Yadda wrote on Jul 20
th, 2013 at 12:09pm:
Quote:Koran 24.33, DOES NOT prohibit 'forcing' a captive female slave [i.e. having non-consensual sex with a with captive women slave].
The word that you have translated into "prostitution" (bagaa'البغاء) has other meanings such 'fornication' and "outrage" "assault" "oppression", etc..
A phrase that captures more of the meanings is "illicit sexual activity" which due to the context I have rendered "sexual servitude" - and any translator will tell you that context is all important.
Why would we not use the word "prostitution"?
* Because prostitution is already illegal in Islam, why would it need to be mentioned in this verse?
* Because 'prostitution' only captures a small part of the meaning of the Arabic word "bagaa'" .
*Because the first part of the verse is addressing men and how they should conduct themselves in marriage, and the logical conclusion is that it is continuing to talk about how a man should conduct himself with his own sexuality - not going off on a tangent about whether slavegirls can perform prostitution.
*Lastly and most importantly, the verse makes it conditional upon the slavegirls desires (does she want sex or desire chastity). Prostitution is completely banned in Islam. So why make it conditional upon the slavegirl's desire - wouldn't make sense.
The most accurate translation in my opinion would be:
"...do not compel your slave girls to sexual servitude, seeking the temporary interests presented by this worldly life, if they desire chastity..."
Yadda wrote on Jul 20
th, 2013 at 12:09pm:
I can assure that the word or phrase "monetary gain" is not found in the verse at all.
The word in question is the Arabic 'aradh' (عرض) which literally means "something non-essential/luxury/superfluity' or 'vanities'
Once again I will refer you to what I believe is an accurate translation:
"...do not compel your slave girls to sexual servitude, seeking the temporary interests presented by this worldly life, if they desire chastity..."