sir prince duke alevine wrote on Jul 12
th, 2013 at 1:09pm:
Anyway, moving along. I'm going to assume you think that our national security is not strong and robust because we don't have weapons of mass destruction and we have asylum seekers arriving by boats, each a terrorist in disguise eager to blow us all up.
As smithy mentions, Rudd did not give you factual information with regard to our national security. He simply raised an opinion that Australia's national security is strong and robust. And given that Australia has been a nation relatively free from war and terror, I'd tend to agree with that OPINION.
What else you got? 60 to go.
You'd assume wrong, but our national security would be more robust if we did have them. Not something I advocate at this time.
Are you agreeing with me that we do not have robust national security... I mean it is hard to back up when hundreds of wooden boats arrive continuously with unidentified people on board.
As for your squirming re the FACTS... Rudd said and i repeat...
And the core fact is this: Australia is seen around the world as one of the strongest economies, one of the most stable societies,
as well as a nation underpinned by a robust national security.Well... are we? I posted facts that both show we are not and that even an ally disagrees.
Seeing a fact is a truth and what he claimed was a fact was untrue... then he lied.
let me know when the penny drops.
Rudd is saying that iother countries around the world have that opinion of Australia. He isn't saying himself that it's a fact that Australia has a robust national security. So again, whilst you're arguing that Australia doesn't have a robust national security, Rudd never laid claim to that being a fact.
And robust national security prevents attacks on Australia. Last I checked no asylum seeker has attacked Australia.
And it's not a fact that nuclear weapons make a robust national security. That's your opinion.