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RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea (Read 50092 times)
red baron
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Re: RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea
Reply #480 - Jul 24th, 2013 at 8:31pm
The adds are on TV now from Labor about the change in Australia's Policy on the boats.

Perhaps these adds should carry a rider, "No one got drowned in the making of this add.'
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Re: RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea
Reply #481 - Jul 24th, 2013 at 8:36pm
Karnal wrote on Jul 24th, 2013 at 7:04pm:
chicken_lipsforme wrote on Jul 24th, 2013 at 12:29pm:
Karnal wrote on Jul 23rd, 2013 at 2:00pm:
chicken_lipsforme wrote on Jul 23rd, 2013 at 1:50pm:
Karnal wrote on Jul 23rd, 2013 at 1:41pm:
[quote author=red_baron18 link=1374218085/410#410 date=1374534142]Karnal -
If Abbott interferes with Rudd's policy if and when he gets into government, it will show him to be a complete hypocrite.

So the Coaltion are to be forever stuck with Labor policies then Karnal.
Not in this lifetime anyway.
The Coalition have had their border protection policy tested years ago.
It works.
And when Rudds policy flops, it will change.
Nothing hypocritical about that.
Just common sense.

And if Labor's policy works, Abbott going back to the Pacific Solution - with offshore processing costing, what, about 2 billion dollars a year? - will seem like utter pigheadedness and hypocracy.

After all, he blamed Rudd for ditching the Pacific Solution. He's now going to dismantle the PNG fix?

He'll whinge now, but he'll keep every last bit of Rudd's plan.

It'll work too. It has to. Who's going to come to Australia to be sent to New Guinea?

You need to get out more Karnal.
Rudd's plan is doomed.
It has more holes in it than a packet of swiss cheese.
We've had 400 country shoppers arrive since Rudds grand announcement on Friday.
There not stopping at all.
Only single adult men are going to PNG, the married males, wives and children are still coming here despite Rudd's lie last Friday.
We will now see more leaky boats filled with women and children, and males supposedly married to a female on the boat.
Right now Christmas island is near capacity.
Right now as I sit here typing this country shoppers are being flown out of Christmas island to the mainland to make room.
$2 billion dollars a year, wrong Karnal.
It's $2.2 billion right now and rising thanks to Rudd.
The last year of the Howard government was costing $100 million and falling only.
Why I hear you ask?
Because all the mainland detention centres with the exception of Villawood was closed, and a handful of people only were left on Nauru.
And closing down detention centres is what the Coalition has done before.
Labor only opens them up and builds more.
Another fine example of Rudd's policy on the run.

You sound like you’re about to cum.

Rudd’s solution will work - who’s going to pay ten grand to come here on a boat, only to be refused Australian settlement for life?

The only people who would do this are those who don’t know the new policy.

And if you think boat people don’t research and discuss Australia’s border policies, how could anything Abbott does make any difference?

This policy will work, and if Abbott’s elected, he’ll keep it.

Well the 400 that have arrived since Friday says it wont.
Neither will the thousands that are waiting for the next boat knowing that Labors policy only effects single adult males.
Labor's policy on the run won't be adopted by the Coalition.
The Liberals have their policy, and they will stick to it.
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"Another boat, another policy failure from the Howard government"

Julia Gillard
Shadow Health Minister
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Re: RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea
Reply #482 - Jul 24th, 2013 at 9:03pm
chicken_lipsforme wrote on Jul 24th, 2013 at 12:29pm:
Karnal wrote on Jul 23rd, 2013 at 2:00pm:
chicken_lipsforme wrote on Jul 23rd, 2013 at 1:50pm:
Karnal wrote on Jul 23rd, 2013 at 1:41pm:
[quote author=red_baron18 link=1374218085/410#410 date=1374534142]Karnal -
If Abbott interferes with Rudd's policy if and when he gets into government, it will show him to be a complete hypocrite.

So the Coaltion are to be forever stuck with Labor policies then Karnal.
Not in this lifetime anyway.
The Coalition have had their border protection policy tested years ago.
It works.
And when Rudds policy flops, it will change.
Nothing hypocritical about that.
Just common sense.

And if Labor's policy works, Abbott going back to the Pacific Solution - with offshore processing costing, what, about 2 billion dollars a year? - will seem like utter pigheadedness and hypocracy.

