State fails to build promised fire refuges

August 1, 2013
The state government has failed to build a single extra fire refuge four years after the Black Saturday bushfires.
Bushfires Royal Commission Implementation Monitor Neil Comrie also used his annual report to question the government target to burn 5 per cent of Victoria's public land to ease the fire risk, saying he is not convinced it is ''achievable, affordable or sustainable''.
Mr Comrie said it was a ''significant concern'' that not one extra fire shelter had been completed four years since the fires killed 173 people.

''The fact that four years after Black Saturday there is still not one additional CFR (community fire refuge) available to the community as a last-resort shelter option is a matter of significant concern,'' Mr Comrie said.
''It may be timely to review the broader policy settings around the range of available bushfire shelter options,'' he said.
Victoria's only community fire refuge is located in an old gold rush mining tunnel at Woods Point, north-east of Melbourne.
Multiple sites at public schools have been studied and tested but nothing has been designated as a refuge at this time, with liability issues, maintenance, operation and construction problems adding to the delays.
The Coalition promised to implement all 67 of the commission's recommendations ''lock, stock and barrel''.
Emergency Services Minister Kim Wells said 47 of the recommendations had been delivered, with the remaining 20 subject to Mr Comrie's final annual report, due next year. He said building the shelters would take time.
"This is something that has never been done before and has required the development and testing of policy and operational procedures, building standard and design and significant vegetation management,'' Mr Wells said.
Opposition emergency services spokeswoman Jacinta Allan said the Napthine government made repeated commitments to high-risk communities that they would be protected with fire refuges.
''The Napthine government previously promised that four fire refuges would be ready before the 2012 fire season and then by the start of the 2013 school year,'' Ms Allan said. ''Now it appears they will not be operational for the start of this year's fire season.''

Victorian National Parks Association spokesman Phil Ingamells said the statewide burn target of 390,000 hectares would harm biodiversity while doing little to protect high-risk towns.
Mr Comrie said it was disturbing that large sections of the community were already complacent about bushfires.
Fire officials found only 1.5 per cent of residents had left early on a code red day.
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