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Executing prisoners of war (Read 103496 times)
True Colours
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Re: On Islamic historical sourcing
Reply #60 - Aug 2nd, 2013 at 7:50am
Sprintcyclist wrote on Aug 2nd, 2013 at 12:29am:
The Bible teaches values, morals, illuminates humanity, shows karma in action, elevates discernment and self sacrifice.


The book that inspired the Crusades and Inquisitions, the book hat had Europe forced to consider the world as 'flat' for centuries? The book that teaches that women are the source of man's undoing and should be silent?

The Biblical view of women

"Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression."
(I Timothy 2:11-14)

"Give me any plague, but the plague of the heart: and any wickedness, but the wickedness of a woman."
(Eccles. 25:13)

"Of the woman came the beginning of sin, and through her we all die."
(Eccles. 25:22)

"A shameless woman shall be counted as a dog; but she that is shamefaced will fear the Lord." (Eccles.26:25)

"For from garments cometh a moth, and from women wickedness. Better is the churlishness of a man than a courteous woman, a woman, I say, which bringeth shame and reproach." (Eccles. 42:13-14)

"The social and legal position of an Israelite wife was inferior to the position a wife occupied in the great countries round about... all the texts show that Israelites wanted mainly sons to perpetuate the family line and fortune, and to preserve the ancestral inheritance... A husband could divorce his wife; women on the other hand could not ask for divorce... the wife called her husband Ba'al or master; she also called him adon or lord; she addressed him, in fact, as a slave addressed his master or subject, his king. The Decalogue includes a man's wife among his possessions... all her life she remains a minor. The wife does not inherit from her husband, nor daughters from their father, except when there is no male heir. A vow made by a girl or married woman needs, to be valid, the consent of the father or husband and if this consent is withheld, the vow is null and void. A man had a right to sell his daughter. Women were excluded from the succession."

-Roland de Vaux, archaeologist and priest

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Re: On Islamic historical sourcing
Reply #61 - Aug 2nd, 2013 at 8:31am
Sprintcyclist wrote on Aug 2nd, 2013 at 1:41am:
'yes, as insulting moh is a crime punishable by death, obviously we worship moh.'

I don't worship Muhammad, and I don't know any muslims who do. Can you show me evidence that muslims worship Muhammad?

Sprintcyclist wrote on Aug 2nd, 2013 at 1:41am:
'no, i have not read the whole bible myself. My own basis on commenting on it is false'

So am I wrong that christianity has many prophets who waged war in the name of religion? Is Joshua (for example) not in the bible? Please explain this great misunderstanding I have. Note - I wasn't even criticising the bible, or christians. I'll leave that to True Colours.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: On Islamic historical sourcing
Reply #62 - Aug 2nd, 2013 at 10:35am
The Qurayzas were not POWs

Yes they were. You can only say this by ignoring the fact that they were captured as combatants in a war. Every time I post the details and ask you to explain the apparent contradiction between the reality and your claims you completely ignore it, only to regurgitate this BS again a few posts later. Is it pointless attempting to get you to address the facts?

As for genuine POWs, Islam does permit them to be executed in extreme circumstances.

Can you give some examples please?

Usually there is more advantage in freeing POWs or keeping them as prisoners.

Advantage for who? The POWs or the Muslims?

You want to hold Islam to some impossible standard that nobody else would follow.

So not executing POWs is an impossible standard?

Hundreds of Japanese POWs were killed on Australian soil by Australians during WWII. Does that bother you?

They were attempting to escape at the time. They were killed while fighting. So no, I am not particularly bothered by it, beyond my distaste for war in general.

It is certainly not the same thing as Muhammed executing 700 POWs who had surrendered unconditionally and were not attempting anything, if that is what you are suggesting. Is this just another transparent attempt at moral equivalence?

If Westerners can accept the killings of millions of civilians in war, why should it be an issue if some of the most aggressive/hostile/treacherous POWs are occasionally executed?

Actually many westerners cannot accept the killing of civilians either. There is also a fundamental difference that once POWs are captured and disarmed, they are no longer an immediate threat. There are also all sorts of other more pragmatic reasons, and WWII is a good example of those, and you appear to be acknowledging those same reasons at play in Muhammed's thinking.