After all, he blamed Rudd for ditching the Pacific Solution. He's now going to dismantle the PNG fix?

He'll whinge now, but he'll keep every last bit of Rudd's plan.

It'll work too. It has to. Who's going to come to Australia to be sent to New Guinea?

You need to get out more Karnal.
Rudd's plan is doomed.
It has more holes in it than a packet of swiss cheese.
We've had 400 country shoppers arrive since Rudds grand announcement on Friday.
There not stopping at all.
Only single adult men are going to PNG, the married males, wives and children are still coming here despite Rudd's lie last Friday.
We will now see more leaky boats filled with women and children, and males supposedly married to a female on the boat.
Right now Christmas island is near capacity.
Right now as I sit here typing this country shoppers are being flown out of Christmas island to the mainland to make room.
$2 billion dollars a year, wrong Karnal.
It's $2.2 billion right now and rising thanks to Rudd.
The last year of the Howard government was costing $100 million and falling only.
Why I hear you ask?
Because all the mainland detention centres with the exception of Villawood was closed, and a handful of people only were left on Nauru.
And closing down detention centres is what the Coalition has done before.
Labor only opens them up and builds more.
Another fine example of Rudd's policy on the run.

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Modern Classic Right Wing
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red baron
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Re: RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea
Reply #483 - Jul 25th, 2013 at 9:22am
I agree with you Karnal, the PNG gambit has a high likelihood of succeeding.

I think this is the first thing the Labor Government has done that is likely to succeed.

It may take a few weeks for the reality of this to sink in with the 'Country Shopper' community but once they realise that if they jump on a boat then they will end up in PNG, sooner (with the men) and later (with women and children, then the sooner the valve will squeeze tight.

The PNG situation is something very few people would want. The genuine refugees would grab it because it would be better than persecution and therefore represent a form of freedom.

Personally, I think it has the capacity to completely dry up the boat arrivals. Give it a little time to work because, it will.
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Re: RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea
Reply #484 - Jul 29th, 2013 at 8:33pm
John Smith wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 7:12pm:
Soren wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 4:21pm:
John Smith wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 9:19am:
Soren wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 9:15am:
John Smith wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 9:09am:
cods wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 9:06am:
Soren wrote on Jul 20th, 2013 at 8:49am:
Before the 2007 election, Rudd said he would send back boats of asylum seekers when safe. "You'd turn them back," he insisted.

After the election he did no such thing but instead dismantled the existing border laws and the off-shore detention centres which had stopped the boats. He claimed this to be compassionate.

After he lost the leadership he told the Labor party not to 'shift to the right' on the issue.
After numerous attempts, the Labor Party under Rudd now promises not only to send all  boat arrivals to PNG but to settle them there as well- as if he could forcibly settle anyone in another country.

I am not surprised that as a narcissist he lurches opportunistically whichever way the wind blows. What I am surprised about is that anyone still believe him. That's incredible.

oh he is that alright....and he doesnt give a sh!t ass long as it means a vote...

its all about winning soren.. got nothing to do with being fair or caring.. as he pretends..

he is a conman... I will say he is one of the best conmen I have seen....

he actually leaves Frank Abagnale of Catch me if you Can fame in the shade.. he changes color as well as sides just with zip.. and they fall for it..

if abbott was as shallow as this guy.. I would run screaming in the opposite direction.. but this lot fall all over this guy..

they must like being conned thats all I can say.

Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

you cannot seriously criticise Rudd for changing his position, whilst in the same statement praise Abbott who has changed positions more times than a brothel full of hookers .

Grin Grin Grin
Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

How and when did Abbott change his position on the boats??

who mentioned the boats?

Cheesy Cheesy

The whole thread and my post you responded to, Mr Goldfish.  No wonder Kevni is doing well in the polls, what with the wilfully demented and early onset memory loss crowd cheering him on.

But you wouldn't remember, so don't worry about it. Another turn in your fish bowl, another new beginning.

Brilliant repertoire, Guppy ....

Repartee is the word you are groping for, Salvatore.
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Re: RUDD Annunces - All boat arrivals go to New Guinea
Reply #485 - Mar 26th, 2014 at 9:46pm
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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