good on ya greenie...
keep making excuses as to why you don't live green like you preach...
sponge off others that have provided a house for you to live in...
just because you rent doesn't mean you can't catch some water, recycle, compost, set up a small solar system catching power in batteries to run something and reduce your energy consumption etc etc etc...
the greens stupid plan wont work.. you only need to see countries in Europe where it has failed miserably...
that Stupid Tony Blair opened up the boarders... now they have Mini Iraq's set up in different places... Mosques going up all over the place... women walking around covered up head to toe like walking potato sacks... sharia Law being handed out and forced upon others..
most of them in the UK are on welfare living in their own communities not mixing into the Uk way of life... and in fact... in some of the European Countries they have very nearly bread their way into taking over the country they were invited into...
the Majority of people in the EU want to get out of it as it's a failed attempt at a one world government...
its been tried and its failed... so what makes you think it'll work here?
its not rocket surgery...