Aussie wrote on Aug 1
st, 2013 at 8:06pm:
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Aug 1
st, 2013 at 7:59pm:
Aussie wrote on Aug 1
st, 2013 at 7:51pm:
Quote:When it was used as a stick to beat down races from the Zulus to the Xhosa then yes, it was not a good thing.
Okay, Mr Hicks, but for whom was SA a far better place under Apartheid, given it was used as said stick?
Everyone when applied correctly and why it was put in place.
Look at the utter sh1tbox that Africa is and what has become of a country like Rhodesia?
Name me a single well run country in Africa?
I'm no expert but how about Sierra Leone, Senegal, Malawi and Cape Verde?
Well I could deal with each in turn if you like but what made you say Sierra Leone?
It has been in civil war since 1968.
Between 1991 and 2001, the UN estimates 500,000 civilians have been hacked to death by the varying warring factions.
Kabbah was put in charge in 1998 (by Nigeria but allegedly democratically) - then 5 of the most senior officers were executed in public for attempting to overthrow him.
By 2000 the UN had to send in peacekeepers to restore order as chaos reigned in the streets of Freetown.
The current President Koroma was elected in 2008.
In that election his supporters clashed with the Opposition supporters and beat each other with bats in the street.
His supporters then turned on French and US journalists covering the election and dragged them out into the street and beat them with bats and assaulted them.
It has little to no healthcare system, a GDP per capita of just $613 despite being resource rich and youth unemployment of 55% and 71% of the people live below the poverty line.
Well run?
Standard black Africa.