Too late, Lisa! I've done army, eighteen hour days weeks on end in the boonies without showers etc, over the hills and very far away, security for some very illustrious people in the world, some stuff you never will hear of apart from maybe some Hollywood tilt at it, and I'm now on pension... I'd like a pay rise commensurate with that of our 'political masters'... who get more tax-free sustenance money per day in Cambella than the dole recipient gets for a week...
I do not think boot camps or the army will do it for all those young people.
a) Many are not fit enough, physically or mentally
b) Instructors will go mad trying to train the unwilling
c) We will be seen as warmongers by the warmongers in the Asian Pacific Basin
d) What? 50% girls - make me laugh.
e) The cost of military training for that number is enormous, and the facilities are simply not there..
I like the idea in some ways, but it is not practical. The idea has been done to death.
What age do you want them? Too young to drink but old enough to screw? How much population increase will we see from co-ed barracks etc?
If you're on a pension TODAY esp after working in such far out positions .. how is it that you're not a self funded retiree?
Did you never think about working so as to SAVE for your future at all? Did that totally escape your attention. Hmm?