rabbitoh07 wrote on Jul 27
th, 2013 at 4:19pm:
matty wrote on Jul 27
th, 2013 at 12:09am:
People need to realise that only the Coalition can effectively manage economy. Which party was it that repayed the $96 billion of debt they inherited, and left their successors with a surplus of $22 billion, which would then only be wasted on failed schemes like the BER and home insulation disaster?
You mean the party that repayed the $96 billion of debt they inherited - $40billion of which was debt John Howard racked up as Treasurer.
The Party that then went on to be the most wasteful this country has ever seen:
Australia's most needlessly wasteful spending took place under the John Howard-led Coalition government rather than under the Whitlam, Rudd or Gillard Labor governments, an international study has found...
The International Monetary Fund examined 200 years of government financial records across 55 leading economies.
It identifies only two periods of Australian "fiscal profligacy" in recent years, both during John Howard's term in office - in 2003 at the start of the mining boom and during his final years in office between 2005 and 2007.http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/hey-big-spender-howard-the...The Party that pissed the profits of the mining boom up against the wall with illegal wars, middle-class welfare and baby bonuses - but failed to provide necessary services and infrastructure. No NBN. No NDIS. No carbon pricing. Nothing. Just waste.
You think this is better than the Party that left Australia with one of the lowest levels of debt in the developed world after the greatest global economic downturn since the Great Depression.
what exactly was wrong with the BEF and the home insulation programmes? Both were very successful. Have you been believing what Alan Jones tells you again!!
The home insulation program was so very successful the government canned it after over 100 house fires and four deaths.
That's how much of a success it was.
The BER was a success also.
Every school needs an undersized unusable canteen whilst their science labs and other buildings are falling down around there ears.
All those builders that retired after selling the government a $600k hall also can see the value in the program.
The governments lack of consultation existed back then, and it continues today.