John Smith wrote on Aug 1
st, 2013 at 12:27pm:
I realise that and I fully support the courts decision. As mentioned several times, she got of lightly ...
I was merely giving my (ill informed) opinion based on the information I have seen on the media, about her and her family.
John Smith
So you think its hard to pick a pot smoking family ?
The only real speculative evidence is that the family does indeed look like pot smokers but that is not evidence at all.
No doubt the family projection is that of a bunch of misfits and nutjobs, but if that was crime they would lock up all the greens.
I really don't see the point of speculation even by the police ....... the family does look tight and it does appear that Schapelle is either guilty or happy to be the fall bitch...... no doubt the family reputation (if there ever was one) is destroyed and Schapelle will obviously have a book to write.
Why cares as long as justice has been spooned out correctly which as far as I can tell it has.
If the family wanted to throw her brother under the bus it had ample opportunity.