Vic wrote on Jul 31
st, 2013 at 1:26pm:
cods wrote on Jul 31
st, 2013 at 1:23pm:
Vic wrote on Jul 31
st, 2013 at 12:40pm:
Excellent! As has happened with previous Labor MPs who have been caught with noses in the trough, they have been swiftly dealt with - and/or expelled from the party, as it should be.
Now, how about the Lib Premiers of Victoria and Queensland do the same for the trough dwellers in their party?
did they pinch millions????and rob poor farmers?
Does it matter? Is theft not theft? While people in Qld are being FIRED by the Newman Government, his Minister is spending a bit of time with luvey on the taxpayer teat. Are you happy with that?
The good thing about Labor at the moment is that they are hell bent on reforming their party and getting rid of scum like these two. The Liberals seem to endorse this behaviour - at the state level at least
tell us who you are talking about..otherwise we only have your word for do you know all this???..
It's been in the papers!!!!
reform.. do you really think the unions are going to sit back and watch their lifelong hold disappear.. they hate kev the con more than the righties do..
Well, they are it seems - the reforms for the NSW ALP got consensus. Notice that Rudd once again picked his front bench without ANY union involvement - as he did in 2007?
its all words with krudd.. whatever he does do either ends up broke/in chaos or he backflips..
Right........ That's why he has a popularity % that is so low

he wont stop the corruption its far too entrenched..but it sucks people in I guess and that is the real point..
I will give him the benefit of the doubt - if it works it will be good, if it doesnt' well I guess he tried and the Unions will again rule the roost
is THOMO still a member of the ALP?
I have no idea - as his many charges were accrued when he was in the HSU, and not as an MP, and he hasn't at this stage been found guilty in a court of law - therefore presumed innocent at this stage - is there any reason why he shouldn't be?