Peter Freedman wrote on Aug 1
st, 2013 at 11:45am:
Interesting how quickly I have picked up the Australian/American spelling of words like "program".
These are American spellings which the Australians adopted.
Labor, but not yet 'harbor'.
'Movies' instead of films.
'Theatre' instead of cinema.
The American pronunciation for 'plant', but not for 'can't'.
The latest imported Americanism is the silly affectation of calling suburbs and townships 'cities'. Such as the 'city' of Parramatta ~ which in fact is nothing more than a suburb of Sydney.
And then the small township of Penrith is now described as a 'city'.
Utter nonsense, of course. It's the famous Australian cultural cringe hoping that by aping the Yanks they're improving themselves.
I even heard Talkback radio host John Laws using the American pronunciation of 'vase' soon after he had returned from a holiday in LA. Then he followed this by saying 'vase' as it has always been said in this country ~ and then followed this by saying ~ "which ever". What an idiot.
I once got 'corrected' by an Aussie for pronouncing 'clerk' as 'clark'. He insisted it was wrong unless I pronounced it as 'clerk'.
Utter nonsense again, of course.
And what the hell does 'No Standing' mean? Another idiotic Americanism adopted by You People.
'Daaaance' instead of 'dahnce' ~ Another Americanism.