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RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea (Read 49411 times)
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Re: RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea
Reply #135 - Jul 20th, 2013 at 9:36am
cods wrote on Jul 19th, 2013 at 5:21pm:
this is the labor version of TURNING BACK THE BOATS..  wonder how much we now have to pay PNG...look out Norfolk Island. you could be next. is this any different to Howard turning Nauru into a Gulag?

Except for the fact that PNG would be much, much cheaper place for a concentration camp than Nauru?


Both exactly the same.

Pandering to racist bogans

Hope you are all pleased with yourselves.
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Re: RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea
Reply #136 - Jul 20th, 2013 at 9:44am
Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 8:31am:
cods wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 7:39am:
Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 6:25am:
The day Australia lost its heart and soul.

What happened to my once beautiful country?

Just last month PNG was talking about reintroducing the death penalty, today they have grown a humanitarian heart? I don't think so.

Has anyone wondered how much this is costing, not only on a human level, but economically?

The day Australia lost its heart and soul.   

Shame, Australia, shame!

that interesting pansi. I didnt know about the death sentencing.. I have heard they still head hunt in parts though..

I dont recall you being up in arms over Malaysia where they do have the death sentence and always have done..

surely it is against our human rights policy to return anyone to a country with a death penalty.. so wouldnt that be breaking our own rules...the mere sniff of a death penalty should make us back away.

personally  we are bribing this very poor nation to do a job.. that I think could well be beyond them..

this is a desperate measure to win a few votes...looking at the riot that is reported on the threads.. these people are not your average asylum seekers..they are demanding and violent..,

Oh I was up in arms about Malaysia, any off shore process to be precise. I have always been against pushing our problems onto other nations, poorer nations at that. I have always said that we should process asylum seekers here and look after them here.

Human rights policy??? Do we have one? I think that was unoficially abolished a while back, when we started treating humans like maggot infested garbage. We should take our name off the UNHRC, then we can become like those other barbaric nations that are a law unto themselves. I hope Kevvy lose his seat on the United Nations Security Council over this.

Mannus Island is not coping right now, yet they want to expand it, that's too crazy.

It never ceases to amaze me that the very people who profess to be upstanding Christians can even contemplate doing this to fellow human beings.

I'm happy for the dangerous boat journeys to stop, something had to be done, but what a horrible way to go about it.

Rudd's making Julia Gillard look compassionate....and she was one evil woman.

Congratulations John've won!

Please change the National anthem.......we are not sharing any boundless plains.

Pansi, it’s not compassionate to attract hundreds of people to their deaths with the offer of the decent wages, laws and shopping that is Australia. New Guinea offers asylum and safety. There is no death penalty there, but there is in most countries refugees arrive in.

It’s not humane to allow the constant flow of boats to Christmas Island to continue. Services there are stretched, the camps are full, and the navy are on a constant state of alert.

A boat goes down nearly every week, now, and the refugee numbers are escalating.

This is not the 2000s anymore with a few hundred boat people and a racist undercurrent to the policies. We’ve had 17000 this year, and rising. Boats are arriving each and every day now.

Human migration is not going anywhere. We’re in the middle of a refugee boom. Those that have come have stretched our existing services to capacity. There needs to be a limit on this.

Without that, it’s just more death and misery.
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Re: RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea
Reply #137 - Jul 20th, 2013 at 9:45am
longweekend58 wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 9:33am:
John Smith wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 9:09am:
cods wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 9:06am:
Soren wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 8:49am:
Before the 2007 election, Rudd said he would send back boats of asylum seekers when safe. "You'd turn them back," he insisted.

After the election he did no such thing but instead dismantled the existing border laws and the off-shore detention centres which had stopped the boats. He claimed this to be compassionate.

After he lost the leadership he told the Labor party not to 'shift to the right' on the issue.
After numerous attempts, the Labor Party under Rudd now promises not only to send all  boat arrivals to PNG but to settle them there as well- as if he could forcibly settle anyone in another country.

I am not surprised that as a narcissist he lurches opportunistically whichever way the wind blows. What I am surprised about is that anyone still believe him. That's incredible.

oh he is that alright....and he doesnt give a sh!t ass long as it means a vote...

its all about winning soren.. got nothing to do with being fair or caring.. as he pretends..

he is a conman... I will say he is one of the best conmen I have seen....

he actually leaves Frank Abagnale of Catch me if you Can fame in the shade.. he changes color as well as sides just with zip.. and they fall for it..

if abbott was as shallow as this guy.. I would run screaming in the opposite direction.. but this lot fall all over this guy..

they must like being conned thats all I can say.

Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

you cannot seriously criticise Rudd for changing his position, whilst in the same statement praise Abbott who has changed positions more times than a brothel full of hookers .

Grin Grin Grin
Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

abbotts position has always been the same.  it is Rudd that has occupied every possible position on the issue and does so no merely for votes.

He won’t be stopping any boats now.
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John Smith
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Re: RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea
Reply #138 - Jul 20th, 2013 at 11:45am
longweekend58 wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 9:33am:
John Smith wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 9:09am:
cods wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 9:06am:
Soren wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 8:49am:
Before the 2007 election, Rudd said he would send back boats of asylum seekers when safe. "You'd turn them back," he insisted.

After the election he did no such thing but instead dismantled the existing border laws and the off-shore detention centres which had stopped the boats. He claimed this to be compassionate.

After he lost the leadership he told the Labor party not to 'shift to the right' on the issue.
After numerous attempts, the Labor Party under Rudd now promises not only to send all  boat arrivals to PNG but to settle them there as well- as if he could forcibly settle anyone in another country.

I am not surprised that as a narcissist he lurches opportunistically whichever way the wind blows. What I am surprised about is that anyone still believe him. That's incredible.

oh he is that alright....and he doesnt give a sh!t ass long as it means a vote...

its all about winning soren.. got nothing to do with being fair or caring.. as he pretends..

he is a conman... I will say he is one of the best conmen I have seen....

he actually leaves Frank Abagnale of Catch me if you Can fame in the shade.. he changes color as well as sides just with zip.. and they fall for it..

if abbott was as shallow as this guy.. I would run screaming in the opposite direction.. but this lot fall all over this guy..

they must like being conned thats all I can say.

Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

you cannot seriously criticise Rudd for changing his position, whilst in the same statement praise Abbott who has changed positions more times than a brothel full of hookers .

Grin Grin Grin
Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

abbotts position has always been the same.  it is Rudd that has occupied every possible position on the issue and does so no merely for votes.

and on other issues? Cheesy Cheesy
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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14% - that low?!

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Re: RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea
Reply #139 - Jul 20th, 2013 at 12:08pm
Rudd launches a YouTube blitz warning refugees not to enter Australia illegally

But according to leftards these people are fleeing a war who can't even keep their passports so how can they even access the internet to see Rudd's message?
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Bill 14% is not the alcohol content of that wine. It's your poll number
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Re: RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea
Reply #140 - Jul 20th, 2013 at 12:15pm
Maqqa wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 12:08pm:
Rudd launches a YouTube blitz warning refugees not to enter Australia illegally

But according to leftards these people are fleeing a war who can't even keep their passports so how can they even access the internet to see Rudd's message?

And the ignorance continues    Roll Eyes

People smugglers, as well and friends and family here in Australia (and elsewhere), have access to the 'net Maqqa.

Try to keep up.

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« Last Edit: Jul 20th, 2013 at 12:22pm by greggerypeccary »  
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14% - that low?!

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Re: RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea
Reply #141 - Jul 20th, 2013 at 12:38pm
greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 12:15pm:
Maqqa wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 12:08pm:
Rudd launches a YouTube blitz warning refugees not to enter Australia illegally

But according to leftards these people are fleeing a war who can't even keep their passports so how can they even access the internet to see Rudd's message?

And the ignorance continues    Roll Eyes

People smugglers, as well and friends and family here in Australia (and elsewhere), have access to the 'net Maqqa.

Try to keep up.

Your self-assessment is correct - you are ignorant

Why would it matters to the smugglers - they are not handing over the money

As for families and friends - these people are on the run. They can't keep their paperwork so what makes you think they can make a phone call?
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Bill 14% is not the alcohol content of that wine. It's your poll number
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Re: RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea
Reply #142 - Jul 20th, 2013 at 12:47pm
rabbitoh07 wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 9:36am:
cods wrote on Jul 19th, 2013 at 5:21pm:
this is the labor version of TURNING BACK THE BOATS..  wonder how much we now have to pay PNG...look out Norfolk Island. you could be next. is this any different to Howard turning Nauru into a Gulag?

Except for the fact that PNG would be much, much cheaper place for a concentration camp than Nauru?


Both exactly the same.

Pandering to racist bogans

Hope you are all pleased with yourselves.

What concentration camp? Asylum.seekers will be settled in the community. They get residency in a signatory country to the refugee convention.

