Grendel wrote on Jul 15
th, 2013 at 12:16pm:
I'm pretty sure "Axe the Tax" was not a Liberal policy slogan. In fact I first saw it at the protest in Canberra where Albanese called hundreds of concerned Australians the Convoy of Incontinence.
Albo he's always been a class act. Cheesy
Because Tony's used that phrase everyday since.
To deny that shoots what little credibility you have out of the water.
And it was, no one was under 60
Grendel wrote on Jul 15
th, 2013 at 12:16pm:
He may well repeal the tax and in doing so cut my power bills and if we are lucky the domino effect will see decreases in other cost of living expenses Kevin has finally admitted were impacted by the Carbon Tax.
He may well fund Direct Action out of an already present tax pool. better that than an additional one... right?
Prices will not fall
Quote:Just minutes into his speech, Abbott seemed to promise lower power and gas prices.
"The carbon tax will go but no-one's personal tax will go up and no-one's fortnightly pension or benefit will go down. So with a change of government your weekly and fortnightly budgets will be under less pressure as electricity prices fall and gas prices fall and the carbon tax no longer cascades through our economy," Abbott said.
The promise was unnecessary. It is loaded with risk.
Retail power prices, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, rose 72 per cent in the five years to June 2012 (before the carbon tax was introduced last July). Retail costs of gas and other household fuels rose by 45 per cent in the same period.
Abbott cannot guarantee a fall in power prices in a carbon tax-free electricity market.
The promise may haunt him from now until the election and, should he win the September election, beyond.
Just two days after his speech it was causing him problems. In Saturday's Herald Sun, power companies Energy Australia, Origin and Australian Power and Gas and the Energy Supply Association of Australia all refused to confirm that Abbott's policy to abolish the tax would lower power prices. To your 2nd part, the budget is already out of control, according to Tony & you, so what will be cut?
Already the populace thanks to Howard expect handouts & leg ups, so with spending more from that limited pool how will we reach surplus, yet another pie in the sky no detail thought bubble?
Grendel wrote on Jul 15
th, 2013 at 12:16pm:
How is it you do not recognise that the Carbon tax was an additional tax.
How was it you were fooled into believing that it would only effect the big polluters?
How was it you failed even after they added compensation that it was effecting Australians cost of living expenses?
1) Its not, its a cost on business
2) They are the ones that pay, who else does it DIRECTLY effect?
Don't sight cost increases being passed on otherwise we will have to think about PPL, a cost on 5000 Australian businesses not 300.Opps too late
Quote:TONY Abbott's paid parental leave scheme will cost families and small businesses around $1 billion a year in higher interest rates and charges, Treasury analysis shows.
The analysis has shown the cost of a 1.5 per cent company tax hike to pay for the generous scheme would add nearly $4 billion over four years to the bottom line of banks and other mortgage lenders.
The impost would reach $1.1 billion alone in 2016-17. 3) It hasn't, I have not changed a thing & seeing as we are dealing with unsubstantiated anecdotes my experience holds just as much weight as your rhetoric
Grendel wrote on Jul 15
th, 2013 at 12:16pm:
I think I've well and truly shot your "aboves" out of the water smiffy. Does your political bias now prevent you from acknowledging that?
I have no bias accept I think Abbott & his goons are bad for my country, its not party based put Turnbull there & I'll vote Liberal, put Hunt there & I'll vote Liberal, put Hockey there & I'll consider it seriously.
You've only shoot yourself in the foot champ, where's number 4 or whatever we are up to?