Pantheon wrote on Aug 1
st, 2013 at 11:35pm:
John S wrote on Aug 1
st, 2013 at 10:49pm:
Andrei.Hicks wrote on Aug 1
st, 2013 at 7:01pm:
both cods.
But I am an Aussie by birth, I am more loyal to Australia than South Africa.
In fact I hold no loyalty there, because i think what has happened in recent years there is an outrage and I want no part of it.
If you are a Aussie by birth prove it. Put up your birth certificate cross out your personal details just leave in where you were born and your birth date.
Have you forgot we all have been immigrants before? It shouldn't matter if your born in Australia or not, If you are willing to fight for this country like my father was (born english became Australian citizen later wounded in Vietnam) or willing to serve this country the best you can you are as Aussie as the next bloke. With a rapidly ageing population and a weakening economy we should be welcoming as many immigrants who are willing to serve this country the best they can.
I am not against immigrants they help to build this country, I just can't stand buggers and leaches like andrei
you only been here 5 minutes ahovking and you don't know all about andrei history
He says he was born in Melbourne but has never denial that he was born in South Africa when it is put to him and he was brought up in England went to school and university in England.
Come out here and work for about 2 years saying that he earned $150000 a year but never paid his right amount of taxes, he had most of his money paid into his company in the Channel Island to avoid paying taxes.
When he was here he was driving around on a International License so he won't have to paid any speeding or parking fines. you can only drive on a International License for 3 months and if you are not a resident of the country.
He doesn't vote in Australia or has he got a Australia passport.
He brought a house while he was here and when he left he rented it out and then he sold it about 2 months ago and never paid any capital gains tax as the house was own by his company in the Channel Island.
While he was here he put his hand out for everything he could even apply for the dole when he was put off from his job here.
He now lives in America and has stuff all to do with Australia, he always bitching when the government gives money out to lower income people and not middle income people or they take money or rebates off middle income people.
Like I said I will support all immigrants if they pull their weight I just don't like buggers and that all he is