This policy ends future mandatory detention. Yes, it discriminates against boat over plane arrivals, but mandatory detention has been doing that since the Hawke government.

This policy provides asylum seekers refuge and safety. That’s what the refugee convention is about. This is a more humane policy than the Pacific solution, as it doesn’t involve mandatory detention.

If you could let me know how this is in any way unfair, inhumane, or outside the spirit of the treaty, Rabbitoh, I’d love to find out.

There are 50 million refugees in the world today. Sure, we could possibly resettle all of them in developed countries with good jobs, clean water, health care and free education for their kids - if there was the political will to do so.

But what next? That figure will be back the next year and the next, and the number will keep growing.

Worse, we will be facing food shortages and environmental disasters in greater frequency as global warming takes hold and population growth keeps rising. There will be a greater demand for resettlement in the future.

This is why we need a workable refugee intake and a managable process. Every boat arrival we take in is another assessed refugee we refuse. Even if we quadrupled our intake (which I think we could comfortably do), it would still be a drop in the ocean.

The world is becoming more unequal, not less. Poverty is increasing, but infant mortality is decreasing in most places. We are now in the biggest population boom in human history. Communications are improving - satelite TV and the internet are pumping out an image of the developed world as streets lined with gold. Every time I go to a developing country, people discuss their intentions of coming to Australia, Canada or the US. I’ve had people ask for my email address on trains. A stranger in India gave me his resume and begged me to pass it around when I got home.

We’re smack bang in the middle of a very poor region, but Cambodians, Laotians and Indonesians are not getting on boats to Australia. If they did - and they are perfectly entitled to under the convention - we really would be swamped.

These are my reasons for changing track on this issue. When we were getting a few hundred boat people a year, STOP THE BOATS was essentially driven by racism. Now, with escalating numbers, it seems self-evident to me that there needs to be a cap on tbis - to stop the drownings alone.

My preference is for a higher refugee intake and a deterrent to boats. New Guinea does this, and provides refugees asylum in the community.

How can this possibly be a bad thing?
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Re: RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea
Reply #143 - Jul 20th, 2013 at 1:40pm
This solution will either be costing squillions or it will only hold together long enough to get Rudd through an election.

It may be challenged by the New Guinea opposition, but that wont happen until after the election in Australia.

True to labor form it will cost the Australian Tax payer a bundle to help keep labor in power, then the scheme will fail spectacularly.

We Aussies just dont learn.
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Re: RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea
Reply #144 - Jul 20th, 2013 at 1:57pm
How can it possibly fail, Miketrees? Without the offer of settlement in Australia, who’s going to get on a boat?

Do you see any refugees paying ten grand and waiting months for a boat trip from Indonesia to New Guinea?

I’d be surprised if any more boats leave Indonesia from here on in. The next few days will be very interesting.
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Re: RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea
Reply #145 - Jul 20th, 2013 at 2:18pm
Karnal wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 12:47pm:
rabbitoh07 wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 9:36am:
cods wrote on Jul 19th, 2013 at 5:21pm:
this is the labor version of TURNING BACK THE BOATS..  wonder how much we now have to pay PNG...look out Norfolk Island. you could be next. is this any different to Howard turning Nauru into a Gulag?

Except for the fact that PNG would be much, much cheaper place for a concentration camp than Nauru?


Both exactly the same.

Pandering to racist bogans

Hope you are all pleased with yourselves.

What concentration camp? Asylum.seekers will be settled in the community. They get residency in a signatory country to the refugee convention.

This policy ends future mandatory detention. Yes, it discriminates against boat over plane arrivals, but mandatory detention has been doing that since the Hawke government.

This policy provides asylum seekers refuge and safety. That’s what the refugee convention is about. This is a more humane policy than the Pacific solution, as it doesn’t involve mandatory detention.

If you could let me know how this is in any way unfair, inhumane, or outside the spirit of the treaty, Rabbitoh, I’d love to find out.

There are 50 million refugees in the world today. Sure, we could possibly resettle all of them in developed countries with good jobs, clean water, health care and free education for their kids - if there was the political will to do so.

But what next? That figure will be back the next year and the next, and the number will keep growing.

Worse, we will be facing food shortages and environmental disasters in greater frequency as global warming takes hold and population growth keeps rising. There will be a greater demand for resettlement in the future.

This is why we need a workable refugee intake and a managable process. Every boat arrival we take in is another assessed refugee we refuse. Even if we quadrupled our intake (which I think we could comfortably do), it would still be a drop in the ocean.

