I know exactly how she feels...

Lie 3
(lie by inference)
For these reasons, it is just plain wrong for anybody in our national political debate to be talking Australia down.Having already shown our defence is not so robust as he claimed Rudd is already off to a bad start. He is saying here that any criticism of the government, or its policies, or the economy… is talking Australia down. He is inferring (as ever) that Abbott and the Opposition are doing just that. They are not. When in Opposition, he did the exact same things the Opposition have been doing. Then, he called it messing with Howard’s mind. Criticism, dissent and indeed policy amendment, are things done by all parties and even some independents, it is not talking Australia down.
His inference is that Abbott and the Coalition are talking Australia down, and so are not doing their job. They are the Opposition, and as such they are the major voice Australians have to disagree with the government.
To hold them to account. It is not wrong for them to do so. It is not “plain wrong” at all.
It is expected and necessary that in our national political debate there are voices of dissent.Hence Rudd has lied yet again, and proved himself disingenuous and hypocritical at the same time.
It is important that anyone in politics should be an honest broker and provide the population with correct information at all times. Pity that during elections the truth is often hard to discern especially when the rusted-on fail to address reality whilst barracking for their “team”. (Now that last para is indeed my opinion.)
You can lump in Lie 4... with that as well.
But that is different to
a daily diatribe of negative politics whose single objective is to cause the Australian people to feel that our national economy and our national security is on the verge of falling apart – if not now, then certainly by next Thursday afternoon. It ain't daily, not necessarily negative and certainly does not have the single objective he mentions.