Andrei.Hicks wrote on Jul 28
th, 2013 at 10:42am:
It is good to have a pool of available workers.
It isn't as good to have a pool of oxygen stealers who haven't worked a day in decades and spent my money on beer.
If people want to drink beer, that's their business. You have a wife and kids, you own a nice house and a fast car. The beer drinkers don't get that stuff, so I don't know why you're complaining. We don't live in a Third World country. Because our country is higher up on the economic hierarchy, we can afford to support beer drinkers, unlike countries in Africa. If we were suddenly thrown into the Dark Ages, that's when we would stop supporting beer drinkers.
Besides, it's not like you deserved all the money represented by your "gross income." A market driven system is not objective. They sell goods and services to the highest bidder. That means the person or company with the most money to offer seals the deal. If you have millions of dollars to spend, you have an advantage and probably a monopoly on the work force. In other words, the value of gross income is arbitrary, not objective and not proportional to the effort put in. You are not losing any more than you deserve to so-called "beer drinkers."
You don't really believe in the objectivity of the "invisible hand" do you? If not, why would you think you deserved all of your gross income and that something was being "stolen" from you?
cods wrote on Jul 28
th, 2013 at 12:18pm:
one of the things that always amazes me about this country is the fact they do HAVE IT REALLY GOOD.. when I left England they had 2 weeks holidays per it was 3/4 untold public holidays even Union days off..
and still it isnt enough..
It's about keeping up with the Joneses. When you see your friends with smart-phones, you'll want one too. Nobody wants to be left behind. When others are having a great life, everybody wants a great life. It's a competition. You're competing with your friends and family. People complain when they feel they're missing out. They feel cheated. That's the psychology of this phenomenon. People compare themselves to others.
If people didn't have an opinion of what they might be missing, whether it's the unemployed who are struggling to pay rent or those that have six-figure incomes, they wouldn't be complaining.
People should stop having an opinion on what they deserve and get on with what they're supposed to be doing.