NSW finance minister Greg Pearce has been sacked by Premier Barry O'Farrell.
Mr O'Farrell called a press conference at 2:45pm after further inquiries related to the minister's conduct by The Daily Telegraph.
The Daily Telegraph had been inquiring into appointments Mr Pearce has made to a government board.
Mr O"Farrell said: "Following a media enquiry today, it became clear that Mr Pearce had
failed to disclose to the Prmeier a conflict of interest in relation to a board appointment.
"This afternoon I spoike to Mr Peare and informed him he would not longer remain on the frontbench.
"I mean it when I say I expect the highest standards from members of my government."
The sacking comes after inquiries from The Daily Telegraph over Mr Pearce appointing his wife's boss to the Sydney Water board.
Mr O'Farrell described Mr Pearce's actions as a "clear breach of the ministerial code of conduct".
The sacking comes after The Daily Telegraph inquired as to why Mr Pearce's wife's boss at Sydney University had been appointed to the Sydney WAter board.
Richard Fisher is general counsel of Sydney University and Mr Pearces wife Shauna Jarrett is his assistant group secretary.
"I made clear what I was proposing to do. Mr Pearce was clearly disappointed and unhappy and accepted my decision," the Premier said.
Notice that it wasn't for misusing his travel allowance....