sir prince duke alevine wrote on Jul 13
th, 2013 at 6:04pm:
No it doesn't karnal, no it doesn't.
Patience karnal, patience.
I have much patience, Alevine. Grendel didn’t agree with my rebuttal of lie 3, so I’ll rebut it again. The case: Mr Slipper.
Mr Slipper was one of Mr Abbott’s old Liberal Party friends. Mr Abbott even went to his wedding. Somewhere along the line, as some friends do, they had a falling out, and Mr Slipper left the Libs, setting up shop for himself.
JuLiar, feeling sorry for Mr Slipper and looking for an extra vote in the parliament, made him the Speaker. Mr Abbott was angry about this, and vowed to get his revenge. By making Mr Slipper speaker, Mr Abbott’s plans to destroy JuLiar’s minority government and become PM before the term was out had to be put on hold.
Mr Abbott did not need to wait long for his revenge. An ex-staffer went to the Libs with shocking information: Mr Slipper was a powder puff! This was no news to Chris Pyne, Mr Abbott’s chief whip, but Chris Pyne wanted more - could they meet?
The staffer had more - photocopies of Mr Slipper’s diary and expenses! There must be something there. After all, no one is innocent. Mr Abbott, who had once hunted down another politician and had her thrown in jail, Pauline Hanson, knew this all too well.
To cut a long story short, it was decided to finger Mr Slipper for sexual harassment. All the staffer would have to do is sigh and say how dirty he felt. The Libs would take it from there. Before long, all the senior Libs were doing doorstop interviews and saying what a horrible crime sexual harassment was. How could the Labor Party, the champion of the underdog, condone such a terrible crime and continue to have Mr Slipper as speaker?
It all came down to a private text message Mr Slipper sent his staffer. Mr Slipper made a joke about mussels and ladies’, well, unmentionables. That was enough. Mr Slipper had to go.
Mr Abbott decided to propose a no confidence motion against Mr Slipper for being a sexist, a crook, and all-round cad. JuLiar said he needed proof - the matter was in court (the ex-staffer’s legal costs waived by a well-connected legal firm).
JuLiar challenged Mr Abbott’s hypocrisy in a speech that went viral. It was, perhaps, her finest moment. But it was to no avail. Mr Slipper was forced to stand down, his reputation in ruins. The magistrate threw the case out of court, but it was too late. Mr Slipper was destroyed by his old friend Mr Abbott for his description of ladies, er, private parts.
Oh, and his rampant hommersexuality.
Mr Abbott got another political scalp. JuLiar lost her speaker. The staffer got a holiday in a sunny country.
Rather than spend his time in opposition focusing on policies for the good of the country, Mr Abbott sought to bring the government down by any means necessary.
And he did. Before long, JuLiar was taken down too, her head lopped off by her own friends and allies.
Mr Abbott will be our next PM, but it will be a phyrric victory. When he gets to the top of the greasy pole, Mr Abbott will have nothing to do. Having spent all his time destroying things - policies, friendships, political careers, Mr Abbott will be a spent force.
As Lady Macbeth says at the news of her husband’s death; "tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow..."
"Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
And herein I rebut lie 3. Again.