The 700 POWs that Muhammed executing were not aggressive. They had surrendered unconditionally. They did not attack Muhammed. Muhammed attacked them. The vast majority had committed no crime at all and had only defended themselves and their community against Muslims.
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Re: On Islamic historical sourcing
Reply #63 - Aug 2nd, 2013 at 9:11pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Aug 2nd, 2013 at 8:11pm:
But I reject the label "POW" for the same reason as the US government rejected the idea that US citizens that were captured while colluding with the taliban and/or Al Qaeda, were POWs. They were *arrested* - rather than "captured* - by their own government for betraying their country.

This was not a country. It was a loose agreement of mutual support that one by one, Muhammed had renegged on. He laid siege to the entire tribe for 25 days.

In the case of the Banu Quraysa, their government was that led by Muhammad, and they had concluded a pact to not collude with Muhammad's enemies. They broke this agreement (law), and in response, Muhammad effectively issued an arrest warrant on them - to be judged and punished as traitors.

All 700 at once? Collectively? Can you give an example of the US fighting against so many people in their own home for so long, the pretending it was not a war and all the people that surrendered were not POWs? It is nothing at all like the example you gave, because in that example the individual was given a trial and judged on his own actions.

Are you honestly suggesting that different armies, tribes, nations etc never enter into or break agreements and end up warring with or against each other as a result? Are you claiming that the existence of some kind of agreement precludes a war?
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True Colours
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Re: On Islamic historical sourcing
Reply #64 - Aug 3rd, 2013 at 7:14am
freediver wrote on Aug 2nd, 2013 at 9:11pm:
This was not a country. It was a loose agreement of mutual support...

Garbage. Madina was a city-state with a constitution.

The Constitution established: the security of the community, religious freedoms, the role of Medina as a haram or sacred place (barring all violence and weapons), the security of women, stable tribal relations within Medina, a tax system for supporting the community in time of conflict, parameters for exogenous political alliances, a system for granting protection of individuals, a judicial system for resolving disputes
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Re: On Islamic historical sourcing
Reply #65 - Aug 3rd, 2013 at 9:33am
freediver wrote on Aug 2nd, 2013 at 9:11pm:
a loose agreement of mutual support that one by one, Muhammed had renegged on.

um.. such as? For someone who is so eager to pull out the dishonest card, you are extremely flexible with the truth.

freediver wrote on Aug 2nd, 2013 at 9:11pm:
Can you give an example of the US fighting against so many people in their own home for so long, the pretending it was not a war and all the people that surrendered were not POWs?

Of course not - such a comparison would be absurd. The US is a  superpower with global reach, whose existence is not even remotely threatened. But of course in the absurd scenario that the US was under siege by superior forces, was about to be overrun and anhialated, and 700 men inside the US negotiated opening up a second front against the US - then obviously the US would go after those 700 men - arrest them and try them for treachery. To say that laying down their arms and allowing themselves to be taken into custody somehow would give them immunity to judgment as traitors is absurd. Equally, to say that they deserve immunity because they didn't actually go anywhere with their negotiations with the enemy is just as absurd. Moreover, the idea that these men are mere "POWs" is also absurd.

freediver wrote on Aug 2nd, 2013 at 9:11pm:
Are you honestly suggesting that different armies, tribes, nations etc never enter into or break agreements and end up warring with or against each other as a result? Are you claiming that the existence of some kind of agreement precludes a war?

Obviously I'm working on the basis that this tribe was part of the nation as per their agreement to the covenant. The covenant was essentially the creations of a city-state.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: On Islamic historical sourcing
Reply #66 - Aug 3rd, 2013 at 10:02am
The Constitution established: the security of the community, religious freedoms

So Muhammed didn't violate this when he told the Jews they "would be safe" if they converted to Islam, but otherwise he wants to exile them and they might as well sell their property?

the role of Medina as a haram or sacred place (barring all violence and weapons)

Wasn't it inside Medina where Muhammed laid siege to the third tribe, before executing 700 of them?

the security of women

And took all the women, including one for his own personal use?

stable tribal relations within Medina

How long did it take him to expel or slaughter all three of the tribes?

a system for granting protection of individuals

So, not slaughtering all 700 of them as a collective punishment?

um.. such as? For someone who is so eager to pull out the dishonest card, you are extremely flexible with the truth.

