Grendel wrote on Jul 15
th, 2013 at 3:16pm:
Because Tony's used that phrase everyday since.
To deny that shoots what little credibility you have out of the water.
And it was, no one was under 60 Wink
Ok willing to admit I missed it.
please post examples of Tony saying
Axe the tax everyday....
did you kinda admit you were wrong I noticed the word "since"
BTW they were not all over 60 and albo and now you apparently are a disgrace.
Page 4 in the Book of Dreams
Quote:3. We will help families get
ahead by freeing them from
the burdens of the carbon
– to protect Australian
jobs and reduce cost-of-
living pressures, especially
rising electricity and
gas prices don't waste my time with semantics of language, Freeing from the Burdens of Carbon Tax, Axe the Tax, Repeal the Carbon Tax all equal the same thing.
Seriously if you have heard a carbon tax reference in every interview then your not listening.
Grendel wrote on Jul 15
th, 2013 at 3:19pm:
You realise that if labor had not chickened out on having the tax recorded on the bill
1/ we'd know how much it increased a bill... they obviously didn't want us to know.
2/ we'd be able to readily see that it was removed when the tax is repealed.
It increased bills by 7% do the maths, & I've already posted the article where the energy providers refuse to commit to lowering prices.
Are you advocating Tony go for the Soviet style state owned Utilities?
How much would that cost to buy?What would that do to the Budget? or are you advocating forced repossession"
Grendel wrote on Jul 15
th, 2013 at 3:26pm:
Well that is just rubbish and a stupid act of denial.
No its a fact, what was the electricity costs before?
What was the 37% increase from 2000 to July 2011 called?
Again no mention of TAX there either
I never heard them called a Tax
Grendel wrote on Jul 15
th, 2013 at 3:26pm:
More rubbish and denial... please smiffy do at least try to address reality.
I have how about you address the reality of PPL & its on-flow costs to those poor pensioners.
Grendel wrote on Jul 15
th, 2013 at 3:26pm:
Please translate...
Paid Parental Leave puts a tax increase of 1.5% on all Australian Businesses that TURNOVER more than $5,000,000(you do know the difference between Turnover,Gross Profit & Nett profit Right?)
If the carbon tax put financial stress on 300 businesses forcing it to raise prices why wont the added burden to over 5000 do the same?
Covering a much wider, in fact the WHOLE economy not just the ENERGY Sector?
Grendel wrote on Jul 15
th, 2013 at 3:32pm:
So why do you hate abbott? be nice for one of you guys to actually have a go at addressing that instead of just saying because we do...
I don't hate the guy, I never said I did.
Why don't I want him to be PM?
Because the Austerity measures he & Hockey advocate have been a TOTAL FAILURE around the rest of the world.
Europe is heading or has achieved a TRIPLE DIP recession.
Do you really think a tightening of spending is a way to encourage business & consumer confidence?
He panders to the LOWEST common denominator, he appeals from the perspective of fear & distrust(like the church), we all know its not about stopping reffos drowning its about stopping Mussies & brown people coming here.
Its not about saving peoples Cost of Living its about saving energy companies money.
He has not once since taking the leadership of the Liberal Party of Australia offered a POSITIVE outlook for our nation.
He has not once offered any DETAIL even in the BROADEST terms on how he will achieve his rhetoric.
He cant string together 2 coherent words when asked an off the cuff question, imagine him trying to talk with Putin,Obama,Brown in fact any world leader.
What if they asked a difficult question.....ahhhhhhh.....ummmmmm......ahhhhhhh.haha.....oh Merkel coming over(not even realising that's her surname)
He is a BULLY, a spoilt bully who resorts to intimidation if he doesn't get his way.