Bobby. wrote on Jul 29
th, 2013 at 1:21pm:
Sorry - no proof - just a feeling.
I don't believe the 5% figure.
Ahhh yes, gut feelings, Truly a much more accurate source than the ABS.
Quote:As one example - a woman who is married & loses her job is not counted because her husband supports her.
This is complete bollocks.
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jul 29
th, 2013 at 7:40pm:
What is significant about this (apart from the feminist issues -*throws donincognito, who calls anyone who disagrees with feminism as I do 'mad',
I call you mad because you have paranoid delusions.
Quote:> rising incidence of single motherhood as a lifestyle and income generator.
Also, because you spout shite like this.
Quote:The above scenario also goes a long way to explaining the current jihadism of Faux Feminism
And this
Quote:a) The approved (post communist) socio-fascist aim of reducing the populace under despotism is achieved by firstly weakening the core supports of a society.. i.e. men.
And this
Quote:b) Hence 'feminism' (Faux Feminism in my lexicon.. which is female supremacy dressed up as 'women's rights') designed to water down the workforce and reduce social power of Men, who always have been the mainstay of civilisation and culture.
And this
Quote:c) Hence AA/EEO etc.... specifically anti-men laws and the ongoing reality of the criminalisation of much of the men population under these 'laws (see my blurb on the difference between law and legislation)....
And this
Quote:d) Add in education imbalance to favour women (again) and open the way to a 'tame' workforce, i.e. one that will not object to tyranny and which has already been bought off with favours (AA/EEO etc)
And this.
Quote:(Sorry.. for the cogniscenti.. the CIA knocked me back for a job.. I have... other... affiliations.. so the blueprint you are seeing is not CIA)...
And this.
After that I sort of grew tired reading your usual shite.
Quote:> the lack of a viable future for them at retirement time and the consequent never-ending drain on the public coffers, a cycle which successive governments have sought to break with lies about superannuation and so on.
What lies about super? Its money that you cannot access till you have retired (generally) so that people have some financial freedom when they retire, to give them a viable future.
Quote:Your views are all f&*ked up. Serious. They are paranoid fantasies. I bet you $100 that if you went to mental health professional, and showed them your blog site, they would say that you require treatment. Dare to prove me wrong? Free $100.
Quote:b. Peter Fitzsimons said it - people from WA and SA come from colonies not founded on convicts - and the rest of Australia is happy for them to stay there so we don't have to listen to them whining about how wonderful they are... (my ancestors were all free settlers - many generations ago.. funny that)...
hahahahaha, see, look at this shite. "Well, we are from a colony that was founded by petty criminals, that must make us better than you." Its pathetic. Its your usual barrage of nonsense.