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Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal (Read 23443 times)
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #240 - Jul 15th, 2013 at 3:50pm
So why do you hate abbott? be nice for one of you guys to actually have a go at addressing that instead of just saying because we do...

I have posted my reasons.  You have been too preoccupied with your own self importance to notice.
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #241 - Jul 15th, 2013 at 3:51pm
Grendel wrote on Jul 15th, 2013 at 3:16pm:
Because Tony's used that phrase everyday since.
To deny that shoots what little credibility you have out of the water.

And it was, no one was under 60 Wink

Ok willing to admit I missed it.
please post examples of Tony saying Axe the tax everyday....
did you kinda admit you were wrong  I noticed the word "since"   

BTW they were not all over 60 and albo and now you apparently are a disgrace.

Page 4 in the Book of Dreams

3. We will help families get
ahead by freeing them from
the burdens of the carbon
– to protect Australian
jobs and reduce cost-of-
living pressures, especially
rising electricity and
gas prices

Please don't waste my time with semantics of language, Freeing from the Burdens of Carbon Tax, Axe the Tax, Repeal the Carbon Tax all equal the same thing.

Seriously if you have heard a carbon tax reference in every interview then your not listening.

Grendel wrote on Jul 15th, 2013 at 3:19pm:
You realise that if labor had not chickened out on having the tax recorded on the bill
1/ we'd know how much it increased a bill...  they obviously didn't want us to know.
2/ we'd be able to readily see that it was removed when the tax is repealed.

It increased bills by 7% do the maths, & I've already posted the article where the energy providers refuse to commit to lowering prices.
Are you advocating Tony go for the Soviet style state owned Utilities?
How much would that cost to buy?What would that do to the Budget? or are you advocating forced repossession"

Grendel wrote on Jul 15th, 2013 at 3:26pm:
Well that is just rubbish and a stupid act of denial.

No its a fact, what was the electricity costs before?
What was the 37% increase from 2000 to July 2011 called?
Again no mention of TAX there either
I never heard them called a Tax

Grendel wrote on Jul 15th, 2013 at 3:26pm:
More rubbish and denial...  please smiffy do at least try to address reality.

I have how about you address the reality of PPL & its on-flow costs to those poor pensioners.

Grendel wrote on Jul 15th, 2013 at 3:26pm:
Please translate...


Paid Parental Leave puts a tax increase of 1.5% on all Australian Businesses that TURNOVER more than $5,000,000(you do know the difference between Turnover,Gross Profit & Nett profit Right?)

If the carbon tax put financial stress on 300 businesses forcing it to raise prices why wont the added burden to over 5000 do the same?
Covering a much wider, in fact the WHOLE economy not just the ENERGY Sector?

Grendel wrote on Jul 15th, 2013 at 3:32pm:
So why do you hate abbott? be nice for one of you guys to actually have a go at addressing that instead of just saying because we do...

I don't hate the guy, I never said I did.
Why don't I want him to be PM?

Because the Austerity measures he & Hockey advocate have been a TOTAL FAILURE around the rest of the world.
Europe is heading or has achieved a TRIPLE DIP recession.
Do you really think a tightening of spending is a way to encourage business & consumer confidence?

He panders to the LOWEST common denominator, he appeals from the perspective of fear & distrust(like the church), we all know its not about stopping reffos drowning its about stopping Mussies & brown people coming here.

Its not about saving peoples Cost of Living its about saving energy companies money.

He has not once since taking the leadership of the Liberal Party of Australia offered a POSITIVE outlook for our nation.
He has not once offered any DETAIL even in the BROADEST terms on how he will achieve his rhetoric.

He cant string together 2 coherent words when asked an off the cuff question, imagine him trying to talk with Putin,Obama,Brown in fact any world leader.
What if they asked a difficult question.....ahhhhhhh.....ummmmmm......ahhhhhhh.haha.....oh Merkel coming over(not even realising that's her surname)

He is a BULLY, a spoilt bully who resorts to intimidation if he doesn't get his way.

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REBELLION is when you turn off the TV & start educating & thinking for yourself.
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #242 - Jul 15th, 2013 at 4:55pm
Sorry, Grendel, most of your lies have been successfully rebutted. You have 59 to go, or you can admit you were wrong and say Rudd only lied twice.

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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #243 - Jul 15th, 2013 at 6:37pm
You people still playing with this troll and his flawed pathetic opinion?
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #244 - Jul 15th, 2013 at 6:57pm
The problem is that Labor is falling for the homosexual agenda and totally ignoring the elephant in the room...Stop..The...Boats  Cheesy
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Go the Bunnies
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #245 - Jul 15th, 2013 at 7:18pm
Maybe the most pathetic list I have ever seen - nothing worth even considering seriously there is not a single clear lie or a topic which is worth the effort either way.

