True Colours wrote on Aug 3
rd, 2013 at 10:05pm:
Khomenei, and his buddies are shia. 90% of Muslims are follow the mainstream sunni branch of Islam and would consider Khomenei to be a sick joke.
Camel urine was prescribed for a specific illness. This should not really be surprising considering that scientists have discovered many therapeutic properties in various animal's urine. Perhaps it would surprise you to know that many modern pharmaceutical products are derived from animal urine.
The niqab or face covering was only ordered for the prophet's wives due to their high esteemed place. In the time of the prophet, niqab was considered optional but praiseworthy for women. Most of the Muslim women did not wear it. There are hadeeth mentioning that Muslim women did not wear face coverings in the time of the prophet.
As for dolls, there are hadeeth saying that Aisha had dolls when she was 17 or 18. Generally, statues, pictures, and 2D or 3D objects with faces are not permitted in Islam. The 'dolls' kept by Aisha were made from wool and did not have clearly defined faces, so the issue of permissibility is a bit of grey area in Islamic jurisprudence. Aisha having dolls should not be take as indicator of puberty being reached or not reached considering that she still had the dolls when she was about 18 years old.
The shia are muslims, if you claim the LRA and Khony represent christians then surely the Islamic republic of Iran represents Islam.
The shia have Political Islam ,ruled by the bearded mullah's, do the sunnis have Islamic rule or are they impotent compared to the shia on this issue?
Mo prescribed camel urine for sickness?, the medical profession would call that
Can you name 1 medicine that is derived from 100% urine?
Quote:It was narrated from Annas that some people from Urainah came to the messenger of Allah
but they were averse to the climate of al Madina He said-
"Why dont you go to a flock of camels of ours,and drink their milk and urine"
And they did that. So what sickness did mo prescribe camel urine for?
We could search the hadeeth for verses on camel urine, there are more than 1- could listen to Sheikh Munajid who says drinking camel urine can cure cancer and even baldness- reckon these guys are taking the (camel) piss out of Islam-
Mohammad prescribed camel urine, a clear case of Mo preaching some quackery.
Why is a niqab praiseworthy, would it lead to a vitamin D deficiency which affects many Saudi women? (try google for saudi woman vitamin D)
Islamic ideology does not allow girls who have reached puberty to play with dolls, Aisha had her dolls with her when she went to the prophets house as a bride,
Bukhari even says playing with dolls is haram for girls who have reached pubertyIs this the verse you are trying to misrepresent?
Quote:Narrated Aisha-
When the messenger of Allah arrived after the expedition to Tabuk or Khaybar, the draught raised an end of a curtain which was hung in front of a store room revealing some dolls which belonged to her.
Among them he saw a horse with wings made of rags. There is a verse saying Aisha had dolls hidden in a store room, there are no verses that indicate Aisha played with dolls after reaching puberty.
Aisha had a horse doll with wings, is that where Mo got the Idea for a flying horse to visit a masjid that had not even been built?
The deeper you look the more absurd Islam gets-