Either you are a practising Muslim or a non-practising oneLord Herbert wrote on Jul 26
th, 2013 at 9:06pm:
Yadda ~ I believe it's possible for new schisms to occur amongst the Islamic congregation just as happened with Sunni, Sh'ia, Wahhabi, etc.
Check this out ...
Pro-Western Muslims.
These are good people. They are sick of being tarred with the same brush as the delinquents who do the bombings and the hate-speech.
These people genuinely want to become Muslims who subscribe only to the best instructions and teachings of their faith that are acceptable to Western values.
More strength to them I say.These people are very bravely organising a protest against the Muslim hardliners who want Sharia Law to be legalised in the UK. It takes guts and sincerity to challenge the Muslim hardliners.
They deserve our respect and good wishes.
Sorry Herbert,
IMO, these people are either, deluded, or, they are a part of a covert moslem program to deflect popular criticism [in the broader community] of ISLAM, away from
all moslems.
Western Democracy and ISLAM each have [conflicting] laws, and each system cannot, can never, co-exist with the other.
For any person to declare that they are a moslem, is to declare their support for ISLAM - AND SUPPORT FOR ITS TENETS AND ITS SYSTEM OF LAWS, SHARIA LAW.
Muslim = = a follower of Islam.I know that some moslems [resident in the West] have
claimed that they oppose the introduction of Sharia law [in the nation where they reside].
If that is true, AND, if those people claim to be moslems, then i ask this question;
In what sense are these people moslems ?Is it because those people have decided, to >> call << themselves moslems ?
The truth is that it is ISLAM itself [and ISLAM alone], that has always reserved to itself, the right to define who is a moslem [and who is not a moslem!].
Those people,
wayward moslems, who wish to hang onto the 'community' of being a moslem, [while portraying themselves as moslems] who oppose the tenets and laws of ISLAM, are persons who, imo, are still defending, and who are trying to defend, the 'nicer' ideals of ISLAM.
And in that, they >>
are << defending the name of ISLAM in this world [
and, and in that, they are giving comfort to REAL moslems].
They are persons who, in some perverse personal desire to hang on to 'community', are defending their 'imaginings' of what ISLAM could be [i.e. something 'nice'], if only their mainstream moslem brothers would listen, to them!
But ISLAM cannot reformed, or be nice, ever!
That is an impossible illusion.
Why so ?
Because ISLAM is ISLAM, and a moslem [ultimately], is a moslem [i.e. 'a follower of Islam'].
“There is no radical islam–there is only islam.”
Tayyip Erdogan
Those persons who wish to remain as members of their community, and to refer to themselves as 'moslems', persons who imagine that they can 'struggle' for a nicer ISLAM, need to grow a set, and they need to choose - TO CHOOSE TO ABANDON ISLAM,
to separate themselves from ISLAM.
Do those 'nice' moslems imagine that they can make a silk purse out of a sows ear ?
It is not possible to redeem ISLAM - unless large sections of the Koran can be jettisoned.
Ask a moslem, about the sanctity and the integrity of the Koran!!
To a [devout] moslem, the Koran is inerrant, and in its entirety the Koran is regarded by all moslems as the uncorrupted word of Allah !!