The wikipedia article I keep quoting from mentions that there was an agreement, but states that it is unknown whether it compelled them to fight, or merely not attack each other.

Of course not - such a comparison would be absurd.

So why is it not absurd when you compare the mass execution of 700 POWs with an individual trial of an individual US citizen combatant for his own personal actions, who was not then executed? How can you be so oblivious to the absurdity of your own argument?

The US is a  superpower with global reach, whose existence is not even remotely threatened. But of course in the absurd scenario that the US was under siege by superior forces, was about to be overrun and anhialated, and 700 men inside the US negotiated opening up a second front against the US - then obviously the US would go after those 700 men - arrest them and try them for treachery.

You mean like the US civil war, where mass execution of POWs was a regular occurrence, and where one side was definitely under siege by superior forces (and lost) and the other side thought it was for a while? There have been plenty of western countries in the situation Muhammed found himself in. Many were annihilated. Try to find one where they executed as many POWs in one session as Muhammed under orders from the top. Then show me one where westerners think that was the righteous thing to do, or even consider it God's will.

To say that laying down their arms and allowing themselves to be taken into custody somehow would give them immunity to judgment as traitors is absurd. Equally, to say that they deserve immunity because they didn't actually go anywhere with their negotiations with the enemy is just as absurd. Moreover, the idea that these men are mere "POWs" is also absurd.

Who is saying they should have immunity? You are creating a false dichotomy. There is a huge gulf between immunity and the mass execution of 700 POWs, raping all the women and enslaving them and the children. Muslims even acknowledge this themselves and often pretend Islam forbids execution of POWs, while still permitting harsh punishments that are also considered illegal today (though not as bad as killing all of them).

Obviously I'm working on the basis that this tribe was part of the nation as per their agreement to the covenant. The covenant was essentially the creations of a city-state.

Can you explain how this precludes a war? Hint - compare it with the US civil war. You argument simply makes no sense and requires the absolute rejection of reality.
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Re: On Islamic historical sourcing
Reply #67 - Aug 3rd, 2013 at 10:08am
True Colours wrote on Aug 3rd, 2013 at 6:21am:
freediver wrote on Aug 1st, 2013 at 5:52pm:
Since when are criminal traitors who aid the enemy POWs?

Since they are POWs.

In which country can a citizen aid the enemy and promise to help them invade and somehow be considered a POW?

They were not POWs. They were traitors who had supplied the invading enemy, announced that they would help the enemy fight against the Muslims from inside the city, and had even made raids against Muslim women and children. Traitors - who were tried by their on laws, and punished according to their own laws.

Earth to TC: We are not talking about an individual citizen being held accountable for his own actions. We are talking about the mass execution of POWs. They are considered a POW for the simple reason that they are a prisoner - of war. That's what it stands for. It does not mean prisoner of war when it is convenient to label them as such, otherwise you can slaughter the lot of them if you are worried about the whole war situation.
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Re: On Islamic historical sourcing
Reply #68 - Aug 3rd, 2013 at 11:20am
freediver wrote on Aug 3rd, 2013 at 10:02am:
The wikipedia article I keep quoting from mentions that there was an agreement, but states that
it is unknown
whether it compelled them to fight, or merely not attack each other.

You don't even know the terms of the treaty, but you are perfectly happy to claim with certainty that Muhammad broke them.  Cheesy

freediver wrote on Aug 3rd, 2013 at 10:02am:
So why is it not absurd when you compare the mass execution of 700 POWs with an individual trial of an individual US citizen combatant for his own personal actions, who was not then executed? How can you be so oblivious to the absurdity of your own argument?

We are not going to get anywhere by you arguing on the assumption that I accept your premise that they were POWs.

freediver wrote on Aug 3rd, 2013 at 10:02am:
There have been plenty of western countries in the situation Muhammed found himself in. Many were annihilated.

There you go folks: FD's argument - Muhammad should have done the "honourable" thing and allowed his nation to be anhialated instead of taking drastic measures to save it.

good logic  Cheesy
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: On Islamic historical sourcing
Reply #69 - Aug 3rd, 2013 at 11:37am
You don't even know the terms of the treaty, but you are perfectly happy to claim with certainty that Muhammad broke them.