Dismal absurd pathetic fragile pitiable feeble are the words which come to mind.

1) Instead it is based on a cold, hard analysis of the facts – including our ability to manage change when change is necessary.

Rudd is entitled to his opinion.

2) And the core fact is this: Australia is seen around the world as one of the strongest economies, one of the most stable societies, as well as a nation underpinned by a robust national security.

About right I would think, no room for disagreement there.

3) For these reasons, it is just plain wrong for anybody in our national political debate to be talking Australia down.

Grendal thinks it is a good idea to be talking Australia down??? I agree with Rudd it is not a good thing for the country

4) a daily diatribe of negative politics whose single objective is to cause the Australian people to feel that our national economy and our national security is on the verge of falling apart – if not now, then certainly by next Thursday afternoon.

Difficult to not agree that the Liberals and Media have been pedalling this view for a number of years.

5)  He is the most conservative politician to become leader of the Liberal Party in its history.

He would be up there but I think that Rudd is probably wrong if he said this. However being wrong is not the same as telling lies.

6) He is particularly formidable in the art of negative politics.

Absolutely no doubt that this has been Tony's political strength.

7) But a 100 per cent diet of negative politics is bad for our nation.

The statement is in general terms correct, If saying that 100% is a few percentage points over the top when talking about Tony then that would be correct, If Rudd said this in the terms stated then he is guilty of an exaggeration.

8) That is why Mr Abbott has so far publicly stated that he does not want to face the public scrutiny of an economic policy debate here at the National Press Club of Australia.

Abbott clearly didn't turn up to discuss the economy ???

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« Last Edit: Jul 15th, 2013 at 10:13pm by Dnarever »  
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #246 - Jul 15th, 2013 at 7:37pm
Aussie wrote on Jul 15th, 2013 at 3:50pm:
So why do you hate abbott? be nice for one of you guys to actually have a go at addressing that instead of just saying because we do...

I have posted my reasons.  You have been too preoccupied with your own self importance to notice.

Sorry Aussie unlike you I'm a 'umble cove and don't suffer from self importance like yourself.  You still obsessing over being turfed at PA and not being Admin anymore?  You need to get over it... people will think you are too full of yourself...  mmmm  what's the words...  self important?

So come on Aussie not that I asked you but since you decided to butt in...  come on and post the info here.  I'll be really interested to see if you can come up with something sensible.
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #247 - Jul 15th, 2013 at 7:40pm
Dsmithy70 wrote on Jul 15th, 2013 at 3:51pm:
Grendel wrote on Jul 15th, 2013 at 3:16pm:
Because Tony's used that phrase everyday since.
To deny that shoots what little credibility you have out of the water.

And it was, no one was under 60 Wink

Ok willing to admit I missed it.
please post examples of Tony saying Axe the tax everyday....
did you kinda admit you were wrong  I noticed the word "since"   

BTW they were not all over 60 and albo and now you apparently are a disgrace.

Page 4 in the Book of Dreams

3. We will help families get
ahead by freeing them from
the burdens of the carbon
– to protect Australian
jobs and reduce cost-of-
living pressures, especially
rising electricity and
gas prices

So there is no AXE THE TAX...
He did not say it everyday.
If ever...
It is not the slogan for the official Liberal Policy.

So why did you lie about it smithy?

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John Smith
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #248 - Jul 15th, 2013 at 7:43pm
Gretel, are you a masochist?

I don't understand why you keep coming back to this thread to have your but handed back to you over and over again ... if you had any sort of brain you'd leave it alone and let it run of the page.
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #249 - Jul 15th, 2013 at 7:56pm
Please don't waste my time with semantics of language, Freeing from the Burdens of Carbon Tax, Axe the Tax, Repeal the Carbon Tax all equal the same thing.

Sorry lets be honest here, you know what you said.  So do I.

Seriously if you have heard a carbon tax reference in every interview then your not listening.

You mean if I haven't heard don't you?  But no, I have been listening and I haven't heard that referred to in every interview.  And I listen a lot.

Grendel wrote on Jul 15th, 2013 at 3:19pm:
You realise that if labor had not chickened out on having the tax recorded on the bill
1/ we'd know how much it increased a bill...  they obviously didn't want us to know.
2/ we'd be able to readily see that it was removed when the tax is repealed.

It increased bills by 7% do the maths, & I've already posted the article where the energy providers refuse to commit to lowering prices.

Nope...  treasury actually said 7-10% but we all know how wrong treasury have been since Labor took over.  How are those surpluses going?
I've done the maths and it is more.  My bills went up 25%.  As for the total effect of the federal and state governments on my bill due to Green initiatives my bill could be anything up to 90% higher than it should be.
The government can legislated to ensure the energy providers are not ripping us off.  The states however at least NSW are taking dividends off the electricity distributors and have been since the 70s when Greiner was in charge.  This has effected costs, quality of service and maintenance in the industry.

