Ok I understand you guys need a break...
So I'll just post an article that kinda backs me up where kevin is concerned.
I mean it's obvious you are finding it hard to take my word for it.
Remember now, this is the guy you lot are defending and in some cases supporting
Rudd 2.0 - bathroom selfies, puffball speeches ... but no plan
* by: Miranda Devine
* From: The Sunday Telegraph
* July 14, 2013
HOW stupid does Kevin Rudd think we are? Does he really think a selfie of his latest shaving cut will translate into votes?
People might notice and laugh, but only for the novelty of a Prime Minister behaving so
childishly.Of course, after three years of
Julia Gillard's grating divisiveness and political misjudgment, Rudd's ascension came as a relief to the electorate. It was the next best thing to a change of government.
But if we are upset with soaring energy prices, rising unemployment, the wasted billions, the layoffs, the shuttered shops and failing small businesses, not to mention the 45,000 boat people he ushered to our doors, Rudd has no answers.It's extraordinary that, having spent three years in the wilderness, Rudd has not retooled his persona, nor come up with a plan.
His puffball National Press Club speech was notable for its premature hubris, lack of substance and internal contradictions.
Pumping up the need to be positive, he laid into Tony Abbott 22 times.His latest
"brain explosion", scribbled on a piece of paper before a speech in Arnhem Land last week, was more evidence Rudd hasn't learned from his disastrous first term.
He announced a referendum within two years to recognise Aborigines in the Constitution and blamed "Captain Negative" Abbott for the delay. The allegation couldn't have been more dishonest.Former Labor Party president and indigenous leader Warren Mundine called it "disgusting" on Sky News.In fact, Abbott and Jenny Macklin have been working together for two years to ensure bipartisan support for the referendum.
As for his much ballyhooed changes to the way Labor leaders are removed, all is not as it seems.
The rule change has not been written into the ALP constitution. So a simple caucus vote in the future could undo Rudd's so-called reform. The next vote would be to remove Rudd once and for all.But, first, it's the voters' turn.
Hope you liked it.