Andrei.Hicks wrote on Aug 1
st, 2013 at 6:46pm:
Peter Freedman wrote on Aug 1
st, 2013 at 6:35pm:
The Boer isn't arrogant?
C'mon, Andrei, not even you can believe THAT crap.
Peter, the Boers built a fantastic country in spite of tremendous adversity and many enemies.
It would probably do a lot of people (you included) no harm to research a little on the history from the Great Trek to the turn of the century wars to the Jameson Raid to the concentration camps - it will give you an understanding of what made up the Afrikaner mindset.
A hardened race of people who have had to be so to survive.
Its easy to criticise from afar and you are as guilty as any of holding the Republik up in a bad light - quite the contrary to the recollections of my own mother who lived there and knew it as well as any.
Andrei, I have read about Boer history and agree with your assessment of them. But many were, and still are, both arrogant and racist.
I have also read a history of the Broederbond which tells part of the story, too.
There is much in Boer history for you to be proud of, but also much that is shameful. I know you won't agree, but apartheid, to me, was a movement of murder, racism, arrogance and bigotry.