team”.  (Now that last para is indeed my opinion.)

You can lump in Lie 4...  with that as well.

But that is different to a daily diatribe of negative politics whose single objective is to cause the Australian people to feel that our national economy and our national security is on the verge of falling apart – if not now, then certainly by next Thursday afternoon.

It ain't daily, not necessarily negative and certainly does not have the single objective he mentions.

Like I said karnal Your Slipper argument doesn't hold water.  happy to hear how Slipper is talking australia down though anytime you care to put it as such.
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« Last Edit: Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:38pm by Grendel »  
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John Smith
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #171 - Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:31pm
If I was you Gretel, I'd ignore this thread from now on ... each one of your 'lies' gets more and more desperate .. you are only making yourself worse.
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I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #172 - Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:33pm
John Smith wrote on Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:31pm:
If I was you Gretel, I'd ignore this thread from now on ... each one of your 'lies' gets more and more desperate .. you are only making yourself worse.

Ah winning by declaration and put down eh John.
Sorry buddy it doesn't work like that.
Put up or shut up, feel free to refute anything you can.
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #173 - Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:39pm
Anybody heard the expression " don't feed the troll" ? Grendal is the worst kind, ignore him he will run way, always does. You can't argue with stupidity.
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #174 - Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:41pm
Come on Skip try your luck you'd have to do bett
er than the name callers and time wasters are doing.

oh and Skippy you can stop lying to yourself about me.
it's getting sad and pathetic.  Roll Eyes
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #175 - Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:45pm
Grendel wrote on Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:27pm:
Karnal wrote on Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:25pm:
Only Mr Abbott can STOP THE BOATS.

We are up to 8 karnal...  I'm not wasting time going back to 3 just because you can't admit you are wrong.

Sorry but the boat has left the dock.

I'm not going to waste my time telling you each sentence you post is your opinion based on your political bias and unproven Labor rumour mongering and propaganda.

BTW Abbott stayed out of the Slipper mess for a very long time and you are factually wrong about a great deal.  Start another topic and I'll be glad to correct you.

Is that like the rule of announcing dates before two people can engage in a debate?

Sorry, Grendel, the rebuttal stands. If you don’t have the patience to rebut such rebuttals, your argument fails.

You’ve already established the rule: each serious rebuttal shall be addressed.

Until you rebut my rebuttal of lie 3, your other lies don’t count. You still have 59 more lies to go.
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #176 - Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:47pm
Karnal wrote on Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:45pm:
Grendel wrote on Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:27pm:
Karnal wrote on Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:25pm:
Only Mr Abbott can STOP THE BOATS.

We are up to 8 karnal...  I'm not wasting time going back to 3 just because you can't admit you are wrong.

Sorry but the boat has left the dock.

I'm not going to waste my time telling you each sentence you post is your opinion based on your political bias and unproven Labor rumour mongering and propaganda.

BTW Abbott stayed out of the Slipper mess for a very long time and you are factually wrong about a great deal.  Start another topic and I'll be glad to correct you.

Is that like the rule of announcing dates before two people can engage in a debate?

Sorry, Grendel, the rebuttal stands. If you don’t have the patience to rebut such rebuttals, your argument fails.

You’ve already established the rule: each serious rebuttal shall be addressed.

Until you rebut my rebuttal of lie 3, your other lies don’t count. You still have 59 more lies to go.

no karnal you don't get away with crap like that.

Go and read what I said one more time then show how lie 3 and Slipper have anything to do with each other.

the Slipper Affair has nothing to do with talking down australia.  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #177 - Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:58pm
Grendel wrote on Jul 13th, 2013 at 6:01pm:
So where were we oh yeah 7...  no refutation.

Lie 8

And the truth is that it is a lazy substitute for the hard work that is needed to develop, argue and implement real policies that will change Australia for the better.
That is why Mr Abbott has so far publicly stated that he does not want to face the public scrutiny of an economic policy debate here at the National Press Club of Australia. 

Right Kevvy back on the propaganda trail lying about the Coalitions lack of policy and labelling it lazy.  calling Abbott a coward and turning it around to him not wanting to face the people.

No one out Machievellis, Crazy Kev.

Abbott has called for an election how is that avoiding the public? 