Did the Jews break them?

We are not going to get anywhere by you arguing on the assumption that I accept your premise that they were POWs.

We are arguing over whether they were POWs. Not sure what is so complicated about that.

There you go folks: FD's argument - Muhammad should have done the "honourable" thing and allowed his nation to be anhialated instead of taking drastic measures to save it.

That is not what I actually said. Read it again.

Does Islam permit the execution of POWs?
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Re: On Islamic historical sourcing
Reply #70 - Aug 3rd, 2013 at 12:13pm
freediver wrote on Aug 3rd, 2013 at 11:37am:
Did the Jews break them?

Don't deflect FD - how can you explain your previous claim that Muhammad definitely broke a treaty which you now admit you don't know the terms of? Are you conceding you were leading us up the garden path? Can I now start ranting about non-muslim deception and lies?

freediver wrote on Aug 3rd, 2013 at 11:37am:
We are arguing over whether they were POWs. Not sure what is so complicated about that.

Every point in your last post was prefaced on the assumption that we both agree they were POWs.

freediver wrote on Aug 3rd, 2013 at 11:37am:
Does Islam permit the execution of POWs?

I don't believe so.

Oh and almost missed this gem:

freediver wrote on Aug 3rd, 2013 at 10:02am:
Try to find one where they executed as many POWs in one session as Muhammed under orders from the top.

Cue laughter all round.

Shall I start with Richard the Lionheart's execution of 2700 muslim POWs at Acre? Or the execution of the surrendered garrison at Jerusalem (along with 10s of thousands of non-combatants).

Would you like me to go on? And these weren't even nations with an existential threat.

Have you actually ever come up with anything more ridiculous?
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: On Islamic historical sourcing
Reply #71 - Aug 3rd, 2013 at 12:26pm
Don't deflect FD - how can you explain your previous claim that Muhammad definitely broke a treaty which you now admit you don't know the terms of? Are you conceding you were leading us up the garden path? Can I now start ranting about non-muslim deception and lies?

I apologise. It was silly of me to assume that Muhammed wrote a treaty that excluded executing 700 POWs, and exiling the other two tribes.

Shall I start with Richard the Lionheart's execution of 2700 muslim POWs at Acre? Or the execution of the surrendered garrison at Jerusalem (along with 10s of thousands of non-combatants).

So, not exactly the same thing as what the US does is it?

Would you like me to go on?

Let's settle for the most recent example you can find that is actually similar to what Muhammed did, and also a similar example that non-Muslims hold up as God's will.

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Brian Ross
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Re: On Islamic historical sourcing
Reply #72 - Aug 3rd, 2013 at 4:59pm
FD, a question if I may?

Are you condemning all "execution of prisoners of war" throughout history by anybody or just the supposed "execution of prisoners of war" by Muhammad?
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: On Islamic historical sourcing
Reply #73 - Aug 3rd, 2013 at 5:32pm
I am condemning people who hold a womanising, mass murdering, raping, thieving, wife beating pedophile to be an eternal example to all mankind, and who hold his rules to be eternal rules that should be imposed on all mankind.

If you think he is just another medieval thug, I am happy to leave it at that.
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Re: On Islamic historical sourcing
Reply #74 - Aug 4th, 2013 at 11:11pm
freediver wrote on Aug 3rd, 2013 at 12:26pm:
I apologise. It was silly of me to assume that Muhammed wrote a treaty that excluded executing 700 POWs, and exiling the other two tribes.

No. Apologise and feel silly for thinking that Muhammad was somehow bound by a treaty that had already been broken - and not by him.

freediver wrote on Aug 3rd, 2013 at 12:26pm:
Let's settle for the most recent example you can find that is actually similar to what Muhammed did

Give me a break. When the US was attacked on 9/11, they responded by indiscriminately bombing an estimated 3000 Afghan civilians to smithereens. Up to 10 thousand more were estimated to have died during the winter of 2001-2 as a result of the displacement caused by this bombing campaign. Admittedly they weren't bound and beheaded, but whichever way you spin it, its still a case of responding to an attack by slaughtering thousands of non-combatants who had nothing to do with the attack. And we won't even go into the hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis as a result of the US invasion - also had nothing to do with the 9/11 attack.

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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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