Big Dave wrote on Jul 21
st, 2013 at 11:40am:
If you just rocked up to PNG with no land , no house, no tribe, no job then what are you going to live on. I doubt they have much in the way os support systems for the needy in PNG. Of course Australia is going to have to support these resettled refugges.
100% correct...
and yet some of the nincompoops on here like Skippy think that PNG will welcome these economic bludgers with open arms, take them in, build houses for them, give them welfare to live on, pay for all medical expenses, build new hospitals to care for them and pay for their funeral when they die…
Australians will flip the bill for all of this and it’ll cost us more BILLIONS of dollars…. We already have the first boatload…
Afghans don’t pay their money up front and say they might not go…. The Iranians (who led the RIOT in Naru) foolishly pay their money up front… $8000 … and there are thousands of them waiting their turn… they say that they’ve already paid their money so they are coming….
Looks like they may get on a boat earlier if the afghans decide to go back home… we’d have to wait and see…
At the end of the day when they start finding out Australia will pay for their welfare etc for the rest of their lives it’ll be back up to 50,000 illegal economic bludgers Per annum living off the Australian people ..
Turning Indonesian ships, that are Indonesian Flagged and who are crewed by Indonesians back to whence they came will do the same job...and this but won’t cost a cent!!!!… it is perfectly Legal for us to do no matter what “scare” campaign Labor are running against it…
Its not Rocker Surgery…