Rudd said, and I quote, "Mr Abbott has publicly stated that he does not want to face the.public scrutiny of an economic.policy debate here at the National Press Club of Australia".

Mr Abbott refused to debate Rudd on economic policy at the National Press Club in Canberra.

No election, no secret rules, no obscure precedents - Mr Abbott refused the debate. You can’t call this a lie, so it can’t even be rebutted.

This lie doesn’t stand in the first place.

Now back to lie 3 thanks, Grendel.
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #178 - Jul 13th, 2013 at 10:13pm
Grendel wrote on Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:47pm:
Karnal wrote on Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:45pm:
Grendel wrote on Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:27pm:
Karnal wrote on Jul 13th, 2013 at 9:25pm:
Only Mr Abbott can STOP THE BOATS.

We are up to 8 karnal...  I'm not wasting time going back to 3 just because you can't admit you are wrong.

Sorry but the boat has left the dock.

I'm not going to waste my time telling you each sentence you post is your opinion based on your political bias and unproven Labor rumour mongering and propaganda.

BTW Abbott stayed out of the Slipper mess for a very long time and you are factually wrong about a great deal.  Start another topic and I'll be glad to correct you.

Is that like the rule of announcing dates before two people can engage in a debate?

Sorry, Grendel, the rebuttal stands. If you don’t have the patience to rebut such rebuttals, your argument fails.

You’ve already established the rule: each serious rebuttal shall be addressed.

Until you rebut my rebuttal of lie 3, your other lies don’t count. You still have 59 more lies to go.

no karnal you don't get away with crap like that.

I do and I have. Would you like another example of Mr Abbott playing Dr No to the detriment of our fine tradition of parliamentary demokracy?

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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #179 - Jul 13th, 2013 at 11:01pm
Let’s look at Craig Thomson, shall we? This instance was ruled on by the parliamentary Speaker, so we know it’s legit. It’s there in the Hansard.

Craig Thomson stood down from the Labor Party in disgrace and became an independant (like Mr Slipper). Mr Abbott made it clear that he would not be accepting Craig Thomson’s vote in his usual opposition of the government’s bills. Mr Abbott was unequivocal. Craig Thomson was not welcome in the Libs! Opposing the government was Mr Abbott’s job alone.

So the Labor Party had a little joke. They had a word in Craig Thomson’s ear and asked him to vote against something irrelevant - some motion or other. Whatever it was, no one remembers.

So the votes were counted, and there were the Libs, one by one, all opposing as usual. They finally got to Craig Thomson. He held the moment, looked at his feet, cleared his throat, and finally came out with his vote - nay!

The Libs all looked at each other.. Nay? But that was their job - they’d voted nay. That meant...

Yes, that meant they’d be voting with the disgraced Craig Thomson, a man who Mr Abbott said would poison the parliament with his vote. If they stayed and voted with this man, all hell would break loose. Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Mr Abbott looked up at his chief whip, Chris Pyne, and they both made a break for the doors of the parliament.

Chris Pyne, a somewhat slippery, but powdery, character, made it through the doors just in time. Seeing Mr Abbott on the run, however, the speaker ordered the doors to be closed. Mr Abbott made it to the doors just as they closed in his face. Mr Abbott was locked in.

Mr Abbott wasn’t happy. He wanted his opposition to the government to be pure - it didn’t really matter what he was opposing, but he wanted his opposition on his terms, and he wanted it to be seen that way.

But the Speaker ruled: an MP gives his vote to the Speaker, not a political party. In his years spent opposing things in parliament, Mr Abbott had forgotten the whole point of it all: MPs vote on policies in the interest of the citizens they represent, not solely along tribal party lines for tactical political reasons, not with or against a government so as to support or oppose it.

This incident, backed by the argument of the Speaker, offers us great insight into Mr Abbott’s character as Dr No. It shows the party political nature of Mr Abbott, a man for whom politics is a team sport bound by rules, tactics, point-scoring, and yes, physical agility.

Thus, I rebut lie 3 (again). Mr Abbott was caught red-handed playing Dr No, and your alleged Rudd lie is proven false.
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« Last Edit: Jul 13th, 2013 at 11:17pm by Karnal »  
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