Are you advocating Tony go for the Soviet style state owned Utilities?

Are you saying we don't already have a form of that now?  If so you'd be wrong in at least NSW.

How much would that cost to buy?What would that do to the Budget? or are you advocating forced repossession"

Hope you don't mind if I stick to actual policy and not idle speculation.
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #250 - Jul 15th, 2013 at 7:57pm
John Smith wrote on Jul 15th, 2013 at 7:43pm:
Gretel, are you a masochist?

I don't understand why you keep coming back to this thread to have your but handed back to you over and over again ... if you had any sort of brain you'd leave it alone and let it run of the page.

I'm not going to let you people post unchallenged lies John so suck it up...  not even the one you just posted even if it is pathetic.
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #251 - Jul 15th, 2013 at 7:59pm
Dnarever wrote on Jul 15th, 2013 at 7:18pm:
Maybe the most pathetic list I have ever seen - nothing worth even considering seriously there is not a single clear lie or a topic which is worth the effort either way.

Dismal absurd pathetic fragile pitiable feeble are the words which come to mind.

1) Instead it is based on a cold, hard analysis of the facts – including our ability to manage change when change is necessary.

Rudd is entitled to his opinion.

2) And the core fact is this: Australia is seen around the world as one of the strongest economies, one of the most stable societies, as well as a nation underpinned by a robust national security.

About right I would think, no room for disagreement there.

3) For these reasons, it is just plain wrong for anybody in our national political debate to be talking Australia down.

Grendal thinks it is a good idea to be talking Australia down??? I agree with Rudd it is not a good thing for the country

4) a daily diatribe of negative politics whose single objective is to cause the Australian people to feel that our national economy and our national security is on the verge of falling apart – if not now, then certainly by next Thursday afternoon.

Difficult to not agree that the Liberals and Media have been pedalling this view for a number of years.

5)  He is the most conservative politician to become leader of the Liberal Party in its history.

He would be up there but I think that Rudd is probably wrong if he said this. However being wrong is not the same as telling lies.

6) He is particularly formidable in the art of negative politics.

Absolutely no doubt that this has been Tony's political strength.

7) But a 100 per cent diet of negative politics is bad for our nation.

The statement is in general terms correct, If saying that 100% is a few percentage points over the top when talking about Tony then that would be correct, If Rudd said this in the terms stated then he is guilty of an exaggeration.

8) That is why Mr Abbott has so far publicly stated that he does not want to face the public scrutiny of an economic policy debate here at the National Press Club of Australia.

Abbott clearly didn't turn up to discuss the economy ???

Excuse me, that’s just leftard thinking. You’ve got it all wrong - you must be a rusted on Rudd supporter. Typical.

Grendel is progressive AND conservative. He can see both sides. He gets to the heart of the truth.

He’s up to lie 3, but he seems to have slowed down.

Stay on target, Grendel. The truth depends on it.

Next lie, please.
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #252 - Jul 15th, 2013 at 8:01pm
Grendel wrote on Jul 15th, 2013 at 7:57pm:
John Smith wrote on Jul 15th, 2013 at 7:43pm:
Gretel, are you a masochist?

I don't understand why you keep coming back to this thread to have your but handed back to you over and over again ... if you had any sort of brain you'd leave it alone and let it run of the page.

I'm not going to let you people post unchallenged lies John so suck it up...  not even the one you just posted even if it is pathetic.

Suck it up, leftards.

Pathetic, just pathetic.
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #253 - Jul 15th, 2013 at 8:05pm
bugger I'm glad I don't have to pay for popcorn to read these 61 lies. Good luck getting more than one or two and ya can bet they will be stretched ala boofy style.
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Re: Rudd's 61 lies by Grendal
Reply #254 - Jul 15th, 2013 at 8:06pm
Gotta zip smithy so I'll be brief.

Paid Parental Leave puts a tax increase of 1.5% on all Australian Businesses that TURNOVER more than $5,000,000(you do know the difference between Turnover,Gross Profit & Nett profit Right?)

If the carbon tax put financial stress on 300 businesses forcing it to raise prices why wont the added burden to over 5000 do the same?
Covering a much wider, in fact the WHOLE economy not just the ENERGY Sector?

I understand your point.  I am not for it even though it is much more generous than labor's policy.

It is much less an impact than the carbon tax which does effect everyone and every company smithy.

Not only do companies pay for the carbon tax many pay for the up to 400% increase in refrigerant costs.  The costs set for feeding power back into the grid at a much higher rate than the standard power rate.  there are other schemes and add-on costs due to green initiatives taken on by both levels of government.
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