The world is becoming more unequal, not less. Poverty is increasing, but infant mortality is decreasing in most places. We are now in the biggest population boom in human history. Communications are improving - satelite TV and the internet are pumping out an image of the developed world as streets lined with gold. Every time I go to a developing country, people discuss their intentions of coming to Australia, Canada or the US. I’ve had people ask for my email address on trains. A stranger in India gave me his resume and begged me to pass it around when I got home.

We’re smack bang in the middle of a very poor region, but Cambodians, Laotians and Indonesians are not getting on boats to Australia. If they did - and they are perfectly entitled to under the convention - we really would be swamped.

These are my reasons for changing track on this issue. When we were getting a few hundred boat people a year, STOP THE BOATS was essentially driven by racism. Now, with escalating numbers, it seems self-evident to me that there needs to be a cap on tbis - to stop the drownings alone.

My preference is for a higher refugee intake and a deterrent to boats. New Guinea does this, and provides refugees asylum in the community.

How can this possibly be a bad thing?

Excellent post, Karnal. That's about where my thinking is at the moment. Looking forward to Rabbitoh's response.
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Hunt says Coalition accepts IPCC findings

"What does this mean? It means that we need to do practical things that actually reduce emissions."
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Re: RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea
Reply #146 - Jul 20th, 2013 at 2:19pm
miketrees wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 1:40pm:
This solution will either be costing squillions or it will only hold together long enough to get Rudd through an election.

It may be challenged by the New Guinea opposition, but that wont happen until after the election in Australia.

True to labor form it will cost the Australian Tax payer a bundle to help keep labor in power, then the scheme will fail spectacularly.

We Aussies just dont learn.

It seems to have sucked Abbott in.

Correction, Abbott's now against it.

It would seem he'd rather tow them back to Indonesia
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Hunt says Coalition accepts IPCC findings

"What does this mean? It means that we need to do practical things that actually reduce emissions."
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Re: RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea
Reply #147 - Jul 20th, 2013 at 2:31pm
I have a question, will those resettled in PNG get centrelink?  The reason I ask is when Gillard told East Timor it was hosting a refugee reprocessing centre, much to the surprise of the East Timorese, (remember that hilarity  Grin) one of the reasons they said no thanks was because they rightly figured it to be untenable to their own population to have living among them people who without requiring to work earned more than the locals and were in every way better off.

I cannot see the local PNG population reacting any different.

Still, this is more fun than a box of monkeys and the rusted on laborites have no clue what to do. 

All they know is if Abbott had announced it as a policy it would have been universally declared evil and racist, but it was announced by Kevin O'Lemon, so there is mass confusion amongst the hypocrites.

Too many mozzies, not enough jobs, too PNG.  Grin
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« Last Edit: Jul 20th, 2013 at 3:01pm by Datalife »  

"If they’re out there in the high seas, what you would do is seek to turn them back through the agency of the Australian Navy".

Kevin Rudd on 2GB, July 12, 2007
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Re: RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea
Reply #148 - Jul 20th, 2013 at 2:35pm
MOTR wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 2:19pm:
miketrees wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 1:40pm:
This solution will either be costing squillions or it will only hold together long enough to get Rudd through an election.

It may be challenged by the New Guinea opposition, but that wont happen until after the election in Australia.

True to labor form it will cost the Australian Tax payer a bundle to help keep labor in power, then the scheme will fail spectacularly.

We Aussies just dont learn.

It seems to have sucked Abbott in.

Correction, Abbott's now against it.

It would seem he'd rather tow them back to Indonesia

I don't think Credlin Abbott knows how to respond yet.  That 'subcontracting' comment was meaningless gibber.
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Re: RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea
Reply #149 - Jul 20th, 2013 at 2:41pm
Aussie wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 2:35pm:
MOTR wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 2:19pm:
miketrees wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 1:40pm:
This solution will either be costing squillions or it will only hold together long enough to get Rudd through an election.

It may be challenged by the New Guinea opposition, but that wont happen until after the election in Australia.

True to labor form it will cost the Australian Tax payer a bundle to help keep labor in power, then the scheme will fail spectacularly.

We Aussies just dont learn.

It seems to have sucked Abbott in.

Correction, Abbott's now against it.

It would seem he'd rather tow them back to Indonesia

I don't think Credlin Abbott knows how to respond yet.  That 'subcontracting' comment was meaningless gibber.

Maybe he’s pinning his hopes on a coalition government with the Greens.
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